Re: omnicpp very slow under windows XP

2008-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt
Tony Mechelynck wrote: On 30/04/08 17:05, Ben Schmidt wrote: [...] If anyone has or can find a HOWTO on building Vim on Win32 using free software tools (MinGW etc.), that might speed the process. [...] using Borland or Cygwin (I recommend Cygwin)

Re: omnicpp very slow under windows XP

2008-04-30 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt
epanda wrote: 1-Setting the path to a recursive path cause that omnicpp is very slow under windows. ex: set path= D:\\** in your _vimrc and you will see. I think this is related to an earlier-reported bug/problem in Vim itself in the thread Vim file globbing... on vim_use:

Re: omnicpp very slow under windows XP

2008-04-28 Fir de Conversatie epanda
Thanks John, I don't think it is the network because the problem CTRL+X CTRL+O very slow happens at my office and at my home PC. At the office, there is a local network, at my home I am on internet. Concerning the plugin file I will try to locate it with a vimdiff. Thanks Best Regards On 24