Okay, listen people... this is important.

We have no snow in Montreal... NONE.  I seriously believe that we are
being affected by global warming and would like to know if you are
being affected as well.

If so, I would like to propose a community collaboration:

- Make a vlog entry about global warming and how it is affecting the
weather in your area;
- Tag it! (What do you think of the tag "vlogforglobalwarming"?)
- We should make a collective site to post the videos in a central
location (with link backs to the original posts)
- Promote it heavily to see if we can make a difference in the world... 

Feel free to show your concern and even rant at your government for
not doing enough... 

Let me know what you think about this... it's sad that the winter
wonderlands that many of us grew up in will not be white for Christmas.

A concerned community member,


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