When running Vim 7.0d on FC3 as:

$ gvim -u cfg.vim

with cgf.vim as:

" some sample menus with priorities
an 01.100 To.up                 <C-W>R<C-L>
an 01.200 To.down               <C-W>r<C-L>

an 02.100 Session.getsession    :source ~/.vim/wk/
an 02.200 Session.mksession     :mksession! ~/.vim/wk/

" setup for console menus
set guioptions=acgirLtMe
set wildmenu
set cpo-=<
set wcm=<C-Z>
map <F4> :emenu <C-Z>

The console menus (displayed after hitting <F4>), are ordered using
alphabetical order instead of the configured priorities. This is a
different behavior from the behavior in vim6.4.

After setting 'set guioptions+=m', one can see that the GUI menus
priorities are set correctly with the configured priorities, though.

http://clewn.sourceforge.net           gdb support in Vim

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