Re: Windows, 'path', and "~"/$HOME

2006-07-15 Thread Maciej Kalisiak

I figured it might be worthwhile for me to post my results for
posterity, now that I've whittled out a comfortable setup, in light of
how non-trivial and full of pitfalls I found it.  Hopefully this may
be of use to another hapless soul on WinXP (or, for that matter, for
myself, should the unthinkable happen... disk crash, virus, etc. :)

Here's the path-setting setup in my _vimrc:

if has("win32") || has("win32unix")
   let esc_home=escape($HOME,' ')
   let &path =',,.'
   let &path.=','.esc_home.'\python\import'
   let &path.=','.esc_home.'\research\exp_acc_plan'
   let &path.=','.esc_home.'\research\toolbox'
   let &path.=','.esc_home.'\research\gltext'

The backslashes are a nightmare.  Here's the "reading list", useful
prior to starting:
  :help path # pay attention to all the special rules and exceptions
  :help dos-backslash
  :help option-backslash
  :help filename-backslash

Pitfalls and things to watch out for:

- do not escape backslashes! (i.e., bad -> escape($HOME, '  \')); the
double backslashes cause Vim to drop any leading drive letter spec,
and treat the whole thing as a UNC name  (e.g., "\\Foo\bar\baz")

- do not put a backslash as last character of a directory: if you
append another directory to it, the '\,' between them will be
interpreted in a special way (e.g., "...path\foo\bar\,path\foo\baz\"
== bad!  use "...path\foo\bar,\path\foo\baz")  I'm not sure how you'd
have to escape the comma to have this work properly otherwise.

- keep in mind that "foo\*" does not actually match any files in
directory "foo", only files in its (immediate) subdirectories

Re: Windows, 'path', and "~"/$HOME

2006-06-27 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Maciej Kalisiak wrote:

Thanks for a meaty reply Tony, plenty for me to read up on.

Just one minor related issue: what is the convention of handling "~"
in Vim under Windows?  The problem is that under WinXP, when I use
$HOME in Vim, it gets translated to "~" (i.e., the Unix convention for
home directory), rather than the full absolute path.  Yet at the same
time it seems to me that Vim does not treat "~" as a home directory
here, as :find does not find stuff if my path is set to "~/src" (which
I originally set to "$HOME/src").  Since there are no spaces in
"~/src", I don't think there's any escaping to do, hence this
should've worked if Vim internally expanded out the tilde.

Oh, one other minor one: under Windows, are "\" and "/" *always*
interchangeable in Vim as path seperators, or are there instances
where you must use the Windows backslash convention? I ask because I
thought I read in the manual that they are interchangeable, yet having
exchanged them I was seeing different results.  I suspect the issue
was my improper escaping of the backslashes, but I'd like to eliminate
this one potential source of error before going on to debug...


For internal use, Vim for Windows can use either '\' or '/' as path 
separators, or even both of them in the same path. However, '\' is also 
sometimes used to escape characters which would otherwise have a 
"separator" meaning. This depends on context. When Vim knows that some 
value is a file/folder name, it will usually interpret any of '/', '\' 
or '\\' as a path separator, to be passed to the OS as a single 
backslash, except where a backslash is obviously meant as an escape 
prefix. As a general rule, single-quoted strings are used literally 
while backslashes in double-quoted strings or (as in :set) in unquoted 
strings are usually meant as escape characters. When a single string is 
interpreted repeatedly before being used, it may be necessary to double 
the backslashes as many times as there are "passes".

:help dos-backslash
:help option-backslash
:help filename-backslash

For internal use also, Vim uses $NAME to designate environment 
variables, and ~ (at the start of a path) as a synonym for $HOME, like 
Unix and not like Dos.

When paths are to be passed to a Dos/Windows program, including but not 
limited to the shell (COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe), they are to be expressed 
according to Dos/Windows conventions, with only '\' as path separators, 
and possibly with double-quoting if spaces within the path would 
otherwise cause premature termination of the string. With the default 
settings of the relevant options, Vim is usually clever enough to pass 
the right value, but it may err in borderline cases.

