First thing this morning, checking email, I was brought to happy tears when I opened Anders' email containing a first draft of the Road Node 101 theme song < >. Maybe it inspires prospective Node 101 creators to begin their own versions of Node 101. Mashup time!
Then, word from Sull (who's the first stop on the Node Trip) that he's got an upstate NY brick and mortar node in the works.
Next, I open my daily inspiration thingee from Oprah (okay, okay, I know) and this is what was in it:
"Then I saw what the calling was; it was the road I traveled... / I came into my clear being; uncalled, alive, and sure." --Muriel Rukeyser
Been working on the Node 101 Wiki's Road Node section to include links for all things Road Node: mailing list, calendar and Google Earth map < >.
Talking to some folks about sponsorship now that gas is likely to go up to $4 / gallon.
And finally, praying for my New Orleans friends. Spent the month of January this year in N.O. working on a film and got to know a bunch of folks there. The small film community there is as strong and full of vinegar as our own group of vloggers. Heart's in my throat.


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