Tom Purl wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to compile the latest and greatest version of Vim
> using AAP (since that seems to be the preferred way of doing it), and
> am getting an odd error.  Here's the process that I'm following:
> 1. Create a `vim7` folder in my home dir.
>     * mkdir ~/vim7
>     * cd ~/vim7
> 2. I then run the command that's on the AAP web site:
>     * aap -f CVS=no
> When I do that, I get the following error:
>     Aap: Attempting download of "";
>     Aap: Downloaded ""; to "main.aap"
>     Aap: Created directory "patches"
>     Aap: Internal Error
>     Aap: Traceback (most recent call last):
>         File "/usr/lib/aap/", line 1163, in Process
>          exec script_string in recdict, recdict
>         File "<string>", line 6, in ?
>         File "/usr/lib/aap/", line 3098, in aap_progsearch
>          if " " in prog:
>      TypeError: iterable argument required
>     Aap: Aborted
>     Aap: More info in the logfile: /home/tom/vim7/AAPDIR/log

This should be solved by getting a more recent version of Aap.  This
problem was fixed in 1.076.  Installing CVS also works, since the list
won't be empty then.  But Aap should be able to handle an empty list.

If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the
human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its
full potential, that word would be "meetings."

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