Hi!  My name is Sheldon Pineo and I'm from the Great White North of
Canada.  I'm just starting to videoblog, and I'm loving every minute
of it!
I've been making videos for a few years, mostly focusing on the canine
sport of agility and in 2002 made a 90 minute video titled "The
Wizards of Paws".  Since then I've created other short pieces on
My latest topic is geocaching.  I produce a video magazine called
"Icenrye's Geocaching Videozine".  So far there has been 4 episodes
and viewership is growing.
As for videoblogging, I'm finding it's a total release from the
formality of a proper production.  I can turn on the camera and "let
it rip".  After watching many vlogs, I've started using some of the
techniques in my regular videos.
I hope to get lots of information on production, editing, compressing
and hosting along with tips on getting viewers and keeping my content
fresh to keep people coming back.
So, where am I?  My home page is http://www.icenrye.com  This has
links to my older stuff.  My blog site is
So thanks for having me as a member and I'm looking forward to many
exchanges of information in the future.

Individual Fireant


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