Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-08 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 at 6:08am, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> [...]
> > I know that this is possible, but as I said previously, it is a force of
> > habit to compact as much as possible in some situations, though I
> > normally prefer using whitespace and parenthesis to improve clarity.
> >
> > Also, the reason I mentioned using spaces is not really as a workaround
> > but to show the subtle difference it makes to the parser. Once you use
> > parenthesis, there is nothing really ambiguous about it.
> >
> > I have a suspcion that using parenthesis also didn't solve the issue in
> > one of the cases (I remember it was calling script-local functions as
> > part of map() expression). I have to try to reproduce it though, I don't
> > remember it now.
> >
> As Tim said, a liitle bit of paranoia is healthy here: If you write
>   if condition_1 || condition_2 && condition_3
> the parser will interpret it in a well-defined way, determined by the
> syntax of the language, but when you come back 2 years hence, will it
> still be clear to you? Some languages mandate left-to-right order in
> this case, which results in the equivalent of
>   if (condition_1 || condition_2) && condition_3
> In others, "and" takes precedence over "or", which results in
>   if condition_1 || (condition_2 && condition_3)
> With parentheses, precedence rules are unimportant and an error in logic
> won't be overlooked even if you mistook a left-to-right language for an
> and-before-or language or vice-versa. similarly for all other possible
> ambiguities: remember, (x?a:1) is a valid expression if you have a
> variable named a. You may even have an argument named a:a so what about
> (x?a:a:a) if you have both a and a:a ? I repeat: don't trust priorities
> and use parentheses. And if you caught a bad habit, reeducate yourself.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

We are deviating from my original point. It is not that I don't know
what is more cleaner way of writing code that I asked this question. I
just want to write more compact code sometimes, and if that doesn't work
in this case, I will avoid, there is no convincing required. I don't
write this kind of code as a rule and it certainly is not my "regular"
habbit. May be my use of word "habbit" is wrong here, but you didn't
really have to give all the explanation. I am an experienced programmer
(and I don't write just Vim scripts), and if you look at my Vim scripts,
you will find that I write them very seriously (and passionately),
following my own coding standards, tediously splitting the long lines
for readability and doing all that you are suggesting here.

My intention was to report a problem I found, and sometimes minor
symptoms can lead to the discovery of major issues, so I don't generally
ignore any bugs. I also wanted to know (for educational purpose) if it
can even be parsed without ambiguity (ie., if the bug can even be fixed)
to which I think Bram answered NO, and that is the answer I was looking


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Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-08 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

> I have hit this thrice already, while using the ?: ternary operator, in
> some conditions, you are forced to put whitespace to separate the
> operator otherwise Vim gets confused. Here is something that fails:
>   let direction = (a:0?a:1:1)
> I had this issue before calling script-local functions from the
> true or false condition. The workaround as I said for the above is:
>   let direction = (a:0 ? a:1 :1)
> The problem is, sometimes I have a force of habit to skip the whitespace
> in some places when I want the code to be really compact/tight
> (especially when with map(), filter() or \=), and I will not notice the
> problem until sometime later when the code gets executed. If the code
> happened to execute with a :silent, you may have to do quite a bit of
> debugging to find this kind of errors. Is it possible for Vim to parse
> this unambiguously? The usage could be even worse, something like:
>   let direction = (a:0>1?a:2:a:1)

The ":" is overloaded, it's used both after a variable name and for ? :.
You need to put a space before it when you want to use it for ? :.

There is no other solution for this.  Adding spaces is good for
readability anyway.  This is much easier to understand:

   let direction = a:0 ? a:1 : 1

Than this:
   let direction = a:0?a:1:1

ARTHUR:  Then who is your lord?
WOMAN:   We don't have a lord.
ARTHUR:  What?
DENNIS:  I told you.  We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune.  We take it in
 turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
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\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-07 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

I know that this is possible, but as I said previously, it is a force of
habit to compact as much as possible in some situations, though I
normally prefer using whitespace and parenthesis to improve clarity.

Also, the reason I mentioned using spaces is not really as a workaround
but to show the subtle difference it makes to the parser. Once you use
parenthesis, there is nothing really ambiguous about it.

I have a suspcion that using parenthesis also didn't solve the issue in
one of the cases (I remember it was calling script-local functions as
part of map() expression). I have to try to reproduce it though, I don't
remember it now.

