Maybe not silly, if you have 1 minute to reply you would be of great help and 
appreciated. I´m trying to find out about what kind of internet access people 
have and how 
much they pay for it. What data am I looking for? Speed and bandwidht 
limitations, how much 
is charged (sometimes dificult because internet is bundled with other 
services). Take my own 
answers and start from there.

where/ISP - Lisboa, Portugal/ONI

speed - 4Mbps

traffic included - 12Gb per month (if I use more I´m charged €1,5 per Gb).

price - €29,89 for internet and phone (phone calls charged separatelly).

How about you? You can answer here, probably others in this group are curious 
about your 
answers, or you can email me at miglsd(at)gmail(dot)com.



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