On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 11:04:31AM +0200, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed vim7 now and want to test the spellchecking.
> I am confused about all the stuff, because the info I found is mixed 
> from version7 and older scipts. 
> What I am really missing is a general information about the new version 7 
> spellchecking
> with all the possible configurations and needed installations (spl files etc.)
> I found the spl files and could install them. (No link found, only google 
> found them!)
> I am able to run the spell checker, but now I have some trouble I want to fix:
> How can I select a list of filetypes which will be checked automaticly like
> *.txt *.tex README and so on
> Is there a chance to auto select the language? Mostly I am writing 
> german/english
> docs, would be nice to switch automaticly... :-)
> If there is a link to a doc for only the new version 7 spell checking, please
> send this to me!

:help spell 

in vim7 gives the "general" information 

To set spell-check by default for certain filetypes you can write your
own ftplugin files that contain the line

set spell

For more information on this see

:help filetype-plugin

I doubt vim can auto-detect the (human) language of a file, but you can
always put some mappings in your .vimrc to switch quickly between

map <F4> :set spell!<CR>:set spell?<CR> " Toggle spelling set to <F4>
nmap \sg :setlocal spell spelllang=de_20 <CR> " German spelling
nmap \sa :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us <CR> " American spelling

Good luck!


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