I found something surprising in the materials at this site you-all have been
pointing to the last couple days.

There's a picture inside the PDF (on that page) of a plucked vihuela-viola
that looks amazingly similar to one of Gaudenzio Ferrari's 1535 (Saronno
Cathedral) bowed arm-violas, closer than any other instrument, plucked or
bowed, I've ever seen to date.

Compare these two instruments, they're almost identical in size and contour.

The back-story on this is that I've been challenging the notion that the
grouping containing that bowed viola, which is universally held to be the
first documented instance of a complete "violin family" in iconography, is
actually a consort of viols, or at minimum _some_ are viols.

this grouping

The bass instrument is clearly a viol, not a cello. See the width of the
neck at nut and bridge, and also note the fact that it has frets! This, they
claim, is a three string proto-cello, hence a complete family of violins.

I've already been tearing apart the arm-viol from a few different angles,
making the case that it's just as likely a small thin-ribbed viol played on
the arm (da braccio) as it is a three string violin (which it would have to
be at that early date, 1535), and there are in fact _four_ peg dowels
visible within and peg-box
and Martin Agricola documwents a whole family of 4 string lute-tuned viols
but this new image really tips the scales in the bowed vihuela-viola
direction, a perfect match if ther ever was one. The Ferrari arm viola, it's
unique shape, had been one of those "one-offs", a very odd ball indeed,
until just now.

Anyhow, can anyone help identify the image of the relief carved plucked
viola-vihuela, approximate date and place?


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