Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mikkel and I restructured some code yesterday in preparation for
> implementing a Bracha broadcast, which in turn will help implement
> protocols for active security.

As you might have seen on, Mikkel has committet a
Bracha broadcast, great!

This is currently implemented fully asymmetrically, by which I mean
that only one player can give input. So for each player to broadcast a
value one would write

  if == 1:
    a = runtime.broadcast(1, "foo")
    b = runtime.broadcast(2)
  if == 2:
    a = runtime.broadcast(1)
    b = runtime.broadcast(2, "bar")
  if == 3:
    a = runtime.broadcast(1)
    b = runtime.broadcast(2)

This does not match the shamir_share method, which allows you to write

  a, b = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2], input)

where input is different for each of the two inputters.

Which style do you guys prefer? I think it is clear that the style of
the shamir_share method is the most convenient, but it might be too
much "magic"? Having each method take 1 input and return 1 Share might
be easier to understand?

Martin Geisler
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