Re: [VM] IMAP-SSL with Exchange Server

2012-06-15 Thread Uday Reddy
Lewis Perin writes:

 So, where does it get into trouble?
 Immediately on login, I get “vm-imap-protocol-error: IMAP protocol
 error: unexpected char (10)”.  

Indeed, you said that.   But what is in the trace buffer at this point?  In
particular, is there a line without a CR character (^M)?

 And, as I noted earlier in this thread,
 when I tried setting vm-imap-tolerant-of-bad-imap to 1, emacs became
 unresponsive and eventually exhausted its memory.

Evidently, there is a problem with the server interaction.  So, setting this
flag doesn't help us.


Re: [VM] IMAP-SSL with Exchange Server

2012-06-15 Thread Lewis Perin
John Hein writes:

Lewis Perin wrote at 10:50 -0400 on Jun 15, 2012:
  John Hein writes:
  Uday Reddy wrote at 00:01 +0100 on Jun 15, 2012:
Lewis Perin writes:
 By the way, the trace of my IMAP session does say this before I run
 into trouble:

 * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.
If it gets this far, then stunnel is unlikely to be the problem.
So, where does it get into trouble?
  You can also skip vm  stunnel completely and use command
  openssl s_client -connect
  .. login yourpassword
  .. list  *
  Well, that was interesting!  The openssl command got me the “* OK The
  Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.” response I expected, but the
  login request wasn’t even seen as a complete request until I appended
  the -crlf option to the openssl command as suggested here:
  And then the response to the login request was “login BAD Command
  Error. 12”.  Not sure what that means.  As I said earlier in the thread,
  my credentials get accepted by Exchange Server when submitted from my
  I wonder, though, if the -crlf openssl option could be a clue to why vm
  and Exchange aren’t happy with each other.  Is vm sending linefeeds only?

Re: login BAD Command...

You need _some_ sequence before the word login.
Like . login you yourpw or x login you yourpw.

When I use login me mypw on my imap server, I get login BAD Error
 in response.  When I use  login me (with no password), I
get xxx BAD Error.  So based on your quoted error message, I'm
guessing you negelected to add the leading sentinel string.

Yes, that’s exactly right; thanks!

But addressing that issue just yields a different error, sadly:

.. login mypassword
.. NO LOGIN failed.

But - I’ve been googling a lot lately - I tried this instead:

.. login my-windows-domain\me mypassword

and it worked fine.  This is strange - as I said earlier, my iPhone gets
through to the Exchange server, and it has no idea of what Windows
domain claims me.  But using the Windows domain doesn’t help me from vm;
I still get that “unexpected char (10)” error.  And the trace buffer for
a session using the Windows domain shows no advance over what I got
using a normal email address.

Lew Perin /

Re: [VM] IMAP-SSL with Exchange Server

2012-06-15 Thread Lewis Perin
Thanks, Uday, for mustering the patience to stick with this annoying and
narrow thread.  I know you have other things to do!

Uday Reddy writes:

Lewis Perin writes:

 cygwin warning:
   MS-DOS style path detected: c:\temp\vm387560729
   Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/temp/vm387560729
   CYGWIN environment variable option nodosfilewarning turns off this
   Consult the user’s guide for more details about POSIX paths:

So, clearly you need to fix this issue in order to get a clean IMAP session
for VM.

For some value of “clean”: this is a warning, but is it consequential?
I doubt that this is stopping cygwin stunnel from doing its job, as I
can get to Gmail using imap-ssl by this route.

The file cygwin is complaining about, c:\temp\vm387560729, is the
stunnel config generated by vm.  I imagine vm uses that locution for the
file name because of this line in my vm:

(setq vm-temp-file-directory c:/temp/)

I coded that because it’s native Windows emacs, not Cygwin emacs, and
stunnel is the only Cygwin program I use.  I’m leery of using Cygwin
filenames in configuring native Windows emacs, to be honest.  If it were
safe, in this context, to code:

(setq vm-temp-file-directory /cygdrive/c/temp/)

I’d be delighted to do it.  But I don’t think it is.  I got this message
when I tried it:

completion--some: Opening output file: no such file or directory,

This way, it seems vm isn’t even getting to the stage of invoking
stunnel and attempting an imap session.

 * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.^M
 * BYE Connection is closed. 13

My guess is that your Exchange server is over-eager to close the

I don’t think so.  The “* BYE Connection is closed. 13” line appears
quite a while after vm complains about the unexpected char.

You might want to check what happens when you do this with gmail.

See above, please.

Lew Perin /

Re: [VM] IMAP-SSL with Exchange Server

2012-06-15 Thread Uday Reddy
Lewis Perin writes:

  cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: c:\temp\vm387560729
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/temp/vm387560729
CYGWIN environment variable option nodosfilewarning turns off this
Consult the user’s guide for more details about POSIX paths:
 So, clearly you need to fix this issue in order to get a clean IMAP session
 for VM.
 For some value of “clean”: this is a warning, but is it consequential?

The warning message is meant for you, not VM!  VM won't know what to do with
it.  You should create a CYGWIN environment variable with nodosfilewarning
as its value, and get rid of the warning message.

Windows Emacs will necessarily use Windows path names, which Cygwin doesn't
like.  But they gave you a work-around.  So, please use it.

I don't know why it is working for gmail.  But it is likely that it is
breaking in some more subtle ways.  VM is trying to listen to the server and
the warning message is interfering with it.
