Hi List!

Mo+'i vu+`a ta?i xong:

ca`i le^n HDD:
Linux version 2.6.8-2-386 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc 
version 3.3.5  (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)) #1 Thu May 19 17:40:50 JST 2005

KDE + OOorg 1.1.3 + Thunerbird + Firefox vv
Kho^ng co' Kmail or Revolution!
Ca`i nhu+ mo^.t ma'y ca' nha^n he^'t 1,5GB.

(Luu y' khi ca`i dda(.t kho^ng co' pha^`n ho?i ve^` Boot Loader 
location ma` no'  chie^'m ngay MBR)

Tru+a nay se~ co' ta.i LEHOAN 128 BTX Q1
m k h _ s g n
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