Re: Understanding regxp implementation

2007-03-21 Thread Asiri Rathnayake

As you might know, the reg_comp() method is called twice when compiling
a r.e; first to determine the size of the compiled expression and then
to actually compile it. I was thinking if this can be used to our
advantage, while on the first pass, we look for occurrences of special
characters and set a flag in regprog_T appropriately. If such thing was
not found, we branch off the second pass into one of our own routines to
compile the expression into our own structures (say, a state diagram).
And we have to change other functions a bit to look for the above flag
and call new routines appropriately. What do you think ?

- Asiri

Re: improving encryption in vim

2007-03-21 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Nicolas Weber wrote:

> > To clarify, based on my understanding:  if software is exported  
> > from the
> > U.S., which vim arguably is, and it is capable of powerful encryption
> isn't vim exported from the Netherlands?

Right, the main ftp server is in the Netherlands.  All the rest are
(cached) copies.  I'm not a lawyer, but I would say that this means that
the code isn't exported from the USA.  It was already outside.

I'm not sure about the CVS server at SourceForge.

Generally I don't really care about these stupid US rules.  The actual
result is not that access to strong encryption by non-US contries
decreases but that the development is done outside of the US, with the
effect that knowledge outside of the US grows.

TIM:Too late.
TIM:There he is!
   [They all turn,, and see a large white RABBIT lollop a few yards out of the
   cave.  Accompanied by terrifying chord and jarring metallic monster noise.]
 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Understanding regxp implementation

2007-03-21 Thread Asiri Rathnayake
This mail bounced off for some reason, I'm repeating it. Sorry if you've
already got this.


Hi Bram, Nikolai, All,

I think the best way to understand current implementation of regxp is to
first go through Henry Spencer's original regxp implementation ( thanks
nikolai ). It's very compact and easy to mess with. After that, I think
would be able to come up with a hack to include new code into vim's
code base (  either TRE or our own implementation ). By the way, I have
decided to apply for the GSoc ( I beleive I can crack this with the help
all of you  ). I'm really greateful for the help provided by Nikolai and
Bram, Thank you very much!

ps : even if I'm not selected, I would still like to contribute to this
project... :-)

- Asiri