well, what with the advent of this new year it was bound to happen
sooner or later. hi guys, i've been lurking in this group since about
novemeber when irina introduced me to this, and subsequently the
entire videoblogging community (i nominated myself in the vloggies,
and came out with a clean sweep, 0 for 5!). 

you may or may not be familar with the entry, commercial free paolo,
which was in essence the precursor to my shiny new self-imploding
vlog, battlestar harmonica. which, if the pilot episode is of any
gauge of self-implosion, then hell, we're having a warp core breach by
episode 5.

anyway. my name is paolo, 20 year old former idealistic renegade youth
filmmaker, i reside in oakland, california.

battlestar harmonica isn't really about anything persay, the only real
caveat is me doing something, and that something screws with people
for lack of a better term. i'm kinda embarrassed sharing this with you
folks, cause i see people doing such great things with this medium and
then you see something like the pilot episode of BSH and wow, i think
i just did something absolutely horrible!

but oh well, i'm being sponsored by podshow by the moment, until i can
get on my feet and get my own domain -- you'll have to be a memeber to
comment, assuming you'd want to. otherwise, feel free to reply to this
or send me a e-mail or something.


thanks a lot people, in advance.


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