--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Enric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yesterday, January 1st, I turned on the end of the Lehrer Newshour and
> saw Mary Hodder talking about New Media.  Since I know Mary and
> consider her a friend, I was excited.  I haven't taped and put up TV
> programming before, but it seems pertinent.  So here is the "New Year,
> New Media" segment:
> http://techalley.cirne.com/2007/01/02/new-year-new-media-part-ii-of-ii/
> or 
> http://tinyurl.com/y5r5zs
> and
> http://techalley.cirne.com/2007/01/02/new-year-new-media-part-i-of-ii/
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/t8meb
>   -- Enric
>   -======-
>   http://www.cirne.com

The newspaper is a pastime.  People read the paper because they don't have 
better to do, and because they wouldn't be able to participate in the 
discussions around 
the water cooler during the day.

All the "news" that's in the papers is already online.  You can read it from 
your desk, and 
there's no need to buy a newspaper.  You can subscribe to an RSS feed and 
get updates when people add posts or comments to whatever you were reading.  
You can 
be in New York and read about what's going on in Seattle.  You won't be getting 
the Seattle 
newspapers on your way to work in New York.

On top of that, people can listen to music or even watch Something To Be 
Desired on their 
way to work on their iPods or whatever.  They can collect episodes of Sam Has 7 
Friends in 
Democracy and watch them on their laptops during their train commute.  They can 
their laptops to Starbucks and read whatever they want via wireless.

The newspaper is also a spin.  Not only do they choose what to show you, as 
Mary said, 
but they choose how they report it.  You don't just get "O.J. Simpson's writing 
a book"... 
you get their opinions about O.J Simpson and his book.  On the internet, there 
are endless 
opinions on whatever topic you choose to search for.  Legacy Media has no 
choice but to 
get with the program or get left behind.

Bill C.

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