Hi everyone:

Robb, I am forwarding this onto the videoblogging group @ 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging since this is where the vast 
majority of the video podcasters are.

Don't get me wrong.  There are a few video podcasters here.  But this crowd 
does more AUDIO podcasting than they do video podcasting (I OTOH have been the 
complete opposite as of late  ) whereas the other group focuses almost 
exclusively on video.  As such, I think you'll get a faster response from the 
videoblogging group than you will the podcasters group IMO.

Hope this helps 


Pat Cook
Denver, CO
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From: robblepper 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: [podcasters] Podcast Research

Doug Kaye from ITC recommended I ask the group the following:

Recently, I have been consulting for a non profit group which helps
train nurses from other countries get up to speed so they can work
here in Canada. Their language division is interested in a working on
a series of videocasts to help their members in the areas of
occupation specific listening and pronunciation. Although the majority
of the practitioners are onboard, we need to convince the
administrators that there is strong evidence to support such a program.

So, I am asking the experts! Does anyone know of studies that have
been done on podcasting in education or know of an expert to which I
can contact?

Thanks for your help in advance,

Robb Lepper


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