Patch 8.0.0029
Problem:    Code for MS-Windows is complicated because of the exceptions for
            old systems.
Solution:   Drop support for MS-Windows older than Windows XP. (Ken Takata)
Files:      runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt, runtime/doc/os_win32.txt,
            runtime/doc/todo.txt, src/GvimExt/Makefile, src/Make_mvc.mak,
            src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/gui_w32.c,
            src/if_cscope.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/option.c,
            src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h,
            src/proto/, src/proto/, src/version.c

*** ../vim-8.0.0028/runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt     2016-09-12 12:45:25.000000000 
--- runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt     2016-10-12 14:00:10.218811720 +0200
*** 49,58 ****
  vimrc or gvimrc file: >
        au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
-                                                               *gui-w32s*
- There is a specific version of gvim.exe that runs under the Win32s subsystem
- of Windows 3.1 or 3.11.  See |win32s|.
  Using Vim as a plugin                                 *gui-w32-windowid*
--- 49,54 ----
*** 100,108 ****
  You can also install Vim in the "Send To" menu:
  1. Start a Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to your sendto directory:
-    Windows 95: %windir%\sendto (e.g. "c:\windows\sendto")
     Windows NT: %windir%\profiles\%user%\sendto (e.g.
!              "c:\winnt\profiles\mattha\sendto").
  3. Right-click in the file pane and select New->Shortcut
  4. Follow the shortcut wizard, using the full path to VIM/GVIM.
--- 96,105 ----
  You can also install Vim in the "Send To" menu:
  1. Start a Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to your sendto directory:
     Windows NT: %windir%\profiles\%user%\sendto (e.g.
!              "c:\winnt\profiles\mattha\sendto")
!    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\SendTo
!    Windows Vista: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo .
  3. Right-click in the file pane and select New->Shortcut
  4. Follow the shortcut wizard, using the full path to VIM/GVIM.
*** 274,308 ****
  question if you really want to kill the application, Vim may be killed too!
  (This does not apply to commands run asynchronously with ":!start".)
! In Windows 95, the window in which the commands are executed is always 25x80
! characters, to be as DOS compatible as possible (this matters!).  The default
! system font is used.  On NT, the window will be the default you have set up 
! "Console" in Control Panel.  On Win32s, the properties of the DOS box are
! determined by _default.pif in the windows directory.
!                                                       *msdos-mode*
! If you get a dialog that says "This program is set to run in MS-DOS mode..."
! when you run an external program, you can solve this by changing the
! properties of the associated shortcut:
! - Use a Windows Explorer to find the that is used.  It can be
!   c:\, c:\dos\, c:\windows\, etc.
! - With the right mouse button, select properties of this
! - In the Program tab select "Advanced".
! - Unselect "MS-DOS mode".
! - Click "OK" twice.
  Normally, Vim waits for a command to complete before continuing (this makes
  sense for most shell commands which produce output for Vim to use).  If you
  want Vim to start a program and return immediately, you can use the following
! syntax on W95 & NT: >
        :!start [/min] {command}
  The optional "/min" causes the window to be minimized.
- On Win32s, you will have to go to another window instead.  Don't forget that
- you must tell Windows 3.1x to keep executing a DOS command in the background
- while you switch back to Vim.
  5. Special colors                                     *win32-colors*
--- 271,287 ----
  question if you really want to kill the application, Vim may be killed too!
  (This does not apply to commands run asynchronously with ":!start".)
! The window in which the commands are executed will be the default you have set
! up for "Console" in Control Panel.
  Normally, Vim waits for a command to complete before continuing (this makes
  sense for most shell commands which produce output for Vim to use).  If you
  want Vim to start a program and return immediately, you can use the following
! syntax: >
        :!start [/min] {command}
  The optional "/min" causes the window to be minimized.
  5. Special colors                                     *win32-colors*
*** 311,317 ****
  Additionally the system configured colors can also be used.  These are known
  by the names Sys_XXX, where XXX is the appropriate system color name, from the
  following list (see the Win32 documentation for full descriptions).  Case is
! ignored.  Note: On Win32s not all of these colors are supported.
  Sys_3DDKShadow                Sys_3DFace                      Sys_BTNFace
  Sys_3DHilight         Sys_3DHighlight                 Sys_BTNHilight
--- 290,296 ----
  Additionally the system configured colors can also be used.  These are known
  by the names Sys_XXX, where XXX is the appropriate system color name, from the
  following list (see the Win32 documentation for full descriptions).  Case is
! ignored.
  Sys_3DDKShadow                Sys_3DFace                      Sys_BTNFace
  Sys_3DHilight         Sys_3DHighlight                 Sys_BTNHilight
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt    2016-09-12 12:45:26.000000000 
--- runtime/doc/os_win32.txt    2016-10-12 14:04:26.836987376 +0200
*** 1,4 ****
! *os_win32.txt*  For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2016 Aug 28
                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by George Reilly
--- 1,4 ----
! *os_win32.txt*  For Vim version 8.0.  Last change: 2016 Oct 12
                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by George Reilly
*** 7,26 ****
                                                *win32* *Win32* *MS-Windows*
  This file documents the idiosyncrasies of the Win32 version of Vim.
! The Win32 version of Vim works on Windows NT, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista and
! Windows 7.  There are both console and GUI versions.
  The 32 bit version also runs on 64 bit MS-Windows systems.
- There is GUI version for use in the Win32s subsystem in Windows 3.1[1].  You
- can also use the 32-bit DOS version of Vim instead.  See |os_msdos.txt|.
  1. Known problems             |win32-problems|
  2. Startup                    |win32-startup|
  3. Restore screen contents    |win32-restore|
  4. Using the mouse            |win32-mouse|
! 5. Running under Windows 3.1  |win32-win3.1|
! 6. Win32 mini FAQ             |win32-faq|
  Additionally, there are a number of common Win32 and DOS items:
  File locations                        |dos-locations|
--- 7,24 ----
                                                *win32* *Win32* *MS-Windows*
  This file documents the idiosyncrasies of the Win32 version of Vim.
! The Win32 version of Vim works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.  There are
! both console and GUI versions.
  The 32 bit version also runs on 64 bit MS-Windows systems.
  1. Known problems             |win32-problems|
  2. Startup                    |win32-startup|
  3. Restore screen contents    |win32-restore|
  4. Using the mouse            |win32-mouse|
! 5. Running under Windows 95   |win32-win95|
! 6. Running under Windows 3.1  |win32-win3.1|
! 7. Win32 mini FAQ             |win32-faq|
  Additionally, there are a number of common Win32 and DOS items:
  File locations                        |dos-locations|
*** 43,62 ****
  For compiling see "src/INSTALLpc.txt".                        
! 1. Known problems                             *windows95* *win32-problems*
! There are a few known problems with running in a console on Windows 95.  As
! far as we know, this is the same in Windows 98 and Windows ME.
! Comments from somebody working at Microsoft: "Win95 console support has always
! been and will always be flaky".
! 1.  Dead key support doesn't work.
! 2.  Resizing the window with ":set columns=nn lines=nn" works, but executing
!     external commands MAY CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO HANG OR CRASH.
! 3.  Screen updating is slow, unless you change 'columns' or 'lines' to a
!     non-DOS value.  But then the second problem applies!
! If this bothers you, use the 32 bit MS-DOS version or the Win32 GUI version.
  When doing file name completion, Vim also finds matches for the short file
  name.  But Vim will still find and use the corresponding long file name.  For
--- 41,47 ----
  For compiling see "src/INSTALLpc.txt".                        
! 1. Known problems                                     *win32-problems*
  When doing file name completion, Vim also finds matches for the short file
  name.  But Vim will still find and use the corresponding long file name.  For
*** 141,200 ****
  the console.
! 5. Running under Windows 3.1                          *win32-win3.1*
!                                               *win32s* *windows-3.1*
  There was a special version of Gvim that runs under Windows 3.1 and 3.11.
  Support was removed in patch 7.4.1363.
! 6. Win32 mini FAQ                                     *win32-faq*
! Q. Why does the Win32 version of Vim update the screen so slowly on Windows 
! A. The support for Win32 console mode applications is very buggy in Win95.
!    For some unknown reason, the screen updates very slowly when Vim is run at
!    one of the standard resolutions (80x25, 80x43, or 80x50) and the 16-bit DOS
!    version updates the screen much more quickly than the Win32 version.
!    However, if the screen is set to some other resolution, such as by ":set
!    columns=100" or ":set lines=40", screen updating becomes about as fast as
!    it is with the 16-bit version.
!    WARNING: Changing 'columns' may make Windows 95 crash while updating the
!    window (complaints --> Microsoft).  Since this mostly works, this has not
!    been disabled, but be careful with changing 'columns'.
!    Changing the screen resolution makes updates faster, but it brings
!    additional problems.  External commands (e.g., ":!dir") can cause Vim to
!    freeze when the screen is set to a non-standard resolution, particularly
!    when 'columns' is not equal to 80.  It is not possible for Vim to reliably
!    set the screen resolution back to the value it had upon startup before
!    running external commands, so if you change the number of 'lines' or
!    'columns', be very, very careful.  In fact, Vim will not allow you to
!    execute external commands when 'columns' is not equal to 80, because it is
!    so likely to freeze up afterwards.
!    None of the above applies on Windows NT.  Screen updates are fast, no
!    matter how many 'lines' or 'columns' the window has, and external commands
!    do not cause Vim to freeze.
! Q. So if the Win32 version updates the screen so slowly on Windows 95 and the
!    16-bit DOS version updates the screen quickly, why would I want to run the
!    Win32 version?
! A. Firstly, the Win32 version isn't that slow, especially when the screen is
!    set to some non-standard number of 'lines' or 'columns'.  Secondly, the
!    16-bit DOS version has some severe limitations: It can't do big changes and
!    it doesn't know about long file names.  The Win32 version doesn't have 
!    limitations and it's faster overall (the same is true for the 32-bit DJGPP
!    DOS version of Vim).  The Win32 version is smarter about handling the
!    screen, the mouse, and the keyboard than the DJGPP version is.
! Q. And what about the 16-bit DOS version versus the Win32 version on NT?
! A. There are no good reasons to run the 16-bit DOS version on NT.  The Win32
!    version updates the screen just as fast as the 16-bit version does when
!    running on NT.  All of the above disadvantages apply.  Finally, DOS
!    applications can take a long time to start up and will run more slowly.  On
!    non-Intel NT platforms, the DOS version is almost unusably slow, because it
!    runs on top of an 80x86 emulator.
