Hi Jay and all,
French vloggers with you for a peacefull world
( i don't know if it's a good translation )

Amitiés à tous les vlogeurs et merci à eux de partager leur travail

Freevlog in french coming soon ;-)

Le 9 févr. 06 à 19:48, Jay dedman a écrit :

I am the lead moderator of the Videoblogging Group.

The last couple months Ive been reading this list, being quiet.
Its pretty amazing the amount of personalities we've brought together here.
I'm glad people take the time to discuss and philosophize Videoblgoging.
We even now have a pretty diverse world to gossip about.

When Peter and I started this group in spring of 2004, we just wanted
people to talk to.
It was a lonely time.
We were posting videos to our blogs...and only found a handful of
other isolated people doing it.
We needed affirmation and discussion on the technology.
Look in the archives and see when we were discovering RSS feeds and enclosures.
This is pre-Feedburner.
We were figuring out how to TALK about videoblogging.
The group quickly became a place to help people get started.
It was extremely exciting.

After 2 years, the technology of Videoblogging is fairly well
understood by the Blogosphere.
Now conversations seem to be on definition, intent, and format.
Good. In the beginning, we always wanted more talk on the CREATION of

As a moderator, all i ask is that people respect each other.
Just as you should be doing in real life.
You hate that Rocketboom just made 40,000$ for a week of advertising?
Cool, but post constructive criticism about it.
I see a lot of complaints that seem more like jealousy.
Love it or hate it....Rocketboom is one of us.
we're too small a group to tear each other apart. Anything that helps
people learn to subscribe and watch videoblogs is good. This gets a
person(who is curently watching TV) one step closer to watching you.

To the consternation of my other moderators, I have always been
hesitant to curtail anyone's opinions in the Videoblogging Group.
I feel that its one of our strengths.
Unlike other tech lists that are extremely strict on subject matter,
we've always been able to weave our personal outlook on life into our
technology conversations...though I do email people off-list to chill

From the beginning, we realized we are helping create an alternative
media structure.
It has more to do than specific html code or RSS specs.
We are simultaneously having a conversation about how we, as people,
can create and distribute our own media. This has never been possible
with video/audio on this scale.
We are learning how to talk about ourselves and the world around
us...which is a challenge because we are so used to traditional media
over-simplifying complex issues. or lying.
The worst thing we can do is not respect each other and tear our
"movement' apart.

For me, http://vlogmap.org is the shining example of our achievement.
i still am waiting for the strong connnections to people in
non-western countries through videoblogs. I want things to get fucking

Bottom line: put your passion in your videoblog.
You dont like one style...then make yours the "best" so it spreads.
Examples are what help us evolve.

No one should get so cocky to crush someone else. We're all learning.
Eventhough I don't like everyone's videoblog on this list, I respect
the fact that each of you is putting out your own voice. Your vote is
what you subscribe to.

Remember that we are still at the crawling beginning, but the
revolution has happened.
We've won.
The creation and distribution barriers are open. No one can take this
away from us.
We all know that people are hungry for differing voices, so start exploring.
The way we lose is to marginalize ourselves and the work everyone is doing.
Work on storytelling, on showing more of the world, of your techniques.
Link to people you like. Talk ti up. The blogosphere is the chattering
class. We push stuff to the top.
And this only makes us better.


Adventures in Videoblogging

Individual Fireant Use


Individual Fireant Use


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