Hi CW,

An anime club on campus wishes to show *Spirited Away* and *Castle of
Cagliostro*, but neither Swank or Criterion Pics USA handle rights for
these titles.  Has anyone had any luck contacting Studio Ghibli or another
source to secure performance rights?  If so, please let me know the email
address for your contact.


Brian Boling
Media Services Librarian
Temple University Libraries
Schedule a meeting during my office hours
VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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