
2013/4/21 Robert Norris <rw_nor...@hotmail.com>

> >
> > As promised, I worked on revisiting the routing feature in order to
> > allow many selectable engines.
> >
> > First commits:
> > https://github.com/guyou/viking/tree/renew-routing
> >
> > Currently, I only introduced framework, revised Google routing and
> > introduced OSRM. All these, just for Route finder tool.
> >
> > In a near future, I plan to add a generic class in order to allow
> > describing services directly from configuration files (like maps
> > feature). I also plan to add the hability to request a route from an
> > existing route/track in order to allow route computation from more than
> > 2 points. And I also plan to rework the Acquire -> Google Direction.
> >
> > But for now, I propose these first commits for review. If OK, we cann
> > pull them in master branch.
> >
> Looking good so far.
> Some minor issues I've commented on the code directly in github.

Thanks, I will rework as soon as possible.

> Presumably the "Add a fixed combobox for string parameter" isn't used yet,
> but you plan to?

Yes it is, in vik_routing_prefs_init (in second commit):

Or at least, I tried to make it running and it works for me. Do you checked
the "Routing" preferences in the Edit->Preferences dialog?

> Can we put in a track description to say something like "Route created by
> <route engine>"

Note that I noticed a feature I never used: the ability to open Google Maps
from a computed route. This feature needs necessarily a rewrite.

> Some other thoughts, which are not to do with your current work as these
> are existing issues:
> 1. Make route finder button available all the time (probably have to move
> the tool into VikWindow)
> Then if no TrackWaypoint layer selected - then simply create one,
> otherwise use the one selected.
> This would be easier to use. (In fact this kind of applies to all the
> Create Item tools...)
> 2. All the routes end up with name VIKING_RT001, maybe we can force unique
> names.

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