Re: [Help]How can I add some char before a block?

2007-04-13 Thread Xi Juanjie

To comment/uncomment a visual block, just type \x.
and also you can map this key to any other keys

dan123 wrote:

dan123 wrote:

Xi Juanjie wrote:
If you just want to comment/uncomment your source in a easy way, try 
this plugin EnhancedCommentify

I am a newbie. How to use it? I installed it like described. E.g. what
should I write  as Plug if I like to comment a visual block?

Is this the way to use it?
:map C-F6 ESC:','call EnhancedCommentify('no', 'Comment')CRj


Re: Getting rid of indents

2007-04-13 Thread Xi Juanjie

:help autoindent

Tomas Pihl wrote:

As a convert from the dark side, I'm still learning Vim and have started to use
it for editing mails (from mutt) to get some practice. One thing that I haven't
managed to find is how I get rid of the (what I think) is some smart indenting
after ( , ), / and , So if I type

  Hello all,

and press return, I end up under a but I really want to be under H. What
can I do to make this happen?


Re: [Help]How can I add some char before a block?

2007-04-12 Thread Xi Juanjie
If you just want to comment/uncomment your source in a easy way, try 
this plugin EnhancedCommentify

陈方荣 wrote:

Hi all,
How can I add some char before a block?
Just like C++ comment.


Comment line1
Comment line2
Comment line3
Comment line4

//Comment line1
//Comment line2
//Comment line3
//Comment line4


Best regards

Re: ***SPAM***

2007-04-09 Thread Xi Juanjie
If you updated vim to 7.0 using apt-get, perhpas you could check if the
runtimepath also be old in your vimrc.

for example, replaced /usr/share/vim/vim64 to /usr/share/vim/vim70

李长青 wrote:
I am new to Vim,I am using Vim7.0 now,and it has no Syntax even when I 
 set Syntax on,It stell has no syntax hignlighting,why?  Please help me. On 
 Vim6.4 ,It has syntax hignlighting, but now (vim7.0) it doesn't.

Re: Newbee question:Why don't I have the syntax highlighting when editing files like *.sh *.xml,etc?

2007-04-02 Thread Xi Juanjie
syntax on should be ok.

Please use :version to confirm your vim was compiled with +syntax
function and keep the corresponding syntax file in vim runtime folder.

Also to check if there has any syntax off in /etc/vim/vimrc.local.

wangxu wrote:
 Why don't I have the syntax highlighting when editing files like *.sh
 After commands like syntax on,still nothing happened.
 below is my /etc/vim/vimrc,what else should I do to turn the syntax
 highlighting on?
 set nocompatible  Use Vim defaults instead of 100% vi compatibility
 set backspace=indent,eol,start  more powerful backspacing
 set autoindent  always set autoindenting on
 set textwidth=0  Don't wrap lines by default
 set viminfo='20,\50  read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than
  50 lines of registers
 set history=50  keep 50 lines of command line history
 set ruler  show the cursor position all the time
 if term =~ xterm-debian || term =~ xterm-xfree86 || term =~ xterm
 set t_Co=16
 set t_Sf=[3%dm
 set t_Sb=[4%dm
 vnoremap p Esc:let current_reg = @CRgvdiC-R=current_regCREsc
 syntax on
 if has(autocmd)
  Enabled file type detection
  Use the default filetype settings. If you also want to load indent files
  to automatically do language-dependent indenting add 'indent' as well.
 filetype plugin on
 endif  has (autocmd)
 augroup filetype
 au BufRead reportbug.* set ft=mail
 au BufRead reportbug-* set ft=mail
 augroup END
 if filereadable('/etc/papersize')
 let s:papersize = matchstr(system('/bin/cat /etc/papersize'), '\p*')
 if strlen(s:papersize)
 let printoptions = paper: . s:papersize
 unlet! s:papersize
 catch /E145/
 if filereadable(/etc/vim/vimrc.local)
 source /etc/vim/vimrc.local
 if t_Co  2 || has(gui_running)
 syntax on
 set hlsearch

problem of ftplugin lua.vim

2007-03-15 Thread Xi Juanjie
Perhaps it's a bug of lua.vim. In line 19, it says 'setlocal 
cms=--%s', but cms option couldn't be lead with a '' or it will be 
null. I simply remove the two '' in this line. Is it OK?


Xi Juanjie