Hey all,

DLTQ posted today about "<x-tad-bigger>millions of human minds at work - a vast network"</x-tad-bigger> where Raymond was referring to collaborative intelligence/filtering, one of my fav topics. Anyway, he referenced the source for the quote, Aronofsky's flick *Pi*.

Long story short, Raymond's post reminded me that I had been meaning to post a clip from the film experiment we're doing. The clip is of Sean Gullette, who was in a story telling mood the day we filmed. It was a fun session. Here's the link, enjoy.


Comments on this and the other clip from iCollaborated are appreciated. There are also a few podcasts and more clips coming as we work on the edit, so follow the 24x7 film experiment tag and then I don't have to shamelessly plug the work as much ;-)


<URL: http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

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