hiya all

i am looking to back all my video up on dvd, aside
from a dvd writer. i have alot of my footage on vhs
and want to get a dvd recorder to realtime capture the
footage instead of dumping into my pc then waiting for
hours while it compiles it to dvd. reckon with a dvd
recorder can just press play on vhs the recoder on dvd
recorder and realtime. question is i also want menus.
i looked at the sony gx7 but looks like can only
really crappy menus. heard about a pioneer that can do
better ones. Anyway also want to know if anyone has
either matrox RT or a pinnacle card that can do the
same then then be alowed to creat a menu. Thing is
love the idea of dumping tape footage and capturing
onto dvd format realtime just need to also create


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