Cam on ban rat nhieu, minh cai xong roi, chay rat ok.

Tien day hoi luon moi nguoi, co cach nao minh dung PUTTY tu Windows ket noi SSH 
den FreeBSD va minh co the get files hoac directories ve thang may Windows cua 
minh duoc ko nhi? Minh nghe noi phai dung tool.

Minh muon hoi them 1 cau nua. Dung lenh nao de backup het toan bo o cung cua 
minh trong freeBSD? Minh muon backup het tat ca ./ lai de khi nao co van de chi 
can bung ra la chay. Dung ghost co tuong thich khong? va khi bung ra nhu vay co 
dam bao chay luon ko?

Cam on rat nhieu.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:04:16 +0100
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

|On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:29:09 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
|> Bac nao biet trong freeBSD dung lenh de download file giong wget cua Linux 
ko nhi? Chi giup minh voi nhe!
|Ba.n co' the^? install wget trong FreeBSD :)
|Xem ports.
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