  Q. How do I change the font?
  A. In the GUI version, you can use the 'guifont' option.  Example: >
--- 126,145 ----
  the console.
! 5. Running under Windows 95                           *win32-win95*
!                                       *windows95* *windows98* *windowsme*
! Windows 95/98/ME support was removed in patch 8.0.0029  If you want to use it
! you will need to get a version older than that.
! ==============================================================================
! 6. Running under Windows 3.1                          *win32-win3.1*
!                                       *win32s* *windows-3.1* *gui-w32s*
  There was a special version of Gvim that runs under Windows 3.1 and 3.11.
  Support was removed in patch 7.4.1363.
! 7. Win32 mini FAQ                                     *win32-faq*
  Q. How do I change the font?
  A. In the GUI version, you can use the 'guifont' option.  Example: >
*** 202,248 ****
  <  In the console version, you need to set the font of the console itself.
     You cannot do this from within Vim.
- Q. When I change the size of the console window with ':set lines=xx' or
-    similar, the font changes! (Win95)
- A. You have the console font set to 'Auto' in Vim's (or your MS-DOS prompt's)
-    properties.  This makes W95 guess (badly!) what font is best.  Set an 
-    font instead.
- Q. Why can't I paste into Vim when running Windows 95?
- A. In the properties dialog box for the MS-DOS window, go to "MS-DOS
-    Prompt/Misc/Fast pasting" and make sure that it is NOT checked.  You should
-    also do ":set paste" in Vim to avoid unexpected effects.   |'paste'|
- Q. How do I type dead keys on Windows 95, in the console version?
-    (A dead key is an accent key, such as acute, grave, or umlaut, that doesn't
-    produce a character by itself, but when followed by another key, produces
-    an accented character, such as a-acute, e-grave, u-umlaut, n-tilde, and so
-    on.  Very useful for most European languages.  English-language keyboard
-    layouts don't use dead keys, as far as we know.)
- A. You don't.  The console mode input routines simply do not work correctly in
-    Windows 95, and I have not been able to work around them.  In the words
-    of a senior developer at Microsoft:
-       Win95 console support has always been and will always be flaky.
-       The flakiness is unavoidable because we are stuck between the world of
-       MS-DOS keyboard TSRs like KEYB (which wants to cook the data;
-       important for international) and the world of Win32.
-       So keys that don't "exist" in MS-DOS land (like dead keys) have a
-       very tenuous existence in Win32 console land.  Keys that act
-       differently between MS-DOS land and Win32 console land (like
-       capslock) will act flaky.
-       Don't even _mention_ the problems with multiple language keyboard
-       layouts...
-    You may be able to fashion some sort of workaround with the digraphs
-    mechanism.                                                 |digraphs|
-    The best solution is to use the Win32 GUI version gvim.exe.  Alternatively,
-    you can try one of the DOS versions of Vim where dead keys reportedly do
-    work.
  Q. How do I type dead keys on Windows NT?
  A. Dead keys work on NT 3.51.  Just type them as you would in any other
--- 147,152 ----
*** 349,376 ****
  <  The first command runs notepad minimized and the second one runs it
- Q. I'm using Win32s, and when I try to run an external command like "make",
-    Vim doesn't wait for it to finish!  Help!
- A. The problem is that a 32-bit application (Vim) can't get notification from
-    Windows that a 16-bit application (your DOS session) has finished.  Vim
-    includes a work-around for this, but you must set up your DOS commands to
-    run in a window, not full-screen.  Unfortunately the default when you
-    install Windows is full-screen.  To change this:
-    1) Start PIF editor (in the Main program group).
-    2) Open the file "_DEFAULT.PIF" in your Windows directory.
-    3) Changes the display option from "Full Screen" to "Windowed".
-    4) Save and exit.
-    To test, start Vim and type >
-       :!dir C:\<CR>".
- <  You should see a DOS box window appear briefly with the directory listing.
- Q. I use Vim under Win32s and NT.  In NT, I can define the console to default 
-    50 lines, so that I get a 80x50 shell when I ':sh'.  Can I do the same in
-    W3.1x, or am I stuck with 80x25?
- A. Edit SYSTEM.INI and add 'ScreenLines=50' to the [NonWindowsApp] section.  
-    prompts and external DOS commands will now run in a 50-line window.
  Q. I don't like the Vim icon, can I change it?
  A. Yes, place your favorite icon in bitmaps/vim.ico in a directory of
--- 253,258 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/GvimExt/Makefile        2016-02-02 18:48:30.000000000 
--- src/GvimExt/Makefile        2016-10-12 14:00:10.222811692 +0200
*** 3,9 ****
  #   DEBUG=yes         Build debug version (for VC7 and maybe later)
  !ifndef APPVER
--- 3,9 ----
  #   DEBUG=yes         Build debug version (for VC7 and maybe later)
  !ifndef APPVER
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/Make_mvc.mak    2016-09-08 20:25:34.000000000 +0200
--- src/Make_mvc.mak    2016-10-12 14:00:10.222811692 +0200
*** 1,7 ****
! # Makefile for Vim on Win32 (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 and Windows 95/98/Me)
! # and Win64, using the Microsoft Visual C++ compilers. Known to work with
! # VC5, VC6 (VS98), VC7.0 (VS2002), VC7.1 (VS2003), VC8 (VS2005),
! # VC9 (VS2008), VC10 (VS2010) and VC11 (VS2012)
  # To build using other Windows compilers, see INSTALLpc.txt
--- 1,7 ----
! # Makefile for Vim on Win32 (Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10) and Win64,
! # using the Microsoft Visual C++ compilers. Known to work with VC5, VC6 
! # VC7.0 (VS2002), VC7.1 (VS2003), VC8 (VS2005), VC9 (VS2008), VC10 (VS2010),
! # VC11 (VS2012), VC12 (VS2013) and VC14 (VS2015)
  # To build using other Windows compilers, see INSTALLpc.txt
*** 119,125 ****
  #       yes:   Write a normal mapfile.
  #       lines: Write a mapfile with line numbers (only for VC6 and later)
! #     Static Code Analysis: ANALYZE=yes (works with VS2012 only)
  # You can combine any of these interfaces
--- 119,125 ----
  #       yes:   Write a normal mapfile.
  #       lines: Write a mapfile with line numbers (only for VC6 and later)
! #     Static Code Analysis: ANALYZE=yes (works with VS2012 or later)
  # You can combine any of these interfaces
*** 162,170 ****
  # you can set DEFINES on the command line, e.g.,
  #     nmake -f Make_mvc.mvc "DEFINES=-DEMACS_TAGS"
! # Build on both Windows NT/XP and Windows 9x
  # Select one of eight object code directories, depends on GUI, OLE, DEBUG and
  # interfaces.
--- 162,170 ----
  # you can set DEFINES on the command line, e.g.,
  #     nmake -f Make_mvc.mvc "DEFINES=-DEMACS_TAGS"
! # Build on Windows NT/XP
  # Select one of eight object code directories, depends on GUI, OLE, DEBUG and
  # interfaces.
*** 436,448 ****
  #>>>>> end of choices
- !ifdef OS
- OS_TYPE       = winnt
  DEL_TREE = rmdir /s /q
- !else
- OS_TYPE       = win95
- DEL_TREE = deltree /y
- !endif
--- 436,442 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/evalfunc.c      2016-09-26 22:36:50.615386371 +0200
--- src/evalfunc.c      2016-10-12 14:00:10.226811664 +0200
*** 6017,6023 ****
  #if defined(WIN3264)
        else if (STRICMP(name, "win95") == 0)
!           n = mch_windows95();
        else if (STRICMP(name, "netbeans_enabled") == 0)
--- 6017,6023 ----
  #if defined(WIN3264)
        else if (STRICMP(name, "win95") == 0)
!           n = FALSE;          /* Win9x is no more supported. */
        else if (STRICMP(name, "netbeans_enabled") == 0)
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/ex_cmds.c       2016-09-04 21:08:45.000000000 +0200
--- src/ex_cmds.c       2016-10-12 14:00:10.226811664 +0200
*** 1175,1188 ****
      if (*cmd == NUL)      /* no filter command */
- #ifdef WIN3264
-     /*
-      * Check if external commands are allowed now.
-      */
-     if (can_end_termcap_mode(TRUE) == FALSE)
-       return;
- #endif
      cursor_save = curwin->w_cursor;
      linecount = line2 - line1 + 1;
      curwin->w_cursor.lnum = line1;
--- 1175,1180 ----
*** 1460,1471 ****
  #ifdef MSWIN
-      * Check if external commands are allowed now.
-      */
-     if (can_end_termcap_mode(TRUE) == FALSE)
-       return;
-     /*
       * Check if ":!start" is used.
      if (cmd != NULL)
--- 1452,1457 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/ex_docmd.c      2016-09-29 15:18:51.355768041 +0200
--- src/ex_docmd.c      2016-10-12 14:00:10.230811635 +0200
*** 7611,7624 ****
       * Disallow suspending for "rvim".
!     if (!check_restricted()
! #ifdef WIN3264
!       /*
!        * Check if external commands are allowed now.
!        */
!       && can_end_termcap_mode(TRUE)
! #endif
!                                       )
        if (!eap->forceit)
--- 7611,7617 ----
       * Disallow suspending for "rvim".
!     if (!check_restricted())
        if (!eap->forceit)
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/gui_w32.c       2016-08-29 22:42:20.000000000 +0200
--- src/gui_w32.c       2016-10-12 14:00:10.234811607 +0200
*** 319,325 ****
  static UINT           s_findrep_msg = 0;      /* set in gui_w[16/32].c */
  static FINDREPLACE    s_findrep_struct;
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
  static FINDREPLACEW   s_findrep_struct_w;
  # endif
  static HWND           s_findrep_hwnd = NULL;
--- 319,325 ----
  static UINT           s_findrep_msg = 0;      /* set in gui_w[16/32].c */
  static FINDREPLACE    s_findrep_struct;
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  static FINDREPLACEW   s_findrep_struct_w;
  # endif
  static HWND           s_findrep_hwnd = NULL;
*** 369,375 ****
  # define MyTranslateMessage(x) TranslateMessage(x)
! #if (defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE)) || defined(GLOBAL_IME)
    /* use of WindowProc depends on wide_WindowProc */
  # define MyWindowProc vim_WindowProc
--- 369,375 ----
  # define MyTranslateMessage(x) TranslateMessage(x)
! #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) || defined(GLOBAL_IME)
    /* use of WindowProc depends on wide_WindowProc */
  # define MyWindowProc vim_WindowProc
*** 473,482 ****
  static int    s_timed_out = FALSE;
  static int    dead_key = 0;   /* 0: no dead key, 1: dead key pressed */
- #ifdef WIN3264
- static OSVERSIONINFO os_version;    /* like it says.  Init in gui_mch_init() 
- #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
  /* balloon-eval WM_NOTIFY_HANDLER */
  static void Handle_WM_Notify(HWND hwnd, LPNMHDR pnmh);
--- 473,478 ----
*** 695,755 ****
      WCHAR     wstring[2];
      char_u    *ws = NULL;
!     if (os_version.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!     {
!       /* On Windows 95/98 we apparently get the character in the active
!        * codepage, not in UCS-2.  If conversion is needed convert it to
!        * UCS-2 first. */
!       if ((int)GetACP() == enc_codepage)
!           len = 0;        /* no conversion required */
!       else
!           string[0] = ch;
!           len = MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, (LPCSTR)string,
!                   1, wstring, 2);
-       wstring[0] = ch;
        len = 1;
!     }
!     if (len > 0)
!     {
!       /* "ch" is a UTF-16 character.  Convert it to a string of bytes.  When
!        * "enc_codepage" is non-zero use the standard Win32 function,
!        * otherwise use our own conversion function (e.g., for UTF-8). */
!       if (enc_codepage > 0)
!       {
!           len = WideCharToMultiByte(enc_codepage, 0, wstring, len,
!                                              (LPSTR)string, slen, 0, NULL);
!           /* If we had included the ALT key into the character but now the
!            * upper bit is no longer set, that probably means the conversion
!            * failed.  Convert the original character and set the upper bit
!            * afterwards. */
!           if (had_alt && len == 1 && ch >= 0x80 && string[0] < 0x80)
!           {
!               wstring[0] = ch & 0x7f;
!               len = WideCharToMultiByte(enc_codepage, 0, wstring, len,
!                                              (LPSTR)string, slen, 0, NULL);
!               if (len == 1) /* safety check */
!                   string[0] |= 0x80;
!           }
!       }
!           len = 1;
!           ws = utf16_to_enc(wstring, &len);
!           if (ws == NULL)
!               len = 0;
!           else
!           {
!               if (len > slen) /* just in case */
!                   len = slen;
!               mch_memmove(string, ws, len);
!               vim_free(ws);
!           }
--- 691,731 ----
      WCHAR     wstring[2];
      char_u    *ws = NULL;
!     wstring[0] = ch;
!     len = 1;
!     /* "ch" is a UTF-16 character.  Convert it to a string of bytes.  When
!      * "enc_codepage" is non-zero use the standard Win32 function,
!      * otherwise use our own conversion function (e.g., for UTF-8). */
!     if (enc_codepage > 0)
!     {
!       len = WideCharToMultiByte(enc_codepage, 0, wstring, len,
!               (LPSTR)string, slen, 0, NULL);
!       /* If we had included the ALT key into the character but now the
!        * upper bit is no longer set, that probably means the conversion
!        * failed.  Convert the original character and set the upper bit
!        * afterwards. */
!       if (had_alt && len == 1 && ch >= 0x80 && string[0] < 0x80)
!           wstring[0] = ch & 0x7f;
!           len = WideCharToMultiByte(enc_codepage, 0, wstring, len,
!                   (LPSTR)string, slen, 0, NULL);
!           if (len == 1) /* safety check */
!               string[0] |= 0x80;
        len = 1;
!       ws = utf16_to_enc(wstring, &len);
!       if (ws == NULL)
!           len = 0;
!           if (len > slen)     /* just in case */
!               len = slen;
!           mch_memmove(string, ws, len);
!           vim_free(ws);
*** 1079,1085 ****
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
   * copy useful data from structure LPFINDREPLACE to structure LPFINDREPLACEW
--- 1055,1061 ----
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
   * copy useful data from structure LPFINDREPLACE to structure LPFINDREPLACEW
*** 1127,1137 ****
      int           flags = 0;
      int           down;
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
      /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active codepage:
       * convert text from wide string. */
!     if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!                       && enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        findrep_wtoa(&s_findrep_struct, &s_findrep_struct_w);
--- 1103,1112 ----
      int           flags = 0;
      int           down;
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active codepage:
       * convert text from wide string. */
!     if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        findrep_wtoa(&s_findrep_struct, &s_findrep_struct_w);
*** 1279,1285 ****
! #if (defined(WIN3264) && defined(FEAT_MBYTE)) \
        || defined(GLOBAL_IME) \
        || defined(PROTO)
  # ifdef PROTO
--- 1254,1260 ----
! #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) \
        || defined(GLOBAL_IME) \
        || defined(PROTO)
  # ifdef PROTO
*** 1586,1595 ****
      static SysColorTable sys_table[] =
- #ifdef WIN3264
! #ifndef __MINGW32__
--- 1561,1569 ----
      static SysColorTable sys_table[] =
*** 1600,1606 ****
        {"SYS_3DFACE", COLOR_3DFACE},
- #endif
--- 1574,1579 ----
*** 2094,2104 ****
        if (s_need_activate)
- #ifdef WIN32
- #else
-           (void)SetActiveWindow(s_hwnd);
- #endif
            s_need_activate = FALSE;
--- 2067,2073 ----
*** 2421,2427 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      WCHAR     *wn = NULL;
-     int               n;
      if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
--- 2390,2395 ----
*** 2438,2448 ****
            infow.fType = MFT_STRING;
            infow.dwTypeData = wn;
            infow.cch = (UINT)wcslen(wn);
!           n = InsertMenuItemW(pmenu, item_id, FALSE, &infow);
-           if (n == 0 && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-               /* Failed, try using non-wide function. */
-               wn = NULL;
--- 2406,2413 ----
            infow.fType = MFT_STRING;
            infow.dwTypeData = wn;
            infow.cch = (UINT)wcslen(wn);
!           InsertMenuItemW(pmenu, item_id, FALSE, &infow);
*** 2563,2569 ****
      if (s_tabhwnd == NULL)
! #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE)
      /* For older compilers.  We assume this never changes. */
  #  define CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT 0x2005
--- 2528,2534 ----
      if (s_tabhwnd == NULL)
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      /* For older compilers.  We assume this never changes. */
  #  define CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT 0x2005
*** 2708,2725 ****
      if (title != NULL && enc_codepage >= 0 && enc_codepage != (int)GetACP())
        WCHAR   *wbuf;
-       int     n;
        /* Convert the title from 'encoding' to UTF-16. */
        wbuf = (WCHAR *)enc_to_utf16((char_u *)title, NULL);
        if (wbuf != NULL)
!           n = SetWindowTextW(hwnd, wbuf);
-           if (n != 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-               return;
-           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
      (void)SetWindowText(hwnd, (LPCSTR)title);
--- 2673,2687 ----
      if (title != NULL && enc_codepage >= 0 && enc_codepage != (int)GetACP())
        WCHAR   *wbuf;
        /* Convert the title from 'encoding' to UTF-16. */
        wbuf = (WCHAR *)enc_to_utf16((char_u *)title, NULL);
        if (wbuf != NULL)
!           SetWindowTextW(hwnd, wbuf);
+       return;
      (void)SetWindowText(hwnd, (LPCSTR)title);
*** 2737,2747 ****
        if (!IsWindow(s_findrep_hwnd))
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
            /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active
             * codepage: convert text and use wide function. */
!           if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!                   && enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
                findrep_atow(&s_findrep_struct_w, &s_findrep_struct);
                s_findrep_hwnd = FindTextW(
--- 2699,2708 ----
        if (!IsWindow(s_findrep_hwnd))
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
            /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active
             * codepage: convert text and use wide function. */
!           if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
                findrep_atow(&s_findrep_struct_w, &s_findrep_struct);
                s_findrep_hwnd = FindTextW(
*** 2774,2782 ****
        if (!IsWindow(s_findrep_hwnd))
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
!           if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!                   && enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
                findrep_atow(&s_findrep_struct_w, &s_findrep_struct);
                s_findrep_hwnd = ReplaceTextW(
--- 2735,2742 ----
        if (!IsWindow(s_findrep_hwnd))
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!           if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
                findrep_atow(&s_findrep_struct_w, &s_findrep_struct);
                s_findrep_hwnd = ReplaceTextW(
*** 3466,3476 ****
      IDC_SIZEWE,                       /* leftright */
      IDC_SIZEWE,                       /* lrsizing */
      IDC_WAIT,                 /* busy */
- #ifdef WIN3264
      IDC_NO,                   /* no */
- #else
-     IDC_ICON,                 /* no */
- #endif
      IDC_ARROW,                        /* crosshair */
      IDC_ARROW,                        /* hand1 */
      IDC_ARROW,                        /* hand2 */
--- 3426,3432 ----
*** 3497,3507 ****
  #ifdef SetClassLongPtr
        SetClassLongPtr(s_textArea, GCLP_HCURSOR, 
(__int3264)(LONG_PTR)LoadCursor(NULL, idc));
- # ifdef WIN32
        SetClassLong(s_textArea, GCL_HCURSOR, (long_u)LoadCursor(NULL, idc));
- # else /* Win16 */
-       SetClassWord(s_textArea, GCW_HCURSOR, (WORD)LoadCursor(NULL, idc));
- # endif
        if (!p_mh)
--- 3453,3459 ----
*** 3523,3529 ****
   * Windows NT/2000/XP the "W" functions are used.
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
   * Wide version of convert_filter().
--- 3475,3481 ----
   * Windows NT/2000/XP the "W" functions are used.
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
   * Wide version of convert_filter().
