I have fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1. But I would like to use
latin2 instead of latin1 for files that contain the characters 0xf5 or
0xfb (ő and ű in latin2).

I tried to modify the example that is given on the help page for
'fileencodings', like this:

au BufReadPost * if &fenc == "latin1" && search('\%xfb\|\%xf5', 'w') >
0 | exe ":e ++enc=latin2" | endif

This seems to work, but the syntax highlighting gets turned off for
latin2 encoded files. Could someone explain why this happens? How can
I avoid this?

It would be even better if someone could give a solution which also
works for reading files with :r, not just :e.

Thanks for your replies in advance,

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