Just checked it out, a quick glimpse.  He's made  quite a few posts
since he started on Nov. 9th. Very prolific.

I noticed he has pages on Myspace, Facebook, Youtube. This is a very
agressive approach, very interesting. Such groups could be skeptical
of such an aggresive approach, but then they might be very
understanding and interested. Certainly and interesting campaign to

BTW, I started making a list of political video podcasts.


John Tobin from Boston, John Edwards and his wife, and Angela Merkel
who's chancellor of Germany all have videoblogs too

It's pretty impressive, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. I know
there are more. Leave me a comment if you know any.



On 11/30/06, Amanda Congdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I wrote to the group before regarding Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa who is
> running for
> President in 2008. As I mentioned, he has a videoblog (which now has a feed
> up as well):
> Website: http://tomvilsack08.com/
> Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/tomvilsack08-vlog
> Anyway, the reason I write is that Gov. V is hoping that some of you might
> be interested in
> corresponding for his site.  We are in the very preliminary stages in terms
> of how this all
> might work... but I wanted to gauge people's interest/availability.
> There are a few events over the next couple of days in New Hampshire,
> Pittsburgh, Vegas,
> Des Moines and South Carolina that need covering, if there is anyone
> interested from
> those locations.
> He's certainly an underdog in this campaign, with nowhere even close to the
> funding of
> some of the other, more well-known candidates... but this is exactly what
> makes
> videoblogging so exciting.  Technology has enabled a candidate like Gov. V
> to have his
> message heard and to communicate directly with the people.
> Also, he's very interested in doing things the "right" way-- he wants to be
> as web 2.0 as
> possible, so if you have any suggestions please send them my way.
> Feel free to contact me directly if you prefer to communicate off-list.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback,
> Amanda
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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