*** 3728,3744 ****
        char_u *initdir,
        char_u *filter)
      OPENFILENAME      fileStruct;
      char_u            fileBuf[MAXPATHL];
      char_u            *initdirp = NULL;
      char_u            *filterp;
      char_u            *p;
- # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
-     if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
-       return gui_mch_browseW(saving, title, dflt, ext, initdir, filter);
- # endif
      if (dflt == NULL)
        fileBuf[0] = NUL;
--- 3680,3694 ----
        char_u *initdir,
        char_u *filter)
+ # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+     return gui_mch_browseW(saving, title, dflt, ext, initdir, filter);
+ # else
      OPENFILENAME      fileStruct;
      char_u            fileBuf[MAXPATHL];
      char_u            *initdirp = NULL;
      char_u            *filterp;
      char_u            *p;
      if (dflt == NULL)
        fileBuf[0] = NUL;
*** 3748,3759 ****
      filterp = convert_filter(filter);
      vim_memset(&fileStruct, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
      /* be compatible with Windows NT 4.0 */
      fileStruct.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
! #else
      fileStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(fileStruct);
! #endif
      fileStruct.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)title;
      fileStruct.lpstrDefExt = (LPSTR)ext;
--- 3698,3709 ----
      filterp = convert_filter(filter);
      vim_memset(&fileStruct, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
      /* be compatible with Windows NT 4.0 */
      fileStruct.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400;
! #  else
      fileStruct.lStructSize = sizeof(fileStruct);
! #  endif
      fileStruct.lpstrTitle = (LPSTR)title;
      fileStruct.lpstrDefExt = (LPSTR)ext;
*** 3783,3792 ****
       * Don't use OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, Vim has its own ":confirm" dialog.
      fileStruct.Flags = (OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | 
      if (curbuf->b_p_bin)
        fileStruct.Flags |= OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
! #endif
      if (saving)
        if (!GetSaveFileName(&fileStruct))
--- 3733,3742 ----
       * Don't use OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, Vim has its own ":confirm" dialog.
      fileStruct.Flags = (OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | 
! #  ifdef FEAT_SHORTCUT
      if (curbuf->b_p_bin)
        fileStruct.Flags |= OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
! #  endif
      if (saving)
        if (!GetSaveFileName(&fileStruct))
*** 3806,3811 ****
--- 3756,3762 ----
      /* Shorten the file name if possible */
      return vim_strsave(shorten_fname1((char_u *)fileBuf));
+ # endif
  #endif /* FEAT_BROWSE */
*** 3816,3831 ****
      HDROP hDrop)
- #ifdef WIN3264
! #else
! # define DRAGQVAL 0xFFFF
! #endif
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      WCHAR   wszFile[BUFPATHLEN];
! #endif
      char    szFile[BUFPATHLEN];
      UINT    cFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, DRAGQVAL, NULL, 0);
      UINT    i;
--- 3767,3777 ----
      HDROP hDrop)
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      WCHAR   wszFile[BUFPATHLEN];
! # endif
      char    szFile[BUFPATHLEN];
      UINT    cFiles = DragQueryFile(hDrop, DRAGQVAL, NULL, 0);
      UINT    i;
*** 3846,3856 ****
      if (fnames != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < cFiles; ++i)
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
            if (DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, wszFile, BUFPATHLEN) > 0)
                fnames[i] = utf16_to_enc(wszFile, NULL);
! #endif
                DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, szFile, BUFPATHLEN);
                fnames[i] = vim_strsave((char_u *)szFile);
--- 3792,3802 ----
      if (fnames != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < cFiles; ++i)
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
            if (DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, wszFile, BUFPATHLEN) > 0)
                fnames[i] = utf16_to_enc(wszFile, NULL);
! # endif
                DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, szFile, BUFPATHLEN);
                fnames[i] = vim_strsave((char_u *)szFile);
*** 3888,3901 ****
      long      val;
      int               dragging = FALSE;
      int               dont_scroll_save = dont_scroll;
- #ifndef WIN3264
-     int               nPos;
- #else
      SCROLLINFO        si;
      si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
      si.fMask = SIF_POS;
- #endif
      sb = gui_mswin_find_scrollbar(hwndCtl);
      if (sb == NULL)
--- 3834,3843 ----
*** 3960,3972 ****
      prev_code = code;
- #ifdef WIN3264
      si.nPos = (sb->scroll_shift > 0) ? val >> sb->scroll_shift : val;
      SetScrollInfo(hwndCtl, SB_CTL, &si, TRUE);
- #else
-     nPos = (sb->scroll_shift > 0) ? val >> sb->scroll_shift : val;
-     SetScrollPos(hwndCtl, SB_CTL, nPos, TRUE);
- #endif
       * When moving a vertical scrollbar, move the other vertical scrollbar 
--- 3902,3909 ----
*** 3976,3986 ****
        scrollbar_T *sba = sb->wp->w_scrollbars;
        HWND    id = sba[ (sb == sba + SBAR_LEFT) ? SBAR_RIGHT : SBAR_LEFT].id;
- #ifdef WIN3264
        SetScrollInfo(id, SB_CTL, &si, TRUE);
- #else
-       SetScrollPos(id, SB_CTL, nPos, TRUE);
- #endif
      /* Don't let us be interrupted here by another message. */
--- 3913,3919 ----
*** 4448,4454 ****
  /* Intellimouse support */
  static int mouse_scroll_lines = 0;
- static UINT msh_msgmousewheel = 0;
  static int    s_usenewlook;       /* emulate W95/NT4 non-bold dialogs */
--- 4381,4386 ----
*** 4505,4538 ****
  # define pImmSetConversionStatus  ImmSetConversionStatus
- /* multi monitor support */
- typedef struct _MONITORINFOstruct
- {
-     DWORD cbSize;
-     RECT rcMonitor;
-     RECT rcWork;
-     DWORD dwFlags;
- typedef _HMONITOR (WINAPI *TMonitorFromWindow)(HWND, DWORD);
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TGetMonitorInfo)(_HMONITOR, _MONITORINFO *);
- static TMonitorFromWindow   pMonitorFromWindow = NULL;
- static TGetMonitorInfo            pGetMonitorInfo = NULL;
- static HANDLE             user32_lib = NULL;
- /*
-  * Return TRUE when running under Windows NT 3.x or Win32s, both of which have
-  * less fancy GUI APIs.
-  */
-     static int
- is_winnt_3(void)
- {
-     return ((os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
-               && os_version.dwMajorVersion == 3)
-           || (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s));
- }
  #ifdef FEAT_MENU
   * Figure out how high the menu bar is at the moment.
--- 4437,4442 ----
*** 4564,4608 ****
!       if (is_winnt_3())       /* for NT 3.xx */
!           if (gui.starting)
!               menu_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU);
!           else
!           {
!               RECT r1, r2;
!               int frameht = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
!               int capht = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
!               /* get window rect of s_hwnd
!                * get client rect of s_hwnd
!                * get cap height
!                * subtract from window rect, the sum of client height,
!                * (if not maximized)frame thickness, and caption height.
!                */
!               GetWindowRect(s_hwnd, &r1);
!               GetClientRect(s_hwnd, &r2);
!               menu_height = r1.bottom - - (r2.bottom -
!                                + 2 * frameht * (!IsZoomed(s_hwnd)) + capht);
!           }
!       }
!       else                    /* win95 and variants (NT 4.0, I guess) */
!       {
!           /*
!            * In case 'lines' is set in _vimrc/_gvimrc window width doesn't
!            * seem to have been set yet, so menu wraps in default window
!            * width which is very narrow.  Instead just return height of a
!            * single menu item.  Will still be wrong when the menu really
!            * should wrap over more than one line.
!            */
!           GetMenuItemRect(s_hwnd, s_menuBar, 0, &rc1);
!           if (gui.starting)
!               menu_height = rc1.bottom - + 1;
!           else
!           {
!               GetMenuItemRect(s_hwnd, s_menuBar, num - 1, &rc2);
!               menu_height = rc2.bottom - + 1;
!           }
--- 4468,4487 ----
!       /*
!        * In case 'lines' is set in _vimrc/_gvimrc window width doesn't
!        * seem to have been set yet, so menu wraps in default window
!        * width which is very narrow.  Instead just return height of a
!        * single menu item.  Will still be wrong when the menu really
!        * should wrap over more than one line.
!        */
!       GetMenuItemRect(s_hwnd, s_menuBar, 0, &rc1);
!       if (gui.starting)
!           menu_height = rc1.bottom - + 1;
!       else
!           GetMenuItemRect(s_hwnd, s_menuBar, num - 1, &rc2);
!           menu_height = rc2.bottom - + 1;
*** 4636,4677 ****
-     HWND hdl_mswheel;
-     UINT msh_msgscrolllines;
-     msh_msgmousewheel = 0;
      mouse_scroll_lines = 3;   /* reasonable default */
!     if ((os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!               && os_version.dwMajorVersion >= 4)
!           || (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
!               && ((os_version.dwMajorVersion == 4
!                       && os_version.dwMinorVersion >= 10)
!                   || os_version.dwMajorVersion >= 5)))
!     {
!       /* if NT 4.0+ (or Win98) get scroll lines directly from system */
!       SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0,
!               &mouse_scroll_lines, 0);
!     }
!     else if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
!           || (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!               && os_version.dwMajorVersion < 4))
!     { /*
!        * If Win95 or NT 3.51,
!        * try to find the hidden point32 window.
