Re: [viff-devel] My dissertation

2010-04-23 Thread S.Srinivasan
Hi Martin

Thanks for your prompt reply. Much appreciated :)

If anyone on the list has any further pointers, I will be grateful for your 

Thanks in advance

Kind Regards


From: [] On Behalf Of Martin Geisler 
Sent: 23 April 2010 18:04
To: Srinivasan S Mr (Computing);
Subject: Re: My dissertation


Hi Sriram,

I'll CC this message to the VIFF mailinglist as well -- there are many
people there who can help you if I cannot. Please keep the list as CC on
your replies.

> Hi Martin
> I hope you have settled into your new workplace and enjoying yourself.

Thanks, it's going well in my new job.

> I had a few quick queries if you don't mind.
> I have been trying to get a grasp on MPC ideas over the past few days.
> I was wondering if you could point me a recent comprehensive, but not
> too heavy survey on MPC. If I could get an idea of how the field has
> progressed and various approaches to achieving MPC without getting
> bogged down in too much detail, it may be helpful for me at this
> stage.

I don't know of such a survey off the top of my head.

> As I understand, VIFF implements the underlying functionality using
> Shamir Secret Sharing. It seems there are other approaches possible as
> well and one of my colleagues wanted to know if VIFF also implements
> the ideas from the paper "Multiparty Computation from Threshold
> Homomorphic Encryption by Ronald Cramer and Ivan Damgard and Jesper
> Buus Nielsen"? My guess is No, but I am not not sure.

Right, we have not implemented the protocols from that paper.

> There are some papers that refer to this latter work, for example
> "Efficient Binary Conversion for Paillier Encrypted Values by Berry
> Schoenmakers and Pim Tuyls". I was wondering if the application in
> this paper can be coded with the functionality provided by VIFF in
> principle, or there are some details which may prevent it from being
> so.

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with that paper. But you should think of
VIFF as having a number of layers:

1. basic player administration
2. network setup
3. secret sharing and reconstruction (Shamir-based)
4. secure addition and multiplication
5. more complex protocols

So depending on how the primitive above fits into the stack, you may be
able to reuse more or less code.

> Sorry if my queries don't make sense. I can admit I don't have much
> knowledge of the details and I am trying pick up stuff as I go along.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Wishes
> Sriram

Martin Geisler
viff-devel mailing list (

Re: [viff-devel] Query from the University of Surrey

2010-02-23 Thread S.Srinivasan
Dear Thomas

Yes. It works fine now. Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards


From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas P 
Jakobsen []
Sent: 23 February 2010 12:44
To: Srinivasan S Mr (Computing)
Cc: viff-devel
Subject: Re: [viff-devel] Query from the University of Surrey

> When I run the Millionaires example (again with --no-ssl option)  with the 
> Path set to point to Python 2.6.4, I get the following error message.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 57, in 
>from viff.config import generate_configs
> ImportError: No module named viff.config

This exception typically shows up if VIFF is not on the PYTHONPATH.
When Python sees an "import" statement, it looks for the needed
packages on the PYTHONPATH.

The solution would be to either

1) Download and install the VIFF .exe installer from or

2) Download the VIFF source code from and run "
install" when you are in the root of the source tree.

These steps will both install VIFF in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages
which is always on the PYTHONPATH. A third alternative would be to
include the path to the VIFF source code in an environment variable

Hope this helps,
viff-devel mailing list (

Re: [viff-devel] Query from the University of Surrey

2010-02-22 Thread S.Srinivasan
Hi Thomas

I now have the following 2 setups on my machine (Windows XP Professional, SP3)

The first is 

Python 2.4.4

This setup works just fine when I run the Millionaires example. (with --no-ssl 

The second setup is identical to the one in your e-mail.

When I run the Millionaires example (again with --no-ssl option)  with the Path 
set to point to Python 2.6.4, I get the following error message.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 57, in 
from viff.config import generate_configs
ImportError: No module named viff.config

Hope this helps.

Best Wishes


Sriramkrishnan Srinivasan
Research Fellow
Trustworthy Voting Systems Group
FEPS, 27 BB02
University of Surrey

s dot srinivasan at surrey dot ac dot uk

+ 44 (0)1483 682646

"backwards understood be only can but, forward lived be to has Life" 
From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas P 
Jakobsen []
Sent: 22 February 2010 08:27
To: viff-devel
Cc: Srinivasan S Mr (Computing)
Subject: Re: [viff-devel] Query from the University of Surrey
>> I am on a Windows XP machine. I tried with the latest versions of the
>> the components from the respective websites, but the apps from the
>> VIFF folder threw up errors. I realize I should have taken note of the
>> error messages - sorry about that. So I installed slightly older
>> versions (Python 2.4 and related) and things worked fine.
> Okay. Perhaps one of the windows-savvy people on this list can help you
> more or at least look at the errors.
I've just run the millionaires example using
Windows XP Pro SP3
Python 2.6.4
Twisted 9.0.0
GMPY 1.11
Win32 OpenSSL v. 0.9.8l Light
PyOpenSSL 0.10
It works fine for me when running with --no-ssl. With ssl turned on, I get a
Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost: Connection to the
other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
when connections are closed, but the millinonaires program gets executed anyway.
I agree that we should definitely try to make the installation process
easier, e.g. as Sriram suggests, by including the various dependencies
in the viff packages.
Sriram: Can you make it work with the above versions? If not, which
error messages do you see?
viff-devel mailing list (