Re: regex replace with match

2006-08-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

striker wrote:

I have a large fixed width database file that I would like to delimit  
with commas.  For example here are 2 lines of the file:

210044012123540759F181012004103C14  29847.3741091 4280  5070   
42789 28529 2769  2449  3320   
2948   05121
210044012112140906F091012004101J 2  11048.495609  5559  9973   
5180  9974  5680  94572
5451   06148

length of field1 = 8
length of field2 = 2
length of field3 = 3 and so on through 35 fields.

I was going to use a simple regex replacement like::%s/\(.\{8}\)\ 
(.\{2}\)\(.\{3}\)/\1,\2,\3,/g  This does work when only replacing  
a small number of fields.  I get 2 errors when I source a file with  
the command for all 35 fields.  The errors are:

E51:  Too many \(
E476: Invalid command

Two questions because of all of this:
1) What is the limit of \(   that can be used?
2) Is there a better way of delimiting the file?

Using the vis.vim plugin (available from as "Visual 
Block Commands"):

  Position cursor, line 1, on a delimiting column.
  ctrl-v$:B s/ /,/

Repeat with other columns.

Chip Campbell

RE: regex replace with match

2006-08-22 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>I have a large fixed width database file that I would like to delimit  
>with commas.  For example here are 2 lines of the file:
>***note*** Since this is a fixed width data base file, I can import  
>it into a database as is.  I am only doing this as a learning  

Just as a fwiw, when I had to do something like this and needed to check
my progress through the file to make sure nothing was missed (eg, lines
that would fail the pattern-match and be left untouched, fields that
didn't conform to certain expectations (eg, variable date-formats), I'd
take a more piecemeal approach, eg, the first pass might be

:g/\([0-9]*\)\( *\)\(.*\)/s//\1, ###\3/

to "format" the first field and stick a "###" flag/bookmark in there.
Second pass would be something like

:g/\(.*\)\(###\)\([0-9]*\)\( *\)\(.*\)/s//\1, \3, ###\4/

and so on.

This way, if I were to encounter some lines that failed the pattern
match and weren't processed, I could simply undo the change and modify
the one-step pattern to suit.

Don't know if this helps at all, but if an all-or-nothing approach is
chancey, or just too long to type in one shot, I'd just throw it at a
quickie 'lex' script to process, or just 'sed' my way through it
(preferably as a script).  With those, you can just edit the regexp
that's being used and rerun it with minimal retyping should the pattern
fail.  Quick example how it *can* fail is back in your sample lines, the
lone "14" and "2" bracketted by whitespace.  Do you want to grab a
variable amount of whitespace and end up with "14" and "2" exactly, or
grab a fixed amount of whitespace and end up with "14" and " 2" as
2-digit fields?  And if the latter, what if you don't realise there's
one line in the file where that field is "102", and the pattern fails to
match that line because it's expecting to eat 4 spaces, and there are
only 3 between the preceeding number and the "102"?

Right tool for the job, and all...  ;)

Re: regex replace with match

2006-08-22 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

striker wrote:
I have a large fixed width database file that I would like to delimit 
with commas.  For example here are 2 lines of the file:

210044012123540759F181012004103C14  29847.3741091 4280  5070  42789 
28529 2769  2449  3320  
2948   05121
210044012112140906F091012004101J 2  11048.495609  5559  9973  5180  
9974  5680  94572   
5451   06148

length of field1 = 8
length of field2 = 2
length of field3 = 3 and so on through 35 fields.

I was going to use a simple regex replacement like:
:%s/\(.\{8}\)\(.\{2}\)\(.\{3}\)/\1,\2,\3,/g  This does work when 
only replacing a small number of fields.  I get 2 errors when I source a 
file with the command for all 35 fields.  The errors are:

E51:  Too many \(
E476: Invalid command

Two questions because of all of this:
1) What is the limit of \(   that can be used?
2) Is there a better way of delimiting the file?

***note*** Since this is a fixed width data base file, I can import it 
into a database as is.  I am only doing this as a learning experience.


You can only refer to nine \( \) pairs by means of \1..\9, so I guess 
the limit is 9; but you can use \%( \) (which is marginally faster) if 
you don't need to refer to it in the "replace to" part of the 
:substitute. Or you can do the substitute in several waves.

Best regards,

Re: regex replace with match

2006-08-22 Thread Tim Chase
I was going to use a simple regex replacement like::%s/\(.\{8}\)\ 
(.\{2}\)\(.\{3}\)/\1,\2,\3,/g  This does work when only replacing  
a small number of fields.  I get 2 errors when I source a file with  
the command for all 35 fields.  The errors are:

E51:  Too many \(
E476: Invalid command

Two questions because of all of this:
1) What is the limit of \(   that can be used?
2) Is there a better way of delimiting the file?

1) I believe there's a limit of 9 fields (\1 through \9).

2) perhaps something like


where you specify the columns at which you want to make your 
replacements would scale to larger numbers of delimitings.  It 
uses absolute offsets (8, 10, 13) rather than relative offsets as 
you listed (8, 2, 3).  You should be able to just keep adding in 
more columns delimited by the "\|".

You can

:help /\%c
:help /bar