!        */
!       hdl_mswheel = FindWindow(VMOUSEZ_CLASSNAME, VMOUSEZ_TITLE);
!       if (hdl_mswheel)
!       {
!           msh_msgscrolllines = RegisterWindowMessage(VMSH_SCROLL_LINES);
!           if (msh_msgscrolllines)
!           {
!               mouse_scroll_lines = (int)SendMessage(hdl_mswheel,
!                       msh_msgscrolllines, 0, 0);
!               msh_msgmousewheel  = RegisterWindowMessage(VMSH_MOUSEWHEEL);
!           }
!       }
!     }
--- 4515,4525 ----
      mouse_scroll_lines = 3;   /* reasonable default */
!     /* if NT 4.0+ (or Win98) get scroll lines directly from system */
!     SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0,
!           &mouse_scroll_lines, 0);
*** 5210,5222 ****
-       if (uMsg == msh_msgmousewheel && msh_msgmousewheel != 0)
-       {   /* handle MSH_MOUSEWHEEL messages for Intellimouse */
-           _OnMouseWheel(hwnd, HIWORD(wParam));
-           return 0L;
-       }
!       else if (uMsg == s_findrep_msg && s_findrep_msg != 0)
--- 5058,5065 ----
!       if (uMsg == s_findrep_msg && s_findrep_msg != 0)
*** 5376,5417 ****
-     /* get the OS version info */
-     os_version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os_version);
-     GetVersionEx(&os_version); /* this call works on Win32s, Win95 and WinNT 
-     /* try and load the user32.dll library and get the entry points for
-      * multi-monitor-support. */
-     if ((user32_lib = vimLoadLib("User32.dll")) != NULL)
-     {
-       pMonitorFromWindow = (TMonitorFromWindow)GetProcAddress(user32_lib,
-                                                        "MonitorFromWindow");
-       /* there are ...A and ...W version of GetMonitorInfo - looking at
-        * winuser.h, they have exactly the same declaration. */
-       pGetMonitorInfo = (TGetMonitorInfo)GetProcAddress(user32_lib,
-                                                         "GetMonitorInfoA");
-     }
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-     /* If the OS is Windows NT, use wide functions;
-      * this enables common dialogs input unicode from IME. */
-     if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
-     {
-       pDispatchMessage = DispatchMessageW;
-       pGetMessage = GetMessageW;
-       pIsDialogMessage = IsDialogMessageW;
-       pPeekMessage = PeekMessageW;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-       pDispatchMessage = DispatchMessageA;
-       pGetMessage = GetMessageA;
-       pIsDialogMessage = IsDialogMessageA;
-       pPeekMessage = PeekMessageA;
-     }
- #endif
--- 5219,5224 ----
*** 5475,5486 ****
                    atom =
                    RegisterClassW(&wndclassw)) == 0)
!       {
!           if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!               return FAIL;
!           /* Must be Windows 98, fall back to non-wide function. */
!       }
            wide_WindowProc = TRUE;
--- 5282,5288 ----
                    atom =
                    RegisterClassW(&wndclassw)) == 0)
!           return FAIL;
            wide_WindowProc = TRUE;
*** 5710,5716 ****
      s_findrep_struct.lpstrReplaceWith[0] = NUL;
      s_findrep_struct.wFindWhatLen = MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE;
      s_findrep_struct.wReplaceWithLen = MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE;
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
      s_findrep_struct_w.lStructSize = sizeof(s_findrep_struct_w);
      s_findrep_struct_w.lpstrFindWhat =
                              (LPWSTR)alloc(MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
--- 5512,5518 ----
      s_findrep_struct.lpstrReplaceWith[0] = NUL;
      s_findrep_struct.wFindWhatLen = MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE;
      s_findrep_struct.wReplaceWithLen = MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE;
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      s_findrep_struct_w.lStructSize = sizeof(s_findrep_struct_w);
      s_findrep_struct_w.lpstrFindWhat =
                              (LPWSTR)alloc(MSWIN_FR_BUFSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
*** 5753,5774 ****
      static void
  get_work_area(RECT *spi_rect)
!     _HMONITOR     mon;
!     _MONITORINFO    moninfo;
!     /* use these functions only if available */
!     if (pMonitorFromWindow != NULL && pGetMonitorInfo != NULL)
!       /* work out which monitor the window is on, and get *it's* work area */
!       mon = pMonitorFromWindow(s_hwnd, 1 /*MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY*/);
!       if (mon != NULL)
!           moninfo.cbSize = sizeof(_MONITORINFO);
!           if (pGetMonitorInfo(mon, &moninfo))
!           {
!               *spi_rect = moninfo.rcWork;
!               return;
!           }
      /* this is the old method... */
--- 5555,5572 ----
      static void
  get_work_area(RECT *spi_rect)
!     HMONITOR      mon;
!     MONITORINFO           moninfo;
!     /* work out which monitor the window is on, and get *it's* work area */
!     mon = MonitorFromWindow(s_hwnd, 1 /*MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY*/);
!     if (mon != NULL)
!       moninfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
!       if (GetMonitorInfo(mon, &moninfo))
!           *spi_rect = moninfo.rcWork;
!           return;
      /* this is the old method... */
*** 6307,6335 ****
        CONST INT *padding)
      int               ix;
-     static int        special = -1;
-     if (special == -1)
-     {
-       /* Check windows version: special treatment is needed if it is NT 5 or
-        * Win98 or higher. */
-       if  ((os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
-                   && os_version.dwMajorVersion >= 5)
-               || (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
-                   && (os_version.dwMajorVersion > 4
-                       || (os_version.dwMajorVersion == 4
-                           && os_version.dwMinorVersion > 0))))
-           special = 1;
-       else
-           special = 0;
-     }
!     if (special)
!       for (ix = 0; ix < (int)len; ++ix)
!           ExtTextOut(s_hdc, col + TEXT_X(ix), row, foptions,
!                                           pcliprect, text + ix, 1, padding);
!     else
!       ExtTextOut(s_hdc, col, row, foptions, pcliprect, text, len, padding);
--- 6105,6114 ----
        CONST INT *padding)
      int               ix;
!     for (ix = 0; ix < (int)len; ++ix)
!       ExtTextOut(s_hdc, col + TEXT_X(ix), row, foptions,
!                                       pcliprect, text + ix, 1, padding);
*** 6718,6780 ****
      if (menu_is_menubar(menu->name))
-       if (is_winnt_3())
-       {
-           InsertMenu((parent == NULL) ? s_menuBar : parent->submenu_id,
-                   (UINT)pos, MF_POPUP | MF_STRING | MF_BYPOSITION,
-                   (long_u)menu->submenu_id, (LPCTSTR) menu->name);
-       }
-       else
-       {
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!           WCHAR       *wn = NULL;
!           int         n;
!           if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
!               /* 'encoding' differs from active codepage: convert menu name
!                * and use wide function */
!               wn = enc_to_utf16(menu->name, NULL);
!               if (wn != NULL)
!               {
!                   MENUITEMINFOW       infow;
!                   infow.cbSize = sizeof(infow);
!                   infow.fMask = MIIM_DATA | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID
!                                                              | MIIM_SUBMENU;
!                   infow.dwItemData = (long_u)menu;
!                   infow.wID = menu->id;
!                   infow.fType = MFT_STRING;
!                   infow.dwTypeData = wn;
!                   infow.cch = (UINT)wcslen(wn);
!                   infow.hSubMenu = menu->submenu_id;
!                   n = InsertMenuItemW((parent == NULL)
!                                           ? s_menuBar : parent->submenu_id,
!                                           (UINT)pos, TRUE, &infow);
!                   vim_free(wn);
!                   if (n == 0 && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!                       /* Failed, try using non-wide function. */
!                       wn = NULL;
!               }
!           if (wn == NULL)
!           {
!               MENUITEMINFO    info;
!               info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
!               info.fMask = MIIM_DATA | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU;
!               info.dwItemData = (long_u)menu;
!               info.wID = menu->id;
!               info.fType = MFT_STRING;
!               info.dwTypeData = (LPTSTR)menu->name;
!               info.cch = (UINT)STRLEN(menu->name);
!               info.hSubMenu = menu->submenu_id;
!               InsertMenuItem((parent == NULL)
!                                       ? s_menuBar : parent->submenu_id,
!                                       (UINT)pos, TRUE, &info);
!           }
--- 6497,6546 ----
      if (menu_is_menubar(menu->name))
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!       WCHAR   *wn = NULL;
!       if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
!       {
!           /* 'encoding' differs from active codepage: convert menu name
!            * and use wide function */
!           wn = enc_to_utf16(menu->name, NULL);
!           if (wn != NULL)
!               MENUITEMINFOW   infow;
!               infow.cbSize = sizeof(infow);
!               infow.fMask = MIIM_DATA | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID
!                   | MIIM_SUBMENU;
!               infow.dwItemData = (long_u)menu;
!               infow.wID = menu->id;
!               infow.fType = MFT_STRING;
!               infow.dwTypeData = wn;
!               infow.cch = (UINT)wcslen(wn);
!               infow.hSubMenu = menu->submenu_id;
!               InsertMenuItemW((parent == NULL)
!                       ? s_menuBar : parent->submenu_id,
!                       (UINT)pos, TRUE, &infow);
!               vim_free(wn);
+       }
!       if (wn == NULL)
!       {
!           MENUITEMINFO        info;
!           info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
!           info.fMask = MIIM_DATA | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU;
!           info.dwItemData = (long_u)menu;
!           info.wID = menu->id;
!           info.fType = MFT_STRING;
!           info.dwTypeData = (LPTSTR)menu->name;
!           info.cch = (UINT)STRLEN(menu->name);
!           info.hSubMenu = menu->submenu_id;
!           InsertMenuItem((parent == NULL)
!                   ? s_menuBar : parent->submenu_id,
!                   (UINT)pos, TRUE, &info);
*** 6890,6896 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        WCHAR   *wn = NULL;
-       int     n;
        if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
--- 6656,6661 ----
*** 6899,6912 ****
            wn = enc_to_utf16(menu->name, NULL);
            if (wn != NULL)
!               n = InsertMenuW(parent->submenu_id, (UINT)idx,
                                 ? MF_SEPARATOR : MF_STRING) | MF_BYPOSITION,
                        (UINT)menu->id, wn);
-               if (n == 0 && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-                   /* Failed, try using non-wide function. */
-                   wn = NULL;
        if (wn == NULL)
--- 6664,6674 ----
            wn = enc_to_utf16(menu->name, NULL);
            if (wn != NULL)
!               InsertMenuW(parent->submenu_id, (UINT)idx,
                                 ? MF_SEPARATOR : MF_STRING) | MF_BYPOSITION,
                        (UINT)menu->id, wn);
        if (wn == NULL)
*** 7105,7115 ****
        /* If the edit box exists, copy the string. */
        if (s_textfield != NULL)
! # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(WIN3264)
            /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active
             * codepage: use wide function and convert text. */
!           if (os_version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
!                   && enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
               WCHAR  *wp = (WCHAR *)alloc(IOSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
               char_u *p;
--- 6867,6876 ----
        /* If the edit box exists, copy the string. */
        if (s_textfield != NULL)
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
            /* If the OS is Windows NT, and 'encoding' differs from active
             * codepage: use wide function and convert text. */
!           if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
               WCHAR  *wp = (WCHAR *)alloc(IOSIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
               char_u *p;
*** 7866,7903 ****
      s_usenewlook = FALSE;
-     /*
-      * For NT3.51 and Win32s, we stick with the old look
-      * because it matches everything else.
