Hi !

Voi hardwares list :
P4 2GHz, 512MB RAM, Card Geforce4 MMX 440 64MB
HDD 80GB, Samsung 550v
chon root partition la ext3

Linux version 2.6.16-archck1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.4.5 (Gentoo 
3.4.5-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)) #4 SMP PREEMPT Sat Mar 25 05:46:10 Local 
time zone must be set--

Sau khi cai dat hoan tat, reboot. Lam them cac viec :

edit /etc/fstab, sua 
/dev/hda1       /mnt/hda1 reiserfs users,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda2       /                ext3    defaults           1 0
#/dev/floppy/0  /mnt/floppy     auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,umask=000   0 1
(neu he thong khong co o dia mem)

sudo su -
rm -Rf /etc/skel
cp -af /home/kororaa/ /etc/skel/
chown -R root:root /etc/skel/
genuser -s

Reboot. Lan nay Kororaa se chay not phan config cho he thong. Can co ket noi 
nhanh (vi du ADSL) de thuc hien phan update portage.

Sau do reboot lai lan thu 3 cho chac an. Tu day co the xem la cai dat thanh 
cong, ngoai tru:

* Khi nhan chuot vao multiple panel, tinh nang "xoay" khong con tac dung
* Trinh emerge khong works :
>xgl deb # emerge mc
>--- 'profiles/arch.list' is empty or not available. Empty portage tree?
>!!! ARCH is not set... Are you missing the /etc/make.profile symlink?
>!!! Is the symlink correct? Is your portage tree complete?
* KDE co van de. Cac cua so display khong hoan chinh. Vi vay muon dung kmail 
chang han thi phai dung trong GNOME.

Ban nao da fix duoc vui long cho chi dan. Thanks.
(Co lam mot Screenshot, nhung file to 126k nen khong post)

m k h _ s g n
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