Cha`o ca'c ba'c,

Ga^`n dda^y co' mo^.t so^' ngu+o+`i quen ho?i y' kie^'n tui vu. na`y.  O+?
dda^y, tui chi? muo^'n tha?o lua^.n la` la`m sao ddem tin ho.c va`o ca'c
tru+o+`ng 1 ca'ch hie^.u qua? du+.a tre^n open source solution.  Tui nho+'
la`  ca'c ba'c co' giu'p ddo+? 1 va`i tru+o+`ng vo+'i vietlug CDs, PC va`
ta`i cha'nh.  Die^`u tui muo^'n bie^'t la` nhu+~ng feedback tu+`
tru+o+`ng.  Nhu+~ng gi` hay, do+?, thie^'u tho^'n, kho' kha(n, va` su+.
cha`o ddo'n cua? ho.c sinh.  Xin ca'c ba'c cho y' kie^'n.


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