>> Well, I can see that you get the information, but this is not really a
>> useful real-world example.  Think of a user that wants to get something
>> done for which v:operator is needed.  And for which there is no other
>> solution.
> Here's a somewhat naively implemented example where a custom text-object is 
> defined that allows you to operate on a function name whether the cursor is 
> on the 
> name itself or on its arguments. You can yank with yF, change with cF, 
> uppercase 
> with gUF, etc. I can't think of any other way to do this, or more complicated 
> language-based custom text-object definition--e.g. yank/change a whole 
> conjunction 
> or disjunction in a logic language, yank or change the condition of an 'if' 
> or 
> 'while' loop from anywhere within its body. Some of these would be more 
> useful 
> than others, of course, but there are a lot of real world possibilities, I 
> think.

A better one:

:onoremap F <Esc>:call OperateFunctionName()<CR>
:function! OperateFunctionName()
:  let save_count = v:count
:  let save_op = v:operator
:  let save_reg = v:register
:  while search('\(\%#\i\|\i\s*\%#\)\i*\s*(','ce',line('.')+1) == 0
:    if searchpair('(','',')','bW') == 0
:      normal "\<Esc>"
:      return
:    endif
:  endwhile
:  exe "normal \<BS>\"_yiw"
:  exe 'normal "'.save_reg.(save_count>0?(save_count):'').save_op.'e'

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