-      */
-     if (!is_winnt_3())
-     {
!       if (gui_w32_get_menu_font(&lfSysmenu) == OK)
!           hfontTools = CreateFontIndirect(&lfSysmenu);
!       else
        hfontTools = CreateFont(-DLG_FONT_POINT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH , DLG_FONT_NAME);
!       if (hfontTools)
!       {
!           hdc = GetDC(s_hwnd);
!           SelectObject(hdc, hfontTools);
!           /*
!            * GetTextMetrics() doesn't return the right value in
!            * tmAveCharWidth, so we have to figure out the dialog base units
!            * ourselves.
!            */
!           GetTextExtentPoint(hdc,
!                   "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
!                   52, &size);
!           ReleaseDC(s_hwnd, hdc);
!           s_dlgfntwidth = (WORD)(( / 26 + 1) / 2);
!           s_dlgfntheight = (WORD);
!           s_usenewlook = TRUE;
!       }
      if (!s_usenewlook)
--- 7627,7657 ----
      s_usenewlook = FALSE;
!     if (gui_w32_get_menu_font(&lfSysmenu) == OK)
!       hfontTools = CreateFontIndirect(&lfSysmenu);
!     else
        hfontTools = CreateFont(-DLG_FONT_POINT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                0, 0, 0, 0, VARIABLE_PITCH , DLG_FONT_NAME);
!     if (hfontTools)
!     {
!       hdc = GetDC(s_hwnd);
!       SelectObject(hdc, hfontTools);
!       /*
!        * GetTextMetrics() doesn't return the right value in
!        * tmAveCharWidth, so we have to figure out the dialog base units
!        * ourselves.
!        */
!       GetTextExtentPoint(hdc,
!               "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
!               52, &size);
!       ReleaseDC(s_hwnd, hdc);
!       s_dlgfntwidth = (WORD)(( / 26 + 1) / 2);
!       s_dlgfntheight = (WORD);
!       s_usenewlook = TRUE;
      if (!s_usenewlook)
*** 8044,8053 ****
        dlgwidth = textWidth;
-     /* W95 can't do thin dialogs, they look v. weird! */
-     if (mch_windows95() && dlgwidth < TEAROFF_MIN_WIDTH)
-       dlgwidth = TEAROFF_MIN_WIDTH;
      /* start to fill in the dlgtemplate information.  addressing by WORDs */
      if (s_usenewlook)
--- 7798,7803 ----
*** 8299,8305 ****
       * Check user bitmaps first, unless builtin is specified.
!     if (!is_winnt_3() && !menu->icon_builtin)
        char_u fname[MAXPATHL];
        HANDLE hbitmap = NULL;
--- 8049,8055 ----
       * Check user bitmaps first, unless builtin is specified.
!     if (!menu->icon_builtin)
        char_u fname[MAXPATHL];
        HANDLE hbitmap = NULL;
*** 8556,8567 ****
      signicon_t        sign, *psign;
      char_u    *ext;
-     if (is_winnt_3())
-     {
-       EMSG(_(e_signdata));
-       return NULL;
-     }
      sign.hImage = NULL;
      ext = signfile + STRLEN(signfile) - 4; /* get extension */
      if (ext > signfile)
--- 8306,8311 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/if_cscope.c     2016-08-29 22:42:20.000000000 +0200
--- src/if_cscope.c     2016-10-12 14:00:10.234811607 +0200
*** 839,852 ****
      HANDLE    stdin_rd, stdout_rd;
      HANDLE    stdout_wr, stdin_wr;
      BOOL      created;
! # ifdef __BORLANDC__
! #  define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE long
  # else
! #  if (_MSC_VER >= 1300) || defined(__MINGW32__)
! #   define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE intptr_t
! #  else
! #   define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE long
! #  endif
  # endif
--- 839,848 ----
      HANDLE    stdin_rd, stdout_rd;
      HANDLE    stdout_wr, stdin_wr;
      BOOL      created;
! # if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300)) || defined(__MINGW32__)
! #  define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE intptr_t
  # else
! #  define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE long
  # endif
*** 1427,1437 ****
  #ifndef UNIX
!     /* On windows 9x GetFileInformationByHandle doesn't work, so skip it */
!     if (!mch_windows95())
-       switch (win32_fileinfo((char_u *)fname, &bhfi))
-       {
        case FILEINFO_ENC_FAIL:         /* enc_to_utf16() failed */
        case FILEINFO_READ_FAIL:        /* CreateFile() failed */
            if (p_csverbose)
--- 1423,1430 ----
  #ifndef UNIX
!     switch (win32_fileinfo((char_u *)fname, &bhfi))
        case FILEINFO_ENC_FAIL:         /* enc_to_utf16() failed */
        case FILEINFO_READ_FAIL:        /* CreateFile() failed */
            if (p_csverbose)
*** 1454,1460 ****
            if (p_csverbose)
                (void)EMSG(_("E626: cannot get cscope database information"));
            return -1;
-       }
--- 1447,1452 ----
*** 1468,1476 ****
            /* compare pathnames first */
            && ((fullpathcmp((char_u *)csinfo[j].fname,
                        (char_u *)fname, FALSE) & FPC_SAME)
!               /* if not Windows 9x, test index file attributes too */
!               || (!mch_windows95()
!                   && csinfo[j].nVolume == bhfi.dwVolumeSerialNumber
                    && csinfo[j].nIndexHigh == bhfi.nFileIndexHigh
                    && csinfo[j].nIndexLow == bhfi.nFileIndexLow))
--- 1460,1467 ----
            /* compare pathnames first */
            && ((fullpathcmp((char_u *)csinfo[j].fname,
                        (char_u *)fname, FALSE) & FPC_SAME)
!               /* test index file attributes too */
!               || (csinfo[j].nVolume == bhfi.dwVolumeSerialNumber
                    && csinfo[j].nIndexHigh == bhfi.nFileIndexHigh
                    && csinfo[j].nIndexLow == bhfi.nFileIndexLow))
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/misc1.c 2016-09-10 15:43:04.000000000 +0200
--- src/misc1.c 2016-10-12 14:00:10.238811579 +0200
*** 9450,9459 ****
         * screen (if there are two screens).
! #ifdef WIN3264
!       if (can_end_termcap_mode(FALSE) == TRUE)
! #endif
!           stoptermcap();
--- 9450,9456 ----
         * screen (if there are two screens).
!       stoptermcap();
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/misc2.c 2016-09-04 20:34:12.000000000 +0200
--- src/misc2.c 2016-10-12 14:00:10.238811579 +0200
*** 1420,1426 ****
      length = (unsigned)STRLEN(string) + 3;  /* two quotes and a trailing NUL 
      for (p = string; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(DOS)
        if (!p_ssl)
            if (*p == '"')
--- 1420,1426 ----
      length = (unsigned)STRLEN(string) + 3;  /* two quotes and a trailing NUL 
      for (p = string; *p != NUL; mb_ptr_adv(p))
! # ifdef WIN32
        if (!p_ssl)
            if (*p == '"')
*** 1451,1457 ****
        d = escaped_string;
        /* add opening quote */
! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(DOS)
        if (!p_ssl)
            *d++ = '"';
--- 1451,1457 ----
        d = escaped_string;
        /* add opening quote */
! # ifdef WIN32
        if (!p_ssl)
            *d++ = '"';
*** 1460,1466 ****
        for (p = string; *p != NUL; )
! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(DOS)
            if (!p_ssl)
                if (*p == '"')
--- 1460,1466 ----
        for (p = string; *p != NUL; )
! # ifdef WIN32
            if (!p_ssl)
                if (*p == '"')
*** 1503,1509 ****
        /* add terminating quote and finish with a NUL */
! # if defined(WIN32) || defined(DOS)
        if (!p_ssl)
            *d++ = '"';
--- 1503,1509 ----
        /* add terminating quote and finish with a NUL */
! # ifdef WIN32
        if (!p_ssl)
            *d++ = '"';
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/option.c        2016-09-12 19:51:07.685659713 +0200
--- src/option.c        2016-10-12 14:00:10.238811579 +0200
*** 22,28 ****
   * - If it's a list of flags, add some code in do_set(), search for WW_ALL.
   * - When adding an option with expansion (P_EXPAND), but with a different
   *   default for Vi and Vim (no P_VI_DEF), add some code at VIMEXP.
!  * - Add documentation!  One line in doc/help.txt, full description in
   *   options.txt, and any other related places.
   * - Add an entry in runtime/optwin.vim.
   * When making changes:
--- 22,28 ----
   * - If it's a list of flags, add some code in do_set(), search for WW_ALL.
   * - When adding an option with expansion (P_EXPAND), but with a different
   *   default for Vi and Vim (no P_VI_DEF), add some code at VIMEXP.
!  * - Add documentation!  One line in doc/quickref.txt, full description in
   *   options.txt, and any other related places.
   * - Add an entry in runtime/optwin.vim.
   * When making changes:
*** 9944,9956 ****
      if (gui.starting)
! #ifdef WIN3264
!     /*
!      * Check if this is allowed now.
