A while back I posted a question asking how to have the cursor change color
with mode in an xterm. The answer (thanks!) was :help termcap-cursor-shape
and Vim 7. Now, wishing to have the same behavior in a Linux console, I try:

if &term =~ "linux"
    set t_ve+=^[[?17;206;99c
    let &t_SI = "\033[?17;28;9c"
    let &t_EI = "\033[?17;206;99c"

...but the cursor color doesn't change when switching to insert mode,
it remains the color set here by "set t_ve+=^[[?17;206;99c" (Vim Tip #817).

Issuing ":set termcap" at the vim command prompt shows

Issuing "echo -ne "\033[?17;206;99c"" and "echo -ne "\033[?17;28;9c"" at the
prompt in the console will change the cursor to green and blue, but I can't
figure out how to make this happen with mode change in Vim.

TIA for any suggestions,


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