Re: wish: allow a: in the function def

2007-04-25 Thread Marc Weber
 So that the name is consistent everywhere. Makes it much easier to search. I
 would appreciate this addition, too.

function! Test(param)
  echo a:param

When you see param and want to know where it is used, all you have to do is 
pressing * (using set hlsearch or a plugin such as mark.vim)

When seeing the line
a:param you know where to look as well. using [[ should take you to the place 
where param was defined.

So I can't see why this should make it much easier to search ?
(joke: If you see a:param and you do start grepping .vim you've missed a point 

Re: wish: allow a: in the function def

2007-04-25 Thread Marc Weber
 So maybe one could make vimscript search a variable foo as l:foo, a:foo, 
 (maybe also: w:foo, b:foo), s:foo, g:foo, and then throw an undefined 
 variable name error if none exists. Or so.

No. I don't want to go back to VB without using Option Explicit ;)
Don't let vim find some value somewhere. This leads to failures not so easy to 

But you are right. This might be useful:
Use buffer setting if it exists, if not use global one..
But you should be able to emulate this behaviour using the function exists:

function GetSetting(name)
  if exists('b:'.a:name)
exec 'return b:'.a:name
  elseif exists('g:'.a:name)
exec 'return g:'.a:name
echoe Please define setting .a:name

perhaps even add a optional parameter for a default value..

I'm using this very often:

function! vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg( name, default, ...)
  if a:0 == 1
let idx = a:1
let idx = 1
  if type( a:default) != 1
throw wrong type: default parameter of vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg 
must be a string, use string(value)
  let script = [ if a:0 = . idx
 \ ,   let .a:name. = a:.idx
 \ , else
 \ ,   let .a:name. = .a:default
 \ , endif
 \ ]
  return join( script, \n)

function GetSetting(name, ...)
  exec vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg('default', string(option not given))
  if exists('b:'.a:name)
exec 'return b:'.a:name
  elseif exists('g:'.a:name)
exec 'return g:'.a:name
return default

Then you can use 
let b = GetSetting('my_name','default value')
let b = GetSetting('my_name')
which will set b to option not given if neither b:my_name nor g:my_name does 

HTH Marc

Re: suggestion

2007-04-23 Thread Marc Weber
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 10:35:14PM -0400, David Howland wrote:
 Dear Vim gods,
 Please consider adding the following command to Vim:
 :bc  (for buffer close)
 It acts just like :bd , except that if the buffer is in a split window, 
 it does not remove the window.
 Thank you.

I've seen this somewhere.. 
See Deleting a buffer without changing you window layout..


Re: Highlighting keywords from C libraries

2007-02-21 Thread Marc Weber
 Since projects won't have as many keywords as glibc, the only slow down
 will be with the syntax file (re)generation. ctags is reasonably fast
Sorry. I haven't read your message thoroughly enough. I was talking
about what you've written in your comment.

/me hides ;)

Suggestion: numbers for completion menu?

2007-01-23 Thread Marc Weber
It would be convinient to get an item from the completion menu faster
than downdown .. or typing more characters.

What do you think of prepending each item with a number and add a
c-iidx to get the idxth item?
so c-i4 would select the 4th.

Would it be convinient to add another mapping space for completions?
mnoremap 2 c-i2 ?
m = omni completion _m_enu ?

Or is there another easy way to achieve this ?


Re: BOF Vim 8 - EncryptLine

2007-01-21 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 02:15:36PM +1100, John Beckett wrote:
 Suggested new feature:
 Make an easy way to encrypt a secret within a line.
 Then you can have a simple text file to document stuff, with
 embedded secrets. On reading, you only need to enter a key if you
 want to see a secret.

I don't think this should be a general vim feature either.
Yet another idea to solve this:
Why not use syntax and set forgground/background color to the same value
to hide the text? Then you don't even notice that there is text.


Password:$ - end of line
Password: my secret pwd  $ - end of line

you can use regexp to match secrets this way.


Re: some ideas

2006-12-14 Thread Marc Weber
On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 09:08:20PM -0200, Rodolfo Borges wrote:
 When tab-completing on Vim :cmdline, start with the dir of the current
 file being edited, instead of the $PWD (use ./ for that).
Yet another idea. I'm using many mappinngs like this to not change workinng 
(it seems to me that you want too  keep that because of using ./), but 
inserting the path to file automatically.

cmap fd c-r=expand('%:p:h').'/'cr
(Type fd at commandline to insert the path of the file beeing edited.)

really  useful is this mapping, too. After inserting this you don't have to
bother about the path at all if there aren't too many subdirectories/files
cmap m-* **/*


Re: compilation of regular expressions/ enhancement?

