Hi Karli,

Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> So it looks like the fix was not that complicated:
> https://github.com/viennacl/viennacl-dev/commit/b5909a765eef584bf1300f3d6696b095b4a7e6a2
> (most of the new lines are additional testing code...)


> In addition to matrix operations such as
>    A = B - trans(C)
> this should now also support things like
>   x = element_sin(y) + element_cos(z);
> for vectors. :-)
> Please let me know ASAP whether this resolves the problem. I'll wait for 
> another round of nightly tests and release tomorrow as soon as I got a 
> positive feedback (and if I get negative feedback I'll work on the fix 
> ;-) ).

Great, yes, that seems (at least almost entirely) to have done the
trick. There are still a few failures (on the order of a couple of per
cent), but I'm not sure I know the core well enough to spot if they're a
bug there, an expected numerical difference, trying to do something
unsupported, or a bug in PyViennaCL. Could you cast your eye over

[1] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8873927/

I also get some pretty huge error values using GMRES without a
preconditioner on any double-precision sparse matrix (compressed,
coordinate, ell, hybrid). Weirdly, the tests pass with GMRES on the same
systems, when any of the (supported) preconditioners is used.[2] But I
would have thought these would have been caught by the ViennaCL test
suite, so I'm suspicious. Nonetheless, these seem to occur both on
nVidia and Beignet.

[2] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8874078/

The rest of my tests pass just fine.



Toby St Clere Smithe

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