Hi haya14busa, Bram and list!

2016-9-18(Sun) 2:10:03 UTC+9 haya14busa:
> However, I +1 to fix the document.
> Really? :lbuffer exists since Vim 7.0. 
> d12f5c1#diff-ce3914d764138d99accdab481d1a3204R183
> I respects that Vim cares backward compatibility. lbottom was introduced 
> recently (Jul 10), so I prefer to changing behavior not to surprise many 
> users who use Vim under 7.4.2010
> On top of that, :cb executes :cbuffer, not :cbottom.
> I prefer consistency between quickfix commands and location list commands.

Yeah, It wanted to know. Your patch is looks good for me.

BTW, I have implemented a mechanism in my product `syntax-vim-ex` to check the 
Ex-command abbreviation between the code and the document.

The following is the check result.
Sanity errors:
Ex-cmd `:argg` (short name of `:argglobal`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:argl` (short name of `:arglocal`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:bufd` (short name of `:bufdo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:cfd` (short name of `:cfdo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:cst` (short name of `:cstag`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:deb` (short name of `:debug`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:hid` (short name of `:hide`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:int` (short name of `:intro`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:lbu` (short name of `:lbuffer`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:ld` (short name of `:ldo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:lfd` (short name of `:lfdo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:luad` (short name of `:luado`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:luaf` (short name of `:luafile`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:nb` (short name of `:nbkey`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:nbc` (short name of `:nbclose`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:nbs` (short name of `:nbstart`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:ow` (short name of `:ownsyntax`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:pt` (short name of `:ptag`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:pyd` (short name of `:pydo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:py3d` (short name of `:py3do`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:py3f` (short name of `:py3file`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:rund` (short name of `:rundo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:startg` (short name of `:startgreplace`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:startr` (short name of `:startreplace`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:synti` (short name of `:syntime`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:smi` (short name of `:smile`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:to` (short name of `:topleft`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:wi` (short name of `:winsize`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:wind` (short name of `:windo`) is not found in the help tag.
Ex-cmd `:wu` (short name of `:wundo`) is not found in the help tag.
Makefile:44: recipe for target 'vim.vim.rc' failed
make: *** [vim.vim.rc] Error 1

I fixed them except `:lbu`.
it is fixed in haya14busa's patch.
I attached a patch. contained he's patch.
I confirmed it becomes all systems green 👍