!      */
!     if (can_end_termcap_mode(FALSE) == TRUE)
! #endif
!       stoptermcap();                  /* stop termcap mode */
--- 9944,9950 ----
      if (gui.starting)
!     stoptermcap();                    /* stop termcap mode */
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/os_mswin.c      2016-08-29 22:42:20.000000000 +0200
--- src/os_mswin.c      2016-10-12 14:00:10.238811579 +0200
*** 38,48 ****
  # if defined(FEAT_PRINTER) && !defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT)
  #  include <dlgs.h>
! #  ifdef WIN3264
! #   include <winspool.h>
! #  else
! #   include <print.h>
! #  endif
  #  include <commdlg.h>
--- 38,44 ----
  # if defined(FEAT_PRINTER) && !defined(FEAT_POSTSCRIPT)
  #  include <dlgs.h>
! #  include <winspool.h>
  #  include <commdlg.h>
*** 130,139 ****
  FILE* fdDump = NULL;
- #ifdef WIN3264
- extern DWORD g_PlatformId;
- #endif
  #ifndef FEAT_GUI_MSWIN
  extern char g_szOrigTitle[];
--- 126,131 ----
*** 248,267 ****
      int               i;
- #ifdef WIN3264
- #endif
      /* Init the tables for toupper() and tolower() */
      for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
        toupper_tab[i] = tolower_tab[i] = i;
- #ifdef WIN3264
      CharUpperBuff((LPSTR)toupper_tab, 256);
      CharLowerBuff((LPSTR)tolower_tab, 256);
- #else
-     AnsiUpperBuff((LPSTR)toupper_tab, 256);
-     AnsiLowerBuff((LPSTR)tolower_tab, 256);
- #endif
--- 240,252 ----
*** 299,312 ****
            /* Convert the title from 'encoding' to the active codepage. */
            WCHAR       *wp = enc_to_utf16(title, NULL);
-           int n;
            if (wp != NULL)
!               n = SetConsoleTitleW(wp);
!               if (n != 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!                   return;
  #  endif
--- 284,295 ----
            /* Convert the title from 'encoding' to the active codepage. */
            WCHAR       *wp = enc_to_utf16(title, NULL);
            if (wp != NULL)
!               SetConsoleTitleW(wp);
!               return;
  #  endif
*** 379,390 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!       if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage
! # ifdef __BORLANDC__
!               /* Wide functions of Borland C 5.5 do not work on Windows 98. */
!               && g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
! # endif
!          )
            WCHAR       *wname;
            WCHAR       wbuf[MAX_PATH];
--- 362,368 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!       if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
            WCHAR       *wname;
            WCHAR       wbuf[MAX_PATH];
*** 641,652 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage
! # ifdef __BORLANDC__
!           /* Wide functions of Borland C 5.5 do not work on Windows 98. */
!           && g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
! # endif
!        )
        WCHAR   *wp = enc_to_utf16(buf, NULL);
        int     n;
--- 619,625 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        WCHAR   *wp = enc_to_utf16(buf, NULL);
        int     n;
*** 655,665 ****
            n = wstat_symlink_aware(wp, stp);
!           if (n >= 0 || g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!               return n;
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). Can't use
!            * GetLastError() here and it's unclear what errno gets set to if
!            * the _wstat() fails for missing wide functions. */
--- 628,634 ----
            n = wstat_symlink_aware(wp, stp);
!           return n;
*** 823,831 ****
            n = _wchdir(p);
!           if (n == 0 || g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!               return n;
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
--- 792,798 ----
            n = _wchdir(p);
!           return n;
*** 834,860 ****
- /*
-  * Switching off termcap mode is only allowed when Columns is 80, otherwise a
-  * crash may result.  It's always allowed on NT or when running the GUI.
-  */
-     int
- can_end_termcap_mode(
-     int give_msg)
- {
-     return TRUE;      /* GUI starts a new console anyway */
- #else
-     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT || Columns == 80)
-       return TRUE;
-     if (give_msg)
-       msg((char_u *)
-               _("'columns' is not 80, cannot execute external commands"));
-     return FALSE;
- #endif
- }
   * return non-zero if a character is available
--- 801,806 ----
*** 887,903 ****
   * and returns an allocated string.
   * Return OK if it worked, FAIL if not.
- # ifdef WIN3264
  typedef LPTSTR (*MYINTPROCSTR)(int);
  typedef int (*MYSTRPROCINT)(LPTSTR);
  typedef int (*MYINTPROCINT)(int);
- # else
- typedef LPSTR (*MYINTPROCSTR)(int);
- typedef int (*MYSTRPROCINT)(LPSTR);
- typedef int (*MYINTPROCINT)(int);
- # endif
   * Check if a pointer points to a valid NUL terminated string.
--- 833,842 ----
*** 1093,1099 ****
  #endif //_DEBUG
  #if !defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && defined(WIN3264)
  extern HWND g_hWnd;   /* This is in os_win32.c. */
  # endif
--- 1032,1038 ----
  #endif //_DEBUG
  #if !defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
! # ifdef FEAT_TITLE
  extern HWND g_hWnd;   /* This is in os_win32.c. */
  # endif
*** 1114,1120 ****
      if (s_hwnd != 0)
! # if defined(FEAT_TITLE) && defined(WIN3264)
      /* Window handle may have been found by init code (Windows NT only) */
      if (g_hWnd != 0)
--- 1053,1059 ----
      if (s_hwnd != 0)
! # ifdef FEAT_TITLE
      /* Window handle may have been found by init code (Windows NT only) */
      if (g_hWnd != 0)
*** 1539,1545 ****
        prt_dlg.Flags |= PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
- #ifdef WIN3264
         * MSDN suggests setting the first parameter to WINSPOOL for
         * NT, but NULL appears to work just as well.
--- 1478,1483 ----
*** 1547,1553 ****
        if (*p_pdev != NUL)
            prt_dlg.hDC = CreateDC(NULL, (LPCSTR)p_pdev, NULL, NULL);
- #endif
            prt_dlg.Flags |= PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
            if (PrintDlg(&prt_dlg) == 0)
--- 1485,1490 ----
*** 1593,1602 ****
      mem = (DEVMODE *)GlobalLock(prt_dlg.hDevMode);
      if (mem != NULL)
- #ifdef WIN3264
        if (mem->dmCopies != 1)
            stored_nCopies = mem->dmCopies;
- #endif
        if ((mem->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) && (mem->dmDuplex & ~DMDUP_SIMPLEX))
            psettings->duplex = TRUE;
        if ((mem->dmFields & DM_COLOR) && (mem->dmColor & DMCOLOR_COLOR))
--- 1530,1537 ----
*** 1953,1959 ****
                goto shortcut_end;
!       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
  # endif
      // create a link manager object and request its interface
--- 1888,1894 ----
                goto shortcut_end;
!       goto shortcut_end;
  # endif
      // create a link manager object and request its interface
*** 2681,2687 ****
      {"OEM",           OEM_CHARSET},
      {"SYMBOL",                SYMBOL_CHARSET},
- #ifdef WIN3264
      {"ARABIC",                ARABIC_CHARSET},
      {"BALTIC",                BALTIC_CHARSET},
--- 2616,2621 ----
*** 2693,2702 ****
      {"RUSSIAN",               RUSSIAN_CHARSET},
      {"THAI",          THAI_CHARSET},
      {"TURKISH",               TURKISH_CHARSET},
! # if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1010)) \
!       && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ > 0x0500))
- # endif
      {NULL,            0}
--- 2627,2634 ----
      {"RUSSIAN",               RUSSIAN_CHARSET},
      {"THAI",          THAI_CHARSET},
      {"TURKISH",               TURKISH_CHARSET},
      {NULL,            0}
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/os_win32.c      2016-09-29 15:18:51.359768012 +0200
--- src/os_win32.c      2016-10-12 14:00:10.242811549 +0200
*** 141,183 ****
  # define __stdcall /* empty */
- #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32
- /* Undocumented API in kernel32.dll needed to work around dead key bug in
-  * console-mode applications in NT 4.0.  If you switch keyboard layouts
-  * in a console app to a layout that includes dead keys and then hit a
-  * dead key, a call to ToAscii will trash the stack.  My thanks to Ian James
-  * and Michael Dietrich for helping me figure out this workaround.
-  */
- /* WINAPI BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameA(LPSTR); */
- #ifndef WINAPI
- # define WINAPI __stdcall
- #endif
- #if defined(__BORLANDC__)
- typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PFNGCKLN)(LPSTR);
- #else
- #endif
- static PFNGCKLN    s_pfnGetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName = NULL;
- #endif
  #if defined(__BORLANDC__)
  /* Strangely Borland uses a non-standard name. */
  # define wcsicmp(a, b) wcscmpi((a), (b))
- #ifndef PROTO
- /* Enable common dialogs input unicode from IME if possible. */
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- LRESULT (WINAPI *pDispatchMessage)(CONST MSG *) = DispatchMessage;
- BOOL (WINAPI *pGetMessage)(LPMSG, HWND, UINT, UINT) = GetMessage;
- BOOL (WINAPI *pIsDialogMessage)(HWND, LPMSG) = IsDialogMessage;
- BOOL (WINAPI *pPeekMessage)(LPMSG, HWND, UINT, UINT, UINT) = PeekMessage;
- #endif
- #endif /* PROTO */
  #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32
  /* Win32 Console handles for input and output */
--- 141,151 ----
*** 430,436 ****
  vimLoadLib(char *name)
      HINSTANCE dll = NULL;
-     char      old_dir[MAXPATHL];
      /* NOTE: Do not use mch_dirname() and mch_chdir() here, they may call
       * vimLoadLib() recursively, which causes a stack overflow. */
--- 398,403 ----
*** 438,444 ****
      if (exe_path != NULL)
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        WCHAR old_dirw[MAXPATHL];
        if (GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAXPATHL, old_dirw) != 0)
--- 405,410 ----
*** 451,468 ****
            return dll;
-       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
-       if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
- #endif
-           if (GetCurrentDirectory(MAXPATHL, old_dir) != 0)
-           {
-               /* Change directory to where the executable is, both to make
-                * sure we find a .dll there and to avoid looking for a .dll
-                * in the current directory. */
-               SetCurrentDirectory((LPCSTR)exe_path);
-               dll = LoadLibrary(name);
-               SetCurrentDirectory(old_dir);
-           }
      return dll;
--- 417,422 ----
*** 621,658 ****
  # endif
- /*
-  * These are needed to dynamically load the ADVAPI DLL, which is not
-  * implemented under Windows 95 (and causes VIM to crash)
-  */
- # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- # endif
- static HANDLE advapi_lib = NULL;      /* Handle for ADVAPI library */
- static PSNSECINFO pSetNamedSecurityInfo;
- static PGNSECINFO pGetNamedSecurityInfo;
- # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- static PSNSECINFOW pSetNamedSecurityInfoW;
- static PGNSECINFOW pGetNamedSecurityInfoW;
- # endif
- static BOOL allowPiping = FALSE;
- static PSETHANDLEINFORMATION pSetHandleInformation;
  #ifdef HAVE_ACL
   * Enables or disables the specified privilege.
--- 575,582 ----
*** 712,804 ****
            win8_or_later = TRUE;
  #ifdef HAVE_ACL
!       /*
!        * Load the ADVAPI runtime if we are on anything
!        * other than Windows 95
!        */
!       if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!       {
!           /*
!            * do this load.  Problems: Doesn't unload at end of run (this is
!            * theoretically okay, since Windows should unload it when VIM
!            * terminates).  Should we be using the 'mch_libcall' routines?
