
Quick reminder that a few months ago, I setup a vlogdir-users Y! Group.
If anyone is interested in participating with feedback, questions, complaints, bug reports or anything else actually... please consider joining the mailing list. 
If you have not used vlogdir, maybe take a look around.  Fresh eyes are important!

I'd appreciate any user feedback that I can get. 


it's hard to believe that just about 1 year ago now, I started to create vlogdir.  A time when the only other site that could be considered as being a vlog directory was mefeedia.com
not sure where the next year will take us.... but look forward to the ride!

btw, i am gearing up to once again return vlogger promotion features that I had on the old interface and also some new ways to bring more visibility to vlogs in the directory.  stay tuned, always ;-)

right now, like is common these days, i am accepting vlogdir promo videos.  i tried this a few times over the past year... also tried to encourage more "introduction videos".  but there wasnt much response. :(
might as well try again. 
so, if you either make a quick vlogdir promo video OR make an intro video (who are you?, what is your vlog about? etc), then you will be featured on vlogdir.... featured as in i will promote you on various areas of the site including the front page.  just contact me if interested.

cheers! thanks! peace! out!


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