Please check this.
Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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diff --git a/runtime/doc/editing.txt b/runtime/doc/editing.txt
index 58a1f2e..b40e4bc 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/editing.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/editing.txt
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ LOCAL ARGUMENT LIST
 {not in Vi}
 {not available when compiled without the |+windows| or |+listcmds| features}
-							*:arglocal*
+							*:arglocal* *:argl*
 :argl[ocal]		Make a local copy of the global argument list.
 			Doesn't start editing another file.
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ LOCAL ARGUMENT LIST
 			Define a new argument list, which is local to the
 			current window.  Works like |:args_f| otherwise.
-							*:argglobal*
+							*:argglobal* *:argg*
 :argg[lobal]		Use the global argument list for the current window.
 			Doesn't start editing another file.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/gui.txt b/runtime/doc/gui.txt
index efe6319..49e3684 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/gui.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/gui.txt
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ task bar with the 'guiheadroom' option.
 		remembered until the window is opened.  The position is
 		adjusted to make the window fit on the screen (if possible).
-						    *:win* *:winsize* *E465*
-:win[size] {width} {height}
+						    *:winsize* *:wi* *E465*
+:wi[nsize] {width} {height}
 		Set the window height to {width} by {height} characters.
 		Obsolete, use ":set lines=11 columns=22".
 		If you get less lines than expected, check the 'guiheadroom'
diff --git a/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt b/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
index dbbe2bd..2d1cc97 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ This command is same as the ":cscope" command, except when the
 'cscopequickfix' option is set, the location list for the current window is
 used instead of the quickfix list to show the cscope results.
-							*:cstag* *E257* *E562*
+						*:cstag* *:cst* *E257* *E562*
 If you use cscope as well as ctags, |:cstag| allows you to search one or
 the other before making a jump.  For example, you can choose to first
 search your cscope database(s) for a match, and if one is not found, then
diff --git a/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt b/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
index 2d6dcfc..6086991 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ If you use LuaJIT you can also use this: >
 	:lua print(jit.version)
-							*:luado*
-:[range]luado {body}	Execute Lua function "function (line, linenr) {body}
+							*:luado* *:luad*
+:[range]luad[o] {body}	Execute Lua function "function (line, linenr) {body}
 			end" for each line in the [range], with the function
 			argument being set to the text of each line in turn,
 			without a trailing <EOL>, and the current line number.
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ Examples:
 	:luado if bp:match(line) then return "-->\t" .. line end
-							*:luafile*
-:[range]luafile {file}
+							*:luafile* *:luaf*
+:[range]luaf[ile] {file}
 			Execute Lua script in {file}. {not in Vi}
 			The whole argument is used as a single file name.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt b/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt
index f9961a8..864322e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ To see what version of Python you have: >
 Note: Python is very sensitive to the indenting.  Make sure the "class" line
 and "EOF" do not have any indent.
-							*:pydo*
-:[range]pydo {body}	Execute Python function "def _vim_pydo(line, linenr):
+							*:pydo* *:pyd*
+:[range]pyd[o] {body}	Execute Python function "def _vim_pydo(line, linenr):
 			{body}" for each line in the [range], with the
 			function arguments being set to the text of each line
 			in turn, without a trailing <EOL>, and the current
@@ -748,13 +748,13 @@ match the Python 2.x or Python 3 version Vim was compiled with.
 The `:py3` and `:python3` commands work similar to `:python`.  A simple check
 if the `:py3` command is working: >
 	:py3 print("Hello")
-<							*:py3file*
 To see what version of Python you have: >
 	:py3 import sys
 	:py3 print(sys.version)
+<							*:py3file* *:py3f*
 The `:py3file` command works similar to `:pyfile`.
-							*:py3do*
+							*:py3do* *:py3d*
 The `:py3do` command works similar to `:pydo`.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/index.txt b/runtime/doc/index.txt
index 8b024f8..ab9314e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/index.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/index.txt
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ tag		command	      action in Command-line editing mode	~
 |c_<Insert>|	<Insert>	toggle insert/overstrike mode
 |c_<LeftMouse>|	<LeftMouse>	cursor at mouse click
-You found it, Arthur!				*holy-grail* *:smile*
+You found it, Arthur!				*holy-grail* *:smile* *:smi*
 5. EX commands					*ex-cmd-index* *:index*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/insert.txt b/runtime/doc/insert.txt
index d2959df..825c4cd 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/insert.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/insert.txt
@@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@ NOTE: These commands cannot be used with |:global| or |:vglobal|.
 			Can be used in an autocommand, example: >
 				:au BufEnter scratch stopinsert
-					*replacing-ex* *:startreplace*
+				    *replacing-ex* *:startreplace* *:startr*
 :startr[eplace][!]	Start Replace mode just after executing this command.
 			Works just like typing "R" in Normal mode.  When the
 			! is included it acts just like "$R" had been typed
@@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ NOTE: These commands cannot be used with |:global| or |:vglobal|.
 			the function or script is finished.
 			{not in Vi}
-							*:startgreplace*
+						    *:startgreplace* *:startg*
 :startg[replace][!]	Just like |:startreplace|, but use Virtual Replace
 			mode, like with |gR|.
 			{not in Vi}
diff --git a/runtime/doc/netbeans.txt b/runtime/doc/netbeans.txt
index fb54b80..0233e22 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/netbeans.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/netbeans.txt
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ These errors occur when a message violates the protocol:
 7. NetBeans commands					*netbeans-commands*
-							*:nbstart* *E511* *E838*
+					    *:nbstart* *:nbs* *E511* *E838*
 :nbs[tart] {connection}	Start a new Netbeans session with {connection} as the
 			socket connection parameters.  The format of
 			{connection} is described in |netbeans-parameters|.
@@ -843,11 +843,11 @@ These errors occur when a message violates the protocol:
 			connected by running the command:
