Issue 134 in vim: Pasting over visually selected line of new buffer not correctly undoable

2013-05-22 Fir de Conversatie vim
Status: New Owner: Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium New issue 134 by Pasting over visually selected line of new buffer not correctly undoable Steps to reproduce: 1. vim -u NONE -N 2. ifooESCyy 3. :ene! 4. Vp 5. u 6.

Re: Issue 134 in vim: Pasting over visually selected line of new buffer not correctly undoable

2013-05-22 Fir de Conversatie Christian Brabandt
On Mi, 22 Mai 2013, wrote: Status: New Owner: Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium New issue 134 by Pasting over visually selected line of new buffer not correctly undoable Steps to reproduce: