"李长青" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-10 10:14:07:
> hi,all:
>       thank you.
>       I install vim70 as a new software ,not update from other version.
>       And there is not a file named vimrc_example.vim at the path
> /usr/share/vim/vim70,just a file named debian.vim.And when I install
> vim70 completely,Thers is only one file like *.vim,and only one file
> named "vimrc" "vimrc.tiny".

How do you installed vim70? By make install from source or by apt-get
install or something else?

What's the version? type :version inside vim will tell you the exact
version, maybe you had a tiny version of vim which has no highlighting

If you compiled from source, then the default will be installed into
/usr/local instead of /usr.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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