2006-10-03 Thread Marc Weber
Hi Tony.
Of course this was a trivial example.
I was grepping the output of jar - content-texfile to find the packages
of a java-class.
Currently I'm using this function.
I'm invoking this function for up to 40 files or more.. That depends on
how many modules I have imported.
  let type_pattern = 
if line =~ type_pattern
This is no longer that simple.
But I can do a deepcopy and use filter.. But then I'll no longer able to get
the line numbers.. 
My question was meant to be more general as my example given in the last

Greetings Marc

function! vl#dev#haskell#modules_list_cache_jump#ScanModuleForFunctions(file)
   a function is recognized as function if the looks like 
   a b c = ...
   and a is no keyword (data, new\=type, instance)
  let func_name = '\w\+'
  let no_f_pattern = '\%(\%(\%(new\)\=type\)\|data\)'
   pattern1 / 2 matches
   1) function_name arg1 arg2 =
   2) arg1 `function_name` arg2 =
  let f_pattern1 = '\zs'.func_name.'\ze\%(\s\+\w\+\)*\s*='
  let f_pattern2 = '\w\+\s*`\zs\w\+\ze`\s*\w\+\s*='
  let f_pattern = '^\s*\%(\%('.f_pattern1.'\)\|\%('.f_pattern2.'\)\)'

  let result = {}
  for line_nr in range(0,len(a:file)-1)
let line = a:file[line_nr]
if line =~ no_f_pattern
if line =~ f_pattern
  let result[matchstr(line, f_pattern1)]={impl: line_nr}
   add type declarations.. doesn't recognize lists (a, b :: ) yet.
   Is needed to get the function names eg of
   newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a - r) - r }
  let type_pattern = 
  let g:tp = type_pattern
  for line_nr in range(0,len(a:file)-1)
let line = a:file[line_nr]
if line =~ type_pattern
  let list = split(matchstr(line, type_pattern),'\s*,\s*')
  for func_name in list
if exists(result['.func_name.'])
  let result[func_name]['type'] = line_nr
  let result[func_name]={type: line_nr}
  return result

vim server ? security hole?

2006-07-26 Thread Marc Weber
I did notice that you can do

and then using another user
gvim --servername=GVIMxx --remote-send='!/dowhatyouwant ;-)'

Thus: If you know your admin is using vim you can easily try to get one
gvim instance to execute arbitrary commands as super user!!

Don't think this shuold be the case by default.

In my case it does what I want but..

Did I miss anything?

Cheers Marc Weber

Re: vim server ? security hole?

2006-07-26 Thread Marc Weber
 In case you are talking X11:
 D you have x11 authorization enabled or disabled ?
I've been taking x11.
I did modify xhost because I wanted a php script be able to launch vim.
But I've restarted X now and xhost - shows the same as xhost. It still

So c-rsystem('xhost') inserts:
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

But I'm not sure.. wether I've enabled localhost..
Anyway, should this be possible?
I mean root and somesuer should be able to connect to X without
somesuer beeing able to run root tasks using --remote-send.. by default.

 If your access control is disabled, then can you try 'xhost -' (turn
 access control on) and repeat your check ? What you describe
 can not happen, AFAIK, when x11 access control is enabled.

I've looked at vim code once.. On x it's using some weired gtk hack.. To
do this stuff.

I think you've tried it yourself and weren't able to reproduce it.. So I
think it's my setup only.


Re: VIM 7.0 scripts, ctags and taglist.vim

2006-07-11 Thread Marc Weber
 Such a behavior most likely is far from one's expectations. Though, there is 
 no any riddle here, just the latest version of exuberant ctags cannot parse 
 new extensions to VIM script.

It can't parse function autoload#blah#foo#method, either.

So if you want to include this into your patch, too?
It's only a hack there might be better solutions but it should work fine

   if (isupper ((int) *cp)  ||  scope == 's'  ||  
scope == '')
   if (isupper ((int) *cp) ||
   islower ((int) *cp) || // this is because 
 of the new autoload style fun ab#Upper() (folders may start with lower case 
   // I think its useful if the location is included into the tag
   scope == 's'  ||  scope == '')
   } while (isalnum ((int) *cp)  ||  *cp 
== '_');
   } while (isalnum ((int) *cp)  ||  *cp 
 == '_' || *cp == '#' );
   // '#' is sed in the new autoload 
 mechanism. see :h autoload in vim help


Re: New feature: bind layout of windows to keys?

2006-06-09 Thread Marc Weber
 :help tabpage.txt
See also :h mksession .. That is was ZoomWin.vim (from Charles E. Campbell) is 
You can get it on
