> -----Original Message-----
> From: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zulma Aguiar
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 20:44
> To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [videoblogging] Josh Wolf is Free
> http://hotzone.yahoo.com/b/hotzone/blogs28294
>  That Yahoo Article is totally bias against journalists who 
> try to persuade public opinion.  In my opinion all 
> journalists have a BIAS no matter who or what is writing it.
> All humans have a specific view to the world that can never 
> be veiled unless useful information is omitted therefore 
> preventing democracy.
> In Europe people freely express their opinions in Newspapers, 
> they're often called Commentators and not Journalists.
> In the US we have this idea of objectivity which sounds nice 
> but in the name of objectivity a lot of useful information 
> gets "NEWSpoken" (See George
> Orwell) to us in a top down dummbed down manner.

Objectivity is only a meaningful concept when discussing facts that can
be proven.  The effect of most journalism is to leave the reader with an
impression, not to list provable facts. An exercise I often suggest is
to go through a newspaper article and cross out sentences that are not
even capable of being proven.  You won't be left with very much!  So by
"objective" journalists really mean "uncontroversial".

Furthermore, as I understand it, the salient point in this case is not
the distinction between journalism and activism, but the state's rights
issue of the federal government claiming interest in a local case
because the police cars in question were purchased with funding tainted
by the inclusion of a little federal money.  Thus can the federal
government claim practically unlimited jurisdiction, rather far beyond
the role envisioned by the founders.

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