A few months ago, someone posted a link to TIVO's "Videoblog Project":

I applied, but never got a response.  Did anyone get on board?  Obviously, Rocketboom is off & running.

I noticed Rocketboom has several links for various "distribution mediums" for their content:

The "phone", "psp", "itunes" are of interest to me, because they are portable devices w/video capability.  I am interested in these new mediums as part of the Content/Distribution model.  For the iPod/iTunes is especially exciting, with 42 million out there (& counting).  It has an *established* distribution network of iTunes Music Store (w/revenue-stream).  It has a LOT of visibility, is popular with young generation (hip/fashionable/cool device).  Guess Jeans is making iPod compatible jeans, automobile mfrs are making their radios iPod compatible (Mercedes, Toyota, Chrysler, Ford).  What about:

- cellphone (lot of activity, for streaming video: TV & Internet)
- PSP (has WiFi capability, for Web access)

Are these emerging "giants" as part of the "Video on Demand" revolution, where you can see video-content on a portable device?  Call it Agile/Mobile/Hostile (a term from Football, that describes a linebacker).

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