 			':echo has("netbeans_enabled")'
-							*:nbclose*
+							*:nbclose* *:nbc*
 :nbc[lose]		Close the current NetBeans session. Remove all placed
-							*:nbkey*
+							*:nbkey* *:nb*
 :nb[key] {key}		Pass the {key} to the Vim Controller for processing.
 			When a hot-key has been installed with the specialKeys
 			command, this command can be used to generate a hotkey
diff --git a/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt b/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
index 6e189ca..d4987f5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
 			Also see |:bufdo|, |:tabdo|, |:argdo|, |:windo|,
 			|:ldo|, |:cfdo| and |:lfdo|.
-							*:cfdo*
-:cfdo[!] {cmd}		Execute {cmd} in each file in the quickfix list.
+							*:cfdo* *:cfd*
+:cfd[o][!] {cmd}	Execute {cmd} in each file in the quickfix list.
 			It works like doing this: >
 			{not in Vi} {not available when compiled without the
 			|+listcmds| feature}
-							*:ldo*
+							*:ldo* *:ld*
 :ld[o][!] {cmd}		Execute {cmd} in each valid entry in the location list
 			for the current window.
 			It works like doing this: >
 			{not in Vi} {not available when compiled without the
 			|+listcmds| feature}
-							*:lfdo*
-:lfdo[!] {cmd}		Execute {cmd} in each file in the location list for
+							*:lfdo* *:lfd*
+:lfd[o][!] {cmd}	Execute {cmd} in each file in the location list for
 			the current window.
 			It works like doing this: >
diff --git a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
index e704681..11c5cdf 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ To enter debugging mode use one of these methods:
    For a GUI-only version (Windows, Macintosh) the debugging will start as
    soon as the GUI window has been opened.  To make this happen early, add a
    ":gui" command in the vimrc file.
-								*:debug*
+							    *:debug* *:deb*
 2. Run a command with ":debug" prepended.  Debugging will only be done while
    this command executes.  Useful for debugging a specific script or user
    function.  And for scripts and functions used by autocommands.  Example: >
diff --git a/runtime/doc/starting.txt b/runtime/doc/starting.txt
index 8ce3c63..bbf72f5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/starting.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/starting.txt
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ out what happens.  There are a few common causes:
 Intro message ~
-							*:intro*
+							*:intro* *:int*
 When Vim starts without a file name, an introductory message is displayed (for
 those who don't know what Vim is).  It is removed as soon as the display is
 redrawn in any way.  To see the message again, use the ":intro" command (if
diff --git a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
index 090012d..35ba4d8 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -5197,7 +5197,7 @@ And put these lines in your .vimrc: >
    autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.[ch] endif
-16. Window-local syntax				*:ownsyntax*
+16. Window-local syntax				*:ownsyntax* *:ow*
 Normally all windows on a buffer share the same syntax settings. It is
 possible, however, to set a particular window on a file to have its own
@@ -5371,7 +5371,7 @@ that Setup / Font / Enable Bold is NOT enabled.
-18. When syntax is slow						*:syntime*
+18. When syntax is slow					*:syntime* *:synti*
 This is aimed at authors of a syntax file.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/undo.txt b/runtime/doc/undo.txt
index 77ecf91..fe9e12d 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/undo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/undo.txt
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ same key and method is used. |encryption|
 You can also save and restore undo histories by using ":wundo" and ":rundo"
-							*:wundo* *:rundo*
-:wundo[!] {file}
+							*:wundo* *:wu*
+:wu[ndo][!] {file}
 		Write undo history to {file}.
 		When {file} exists and it does not look like an undo file
 		(the magic number at the start of the file is wrong), then
@@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ respectively:
 		in a write-protected directory.
 		{not in Vi}
-:rundo {file}	Read undo history from {file}.
+							*:rundo* *:rund*
+:rund[o] {file}	Read undo history from {file}.
 		{not in Vi}
 You can use these in autocommands to explicitly specify the name of the
diff --git a/runtime/doc/windows.txt b/runtime/doc/windows.txt
index 0ef1a8b..68852e9 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/windows.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/windows.txt
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ window will appear.
 		Doesn't work for |:execute| and |:normal|.
-						*:topleft* *E442*
+						*:topleft* *:to* *E442*
 :to[pleft] {cmd}
 		Execute {cmd}.  If it contains a command that splits a window,
 		it will appear at the top and occupy the full width of the Vim
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ CTRL-W CTRL-C						*CTRL-W_CTRL-C*
 		window, but that does not work, because the CTRL-C cancels the
-							*:hide*
+							*:hide* *:hid*
 		Quit the current window, unless it is the last window on the
@@ -707,8 +707,8 @@ can also get to them with the buffer list commands, like ":bnext".
 8. Do a command in all buffers or windows			*list-repeat*
-							*:windo*
-:[range]windo {cmd}	Execute {cmd} in each window or if [range] is given
+							*:windo* *:wind*
+:[range]wind[o] {cmd}	Execute {cmd} in each window or if [range] is given
 			only in windows for which the window number lies in
 			the [range].  It works like doing this: >
 				CTRL-W t
@@ -728,8 +728,9 @@ can also get to them with the buffer list commands, like ":bnext".
 			Also see |:tabdo|, |:argdo|, |:bufdo|, |:cdo|, |:ldo|,
 			|:cfdo| and |:lfdo|
-							*:bufdo*
-:[range]bufdo[!] {cmd}	Execute {cmd} in each buffer in the buffer list or if
+							*:bufdo* *:bufd*
+:[range]bufd[o][!] {cmd}
+			Execute {cmd} in each buffer in the buffer list or if
 			[range] is given only for buffers for which their
 			buffer number is in the [range].  It works like doing
 			this: >
@@ -848,8 +849,8 @@ set in the preview window to be able to recognize it.  The 'winfixheight'
 option is set to have it keep the same height when opening/closing other
-						*:pta* *:ptag*
-:pta[g][!] [tagname]
+						*:ptag* *:pt*
+:pt[ag][!] [tagname]
 		Does ":tag[!] [tagname]" and shows the found tag in a
 		"Preview" window without changing the current buffer or cursor
 		position.  If a "Preview" window already exists, it is re-used
diff --git a/src/ex_cmds.h b/src/ex_cmds.h
index 4f35660..01126ba 100644
--- a/src/ex_cmds.h
+++ b/src/ex_cmds.h
@@ -730,12 +730,12 @@ EX(CMD_laddfile,	"laddfile",	ex_cfile,
 EX(CMD_later,		"later",	ex_later,
-EX(CMD_lbottom,		"lbottom",	ex_cbottom,
 EX(CMD_lbuffer,		"lbuffer",	ex_cbuffer,
+EX(CMD_lbottom,		"lbottom",	ex_cbottom,
 EX(CMD_lcd,		"lcd",		ex_cd,

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