As Tim said, a liitle bit of paranoia is healthy here: If you write

if condition_1 || condition_2 && condition_3

the parser will interpret it in a well-defined way, determined by the 
syntax of the language, but when you come back 2 years hence, will it 
still be clear to you? Some languages mandate left-to-right order in 
this case, which results in the equivalent of

if (condition_1 || condition_2) && condition_3

In others, "and" takes precedence over "or", which results in

if condition_1 || (condition_2 && condition_3)

With parentheses, precedence rules are unimportant and an error in logic 
won't be overlooked even if you mistook a left-to-right language for an 
and-before-or language or vice-versa. similarly for all other possible 
ambiguities: remember, (x?a:1) is a valid expression if you have a 
variable named a. You may even have an argument named a:a so what about 
(x?a:a:a) if you have both a and a:a ? I repeat: don't trust priorities 
and use parentheses. And if you caught a bad habit, reeducate yourself.

Best regards,

Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-07 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 at 4:41am, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> > I have hit this thrice already, while using the ?: ternary operator, in
> > some conditions, you are forced to put whitespace to separate the
> > operator otherwise Vim gets confused. Here is something that fails:
> >
> >   let direction = (a:0?a:1:1)
> >
> > I had this issue before calling script-local functions from the
> > true or false condition. The workaround as I said for the above is:
> >
> >   let direction = (a:0 ? a:1 :1)
> >
> > The problem is, sometimes I have a force of habit to skip the whitespace
> > in some places when I want the code to be really compact/tight
> > (especially when with map(), filter() or \=), and I will not notice the
> > problem until sometime later when the code gets executed. If the code
> > happened to execute with a :silent, you may have to do quite a bit of
> > debugging to find this kind of errors. Is it possible for Vim to parse
> > this unambiguously? The usage could be even worse, something like:
> >
> >   let direction = (a:0>1?a:2:a:1)
> >
> The problem comes from the two meanings of the colon: as part of the
> (?:) operator, or to separate the context prefix from the variable or
> function name in v: s: g: l: a: b: w: t: &g: &l:
> To parse it unambiguously regardless of spaces, use parentheses:
>   (a:0?(a:1):1)
> and
>   ((a:0>1)?(a:2):(a:1))
> are unambiguous (and more legible too).
> Best regards,
> Tony.

I know that this is possible, but as I said previously, it is a force of
habit to compact as much as possible in some situations, though I
normally prefer using whitespace and parenthesis to improve clarity.

Also, the reason I mentioned using spaces is not really as a workaround
but to show the subtle difference it makes to the parser. Once you use
parenthesis, there is nothing really ambiguous about it.

I have a suspcion that using parenthesis also didn't solve the issue in
one of the cases (I remember it was calling script-local functions as
part of map() expression). I have to try to reproduce it though, I don't
remember it now.



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Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-07 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

I have hit this thrice already, while using the ?: ternary operator, in
some conditions, you are forced to put whitespace to separate the
operator otherwise Vim gets confused. Here is something that fails:

  let direction = (a:0?a:1:1)

I had this issue before calling script-local functions from the
true or false condition. The workaround as I said for the above is:

  let direction = (a:0 ? a:1 :1)

The problem is, sometimes I have a force of habit to skip the whitespace
in some places when I want the code to be really compact/tight
(especially when with map(), filter() or \=), and I will not notice the
problem until sometime later when the code gets executed. If the code
happened to execute with a :silent, you may have to do quite a bit of
debugging to find this kind of errors. Is it possible for Vim to parse
this unambiguously? The usage could be even worse, something like:

  let direction = (a:0>1?a:2:a:1)

The problem comes from the two meanings of the colon: as part of the 
(?:) operator, or to separate the context prefix from the variable or 
function name in v: s: g: l: a: b: w: t: &g: &l:

To parse it unambiguously regardless of spaces, use parentheses:


are unambiguous (and more legible too).

Best regards,

Re: parsing error with ?: usage

2006-09-07 Thread Tim Chase

this unambiguously? The usage could be even worse, something like:

  let direction = (a:0>1?a:2:a:1)

Personally, I never leave these sorts of matters to the whims of 
the parser designer (no offense, Bram :)   and always specify 
just as I would with something as ambiguous as

a and b or c

which could be parsed as

(a and b) or c


a and (b or c)

not trusting in the compiler, or my own ability to come back 
later and understand which condition it should be.

Similarly, I always force a ternary operator with

let direction = (a:0>1)?(a:2):(a:1)

to ensure that it parses exactly as I want/expect.

I know it's not an ideal solution as it sounds like you can solve 
your problem with a few extra spaces...however, it might be a 
habit worth developing to prevent ambiguity in code...both for 
the parser, and for you 6 months down the line. :)

Just my $2.0e-2