When environment variables or the name of a home directory are to be 
passed to a Dos/Windows program, Vim usually passes the value, not the 
name; however if you want to pass the name for evaluation by a Dos shell 
you must use %NAME%, not $NAME and not ~, because that is the Dos 

Best regards,

Re: Windows, 'path', and "~"/$HOME

2006-06-27 Thread Maciej Kalisiak

Thanks for a meaty reply Tony, plenty for me to read up on.

Just one minor related issue: what is the convention of handling "~"
in Vim under Windows?  The problem is that under WinXP, when I use
$HOME in Vim, it gets translated to "~" (i.e., the Unix convention for
home directory), rather than the full absolute path.  Yet at the same
time it seems to me that Vim does not treat "~" as a home directory
here, as :find does not find stuff if my path is set to "~/src" (which
I originally set to "$HOME/src").  Since there are no spaces in
"~/src", I don't think there's any escaping to do, hence this
should've worked if Vim internally expanded out the tilde.

Oh, one other minor one: under Windows, are "\" and "/" *always*
interchangeable in Vim as path seperators, or are there instances
where you must use the Windows backslash convention? I ask because I
thought I read in the manual that they are interchangeable, yet having
exchanged them I was seeing different results.  I suspect the issue
was my improper escaping of the backslashes, but I'd like to eliminate
this one potential source of error before going on to debug...

On 27/06/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:let escaped_home = escape(substitute($HOME,'/','\\',''),' ')
:let &path = escaped_home . '\src'
:let &path .= ',' . escaped_home . '\include'

See under ":help 'path'", the paragraph starting "Spaces can also" about
using the ":set" command to set a 'path' with spaces in it. ":set
option=foo\\\ bar" is equivalent to ":let &option = 'foo\ bar'". If
$HOME contains spaces, you must backslash-escape them, either manually
like you did, or by using the escape() function as shown above.

Alternately, you can use the short name of the $HOME directory, which
has no spaces in it (because spaces are forbidden in short names):

:let short_home = 'C:\DOCUME~1\User\MYDOCU~1\Home'
:exe "set path=" . short_home . '\src'
:exe "set path+=" . short_home . '\include'

Note the difference between single and double quotes in Vim: 'foo\ bar'
is equivalent to "foo\\ bar" and its value has one backslash in it.

Re: Windows, 'path', and "~"/$HOME

2006-06-27 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Maciej Kalisiak wrote:

I'm under Windows XP, and I'm having a devil of a time trying to set
'path' to a bunch of directories in my home directory.  My $HOME (and
thus presumably "~") point at c:\Documents and Settings\User\My
Documents\Home.  Doing something like
 set path=$HOME/src
does not work (e.g., ":find" does not find files that are there).
I've tried many variations, even expanding out $HOME in various forms,
and the single variation I have gotten to work was
 let &path='c:\Documents\ and\ Settings\User\My\ Documents\Home\src\'
IIRC, using forward slashes breaks this, using ":set path" instead of
":let &path" breaks this, using ~ or $HOME breaks this, etc.  Also,
with this form I can't seem to be able to later do "let
&path+='c:\'. (I get E734)  Is there an easier way to set 'path'
in Windows??  I'd like to add something like 5 to 10 directories to
path, and this form is s unwieldly and ugly...

:let escaped_home = escape(substitute($HOME,'/','\\',''),' ')
:let &path = escaped_home . '\src'
:let &path .= ',' . escaped_home . '\include'

See under ":help 'path'", the paragraph starting "Spaces can also" about 
using the ":set" command to set a 'path' with spaces in it. ":set 
option=foo\\\ bar" is equivalent to ":let &option = 'foo\ bar'". If 
$HOME contains spaces, you must backslash-escape them, either manually 
like you did, or by using the escape() function as shown above.

Alternately, you can use the short name of the $HOME directory, which 
has no spaces in it (because spaces are forbidden in short names):

:let short_home = 'C:\DOCUME~1\User\MYDOCU~1\Home'
:exe "set path=" . short_home . '\src'
:exe "set path+=" . short_home . '\include'

Note the difference between single and double quotes in Vim: 'foo\ bar' 
is equivalent to "foo\\ bar" and its value has one backslash in it.

Best regards,