Re: Patch 7.4.362

2014-07-11 Fir de Conversatie Akio Ito
On Thursday, July 10, 2014 6:56:32 PM UTC+9, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Hmm, I would not expect any slow down because of this patch.  Are you
 sure it's not something else?  Ideally you would reverse this specific
 patch and check if the excessive CPU still happens.

Bram, apologies for sending private message by mistake.

Scroll text like a crazy with trackpad (iMac with 4 Cores)
Patched   version: aprox. max 70% CPU usage
Unpatched version: aprox. max 35% CPU usage

I find a reasonable work around for sluggishness in normal scrolling changing 
my .vimrc: 
 let g:syntax = '???'
 let g:currentTag = '???'
 autocmd CursorHold * let g:syntax = SyntaxItem()
 autocmd CursorHold * let g:currentTag = tagbar#currenttag('%s','','s')
 set statusline+=%3*\ %{g:currentTag}\ 
 set statusline+=%3*\ %{tagbar#currenttag('%s','','s')}\ 
 set statusline+=%5*\ %=%{g:syntax}
 set statusline+=%5*\ %=%{SyntaxItem()}

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Re: Patch 7.4.362

2014-07-09 Fir de Conversatie Akio Ito
This patch make to use excessive CPU when scroll in my MacVim. Edited text had 
multibyte japanese characters(utf8).

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