Hi Vloggers!  If any of you are headed to Amsterdam for VlogEurope,
just a note to let you know that the feature documentary I made,
including the work of many vloggers, is playing at the International
Documentary Festival of Amsterdam.  It own the audience choice award
there last year and they're playing it again since its been remixed
over the year at our website www.opensourcecinema.org.

Its a feature film about remix culture with Lawrence Lessig, Girl
Talk, Cory Doctorow, Gilberto Gil, and remix contributions from
thousands of others.

Its playing at 10:00 am in the beautiful Tuschinksi theatre downtown.


Hope some of you can make it!

Brett Gaylor

PS those that won't be in Amsterdam can check out the film at
nfb.ca/rip or at opensourcecinema.org :) But its meant for the big

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