On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 18:47:57 -0700, Eric Arnold wrote:

> I'm assuming that you're not satisfied by the "c" command in the explorer.  I
> know I started using alternative scripts partly because of this.

'c' command? _THAT_ is exactly what I was looking for! I did not see it in
the :help commands under Explore or cd. Please make me feel less dumb and
tell me that it is undocumented? :)

Thanks. That does everything I need! Why did I not see this?

> You path isn't changing because Explore never actually does a "cd" on
> its own in the script, it just manages the paths and files in variables.
> However, here's an easy hack for Vim6 users:
> Find the lines in the vim6.4/plugin or whatever directory holds
> "explorer.vim":
>   " escape special characters for exec commands let b:completePathEsc =
>   escape(b:completePath, s:escfilename) let b:parentDirEsc =
>   substitute(b:completePathEsc, '/[^/]*/$', '/', 'g')
> and add
>   exe "cd ".b:completePathEsc
> --- Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 13:17:24 -0400, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
>> > Peter wrote:
>> > 
>> >>I am sure this is something right in front of my nose, but I can't
>> >>see it!
>> >>
>> >>If I use
>> >>
>> >>:Explore mynewdir
>> >>
>> >>a display of mynewdir shows.
>> >>
>> >>However, when I issue the command :pwd, the directory I started gvim
>> >>is displayed. In fact, if I create or save a file, it is in the
>> >>startup dir regardless of where I am when using :Explore.
>> >>
>> >>I know I can use :cd mynewdir anytime. But this is difficult when
>> >>traversing directory trees. So, is there a quick command or key
>> >>combination that will change my working directory to the current
>> >>directory shown in the explorer window?
>> >>  
>> >>  
>> >>  
>> > Are you using vim 7.0?  If you are, then you're using netrw.vim to do
>> > the browsing; do
>> >   :he g:netrw_keepdir
>> > and read up about it!
>> > 
>> > Regards,
>> > Chip Campbell
>> Thanks. Alas, I am using vim 6.4. I should have made that clear. I
>> looked for the netrw-curdir command, but it was not in help. Other than
>> cd /entirepath/ any other options from within the file explorer?
>> TIA
>> --
>> Do not reply to this email address. It is a spam trap and not
>> monitored. If you wish to contact me, please use pete4abw at comcast
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