hi.  i'll try to give you a brief outline of what happened.  my
hosting service (Bluefish Hosting, btw) "upgraded" to a new platform.
 This meant migrating all the files to somewhere other than where it
was and working fine.  Don't know why.  My directories and html files
migrated but none of my databases migrated over to the new platform
and so my wordpress blogs went kaput.  
after weeks of phone calls and complaints, i finally got them to
migrate the databases over to the new platform and days later to make
the appropriate wordpress directory associate with the right database.
 what was wrong and what they did, i have no idea because they would
not return my phone calls or emails.

Bluefish, btw, used to be awesome.  Their support now seems to have to
deal with another company that i should be sewing right now.

if you go to studioscopic.com you will see the blog comes up with all
the stylesheets and everything but none of the links for pages or
archives work.  the categories are broken.  some plugins like vPIP
seem to work but others like my photo galley plugin don't.

I'm going to keep leaving messages for my hosting support but the site
has been broken for weeks and if I rely on them it will stay broken
for much longer.

does this look like something that i could fix myself? I would very
much appreciate any help.
let me know if you need more info.

ps. don't use Bluefish

David Kessler


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