!            * Seems like a lot of overhead to load/unload ADVAPI32.DLL each
!            * time we verify security...
!            */
!           advapi_lib = vimLoadLib("ADVAPI32.DLL");
!           if (advapi_lib != NULL)
!           {
!               pSetNamedSecurityInfo = (PSNSECINFO)GetProcAddress(advapi_lib,
!                                                     "SetNamedSecurityInfoA");
!               pGetNamedSecurityInfo = (PGNSECINFO)GetProcAddress(advapi_lib,
!                                                     "GetNamedSecurityInfoA");
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!               pSetNamedSecurityInfoW = (PSNSECINFOW)GetProcAddress(advapi_lib,
!                                                     "SetNamedSecurityInfoW");
!               pGetNamedSecurityInfoW = (PGNSECINFOW)GetProcAddress(advapi_lib,
!                                                     "GetNamedSecurityInfoW");
! # endif
!               if (pSetNamedSecurityInfo == NULL
!                       || pGetNamedSecurityInfo == NULL
! # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!                       || pSetNamedSecurityInfoW == NULL
!                       || pGetNamedSecurityInfoW == NULL
! # endif
!                       )
!               {
!                   /* If we can't get the function addresses, set advapi_lib
!                    * to NULL so that we don't use them. */
!                   FreeLibrary(advapi_lib);
!                   advapi_lib = NULL;
!               }
!               /* Enable privilege for getting or setting SACLs. */
!               win32_enable_privilege(SE_SECURITY_NAME, TRUE);
!           }
!       }
-       /*
-        * If we are on windows NT, try to load the pipe functions, only
-        * available from Win2K.
-        */
-       if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
-       {
-           HANDLE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle("kernel32");
-           pSetHandleInformation = (PSETHANDLEINFORMATION)GetProcAddress(
-                                           kernel32, "SetHandleInformation");
-           allowPiping = pSetHandleInformation != NULL;
-       }
        done = TRUE;
- /*
-  * Return TRUE when running on Windows 95 (or 98 or ME).
-  * Only to be used after mch_init().
-  */
-     int
- mch_windows95(void)
- {
-     return g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- /*
-  * Used to work around the "can't do synchronous spawn"
-  * problem on Win32s, without resorting to Universal Thunk.
-  */
- static int old_num_windows;
- static int num_windows;
-     static BOOL CALLBACK
- win32ssynch_cb(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam)
- {
-     num_windows++;
-     return TRUE;
- }
- #endif
  #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32
--- 636,648 ----
            win8_or_later = TRUE;
  #ifdef HAVE_ACL
!       /* Enable privilege for getting or setting SACLs. */
!       win32_enable_privilege(SE_SECURITY_NAME, TRUE);
        done = TRUE;
  #ifndef FEAT_GUI_W32
*** 926,940 ****
      vim_memset(abKeystate, 0, sizeof (abKeystate));
-     // Should only be non-NULL on NT 4.0
-     if (s_pfnGetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName != NULL)
-     {
-       if ((*s_pfnGetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName)(szKLID))
-           (void)LoadKeyboardLayout(szKLID, KLF_ACTIVATE);
-     }
      /* Clear any pending dead keys */
      ToUnicode(VK_SPACE, MapVirtualKey(VK_SPACE, 0), abKeystate, awAnsiCode, 
2, 0);
--- 770,775 ----
*** 1977,1993 ****
            n = (long)SearchPathW(wnewpath, p, NULL, _MAX_PATH, fnamew, &dumw);
!           if (n > 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!           {
!               if (n == 0)
!                   return FALSE;
!               if (GetFileAttributesW(fnamew) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
!                   return FALSE;
!               if (path != NULL)
!                   *path = utf16_to_enc(fnamew, NULL);
!               return TRUE;
!           }
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
--- 1812,1824 ----
            n = (long)SearchPathW(wnewpath, p, NULL, _MAX_PATH, fnamew, &dumw);
!           if (n == 0)
!               return FALSE;
!           if (GetFileAttributesW(fnamew) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
!               return FALSE;
!           if (path != NULL)
!               *path = utf16_to_enc(fnamew, NULL);
!           return TRUE;
*** 2462,2469 ****
      static void
-     GETCONSOLEWINDOWPROC GetConsoleWindowProc;
      /* Save the original title. */
      if (!GetConsoleTitle(g_szOrigTitle, sizeof(g_szOrigTitle)))
--- 2293,2298 ----
*** 2475,2486 ****
       * 2000.  On older operating systems, we can't change the window icon
       * anyway.
!     if ((GetConsoleWindowProc = (GETCONSOLEWINDOWPROC)
!           GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32.DLL"),
!                   "GetConsoleWindow")) != NULL)
!     {
!       g_hWnd = (*GetConsoleWindowProc)();
!     }
      if (g_hWnd == NULL)
--- 2304,2310 ----
       * 2000.  On older operating systems, we can't change the window icon
       * anyway.
!     g_hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
      if (g_hWnd == NULL)
*** 2589,2599 ****
-     /* This will be NULL on anything but NT 4.0 */
-     s_pfnGetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName =
-       (PFNGCKLN) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"),
-                                 "GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameA");
--- 2413,2418 ----
*** 2775,2783 ****
            *porig = c;
            ptrue = ptruePrev + wcslen(ptruePrev);
-       else if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
-               && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-           return FAIL;
      wcscpy(name, szTrueName);
--- 2594,2599 ----
*** 2836,2842 ****
!       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
--- 2652,2658 ----
!       return;
*** 2966,2974 ****
                return OK;
-       else if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-           return FAIL;
-       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
      if (GetUserName(szUserName, &cch))
--- 2782,2787 ----
*** 3008,3016 ****
-       else if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-           return;
-       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
      if (!GetComputerName((LPSTR)s, &cch))
--- 2821,2826 ----
*** 3059,3067 ****
                return OK;
!       else if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!           return FAIL;
!       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
      return (GetCurrentDirectory(len, (LPSTR)buf) != 0 ? OK : FAIL);
--- 2869,2875 ----
                return OK;
!       return FAIL;
      return (GetCurrentDirectory(len, (LPSTR)buf) != 0 ? OK : FAIL);
*** 3101,3109 ****
            n = _wchmod(p, perm);
!           if (n == -1 && g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
                return FAIL;
-           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
      if (n == -1)
--- 2909,2916 ----
            n = _wchmod(p, perm);
!           if (n == -1)
                return FAIL;
      if (n == -1)
*** 3251,3268 ****
        hFind = FindFirstFileW(wn, &findDataW);
!       if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
!               && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!       {
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!           hFind = FindFirstFile((LPCSTR)name, &findDataA);
!           if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
!           {
!               fileFlags = findDataA.dwFileAttributes;
!               reparseTag = findDataA.dwReserved0;
!           }
!       }
!       else
            fileFlags = findDataW.dwFileAttributes;
            reparseTag = findDataW.dwReserved0;
--- 3058,3064 ----
        hFind = FindFirstFileW(wn, &findDataW);
!       if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            fileFlags = findDataW.dwFileAttributes;
            reparseTag = findDataW.dwReserved0;
*** 3321,3327 ****
        wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
        if (wn == NULL)
!           res = FILEINFO_ENC_FAIL;
      if (wn != NULL)
--- 3117,3123 ----
        wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
        if (wn == NULL)
!           return FILEINFO_ENC_FAIL;
      if (wn != NULL)
*** 3332,3346 ****
                    OPEN_EXISTING,      /* creation disposition */
                    FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, /* file attributes */
                    NULL);              /* handle to template file */
!       if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
!                             && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!       {
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!           vim_free(wn);
!           wn = NULL;
!       }
!     if (wn == NULL)
        hFile = CreateFile((LPCSTR)fname,    /* file name */
                    GENERIC_READ,           /* access mode */
--- 3128,3136 ----
                    OPEN_EXISTING,      /* creation disposition */
                    FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, /* file attributes */
                    NULL);              /* handle to template file */
!       vim_free(wn);
!     else
        hFile = CreateFile((LPCSTR)fname,    /* file name */
                    GENERIC_READ,           /* access mode */
*** 3359,3367 ****
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-     vim_free(wn);
- #endif
      return res;
--- 3149,3154 ----
*** 3383,3401 ****
      if (p != NULL)
        attr = GetFileAttributesW(p);
!       if (attr < 0 && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!       {
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!           vim_free(p);
!           p = NULL;
!       }
!     if (p == NULL)
        attr = GetFileAttributes((char *)name);
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     vim_free(p);
! #endif
      return attr;
--- 3170,3181 ----
      if (p != NULL)
        attr = GetFileAttributesW(p);
!       vim_free(p);
!     else
        attr = GetFileAttributes((char *)name);
      return attr;
*** 3418,3437 ****
      if (p != NULL)
        res = SetFileAttributesW(p, attrs);
!       if (res == FALSE
!           && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!       {
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!           vim_free(p);
!           p = NULL;
!       }
!     if (p == NULL)
        res = SetFileAttributes((char *)name, attrs);
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     vim_free(p);
! #endif
      return res ? 0 : -1;
--- 3198,3209 ----
      if (p != NULL)
        res = SetFileAttributesW(p, attrs);
!       vim_free(p);
!     else
        res = SetFileAttributes((char *)name, attrs);
      return res ? 0 : -1;
*** 3539,3565 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
-     {
        wn = enc_to_utf16(name, NULL);
!       if (wn != NULL)
!       {
!           hFile = CreateFileW(wn,     /* file name */
!                       GENERIC_WRITE,  /* access mode */
!                       0,              /* share mode */
!                       NULL,           /* security descriptor */
!                       OPEN_EXISTING,  /* creation disposition */
!                       0,              /* file attributes */
!                       NULL);          /* handle to template file */
!           if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
!                             && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!           {
!               /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!               vim_free(wn);
!               wn = NULL;
!           }
!       }
!     if (wn == NULL)
        hFile = CreateFile((LPCSTR)name,    /* file name */
                    GENERIC_WRITE,          /* access mode */
--- 3311,3330 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        wn = enc_to_utf16(name, NULL);
!     if (wn != NULL)
!     {
!       hFile = CreateFileW(wn,             /* file name */
!                   GENERIC_WRITE,          /* access mode */
!                   0,                      /* share mode */
!                   NULL,                   /* security descriptor */
!                   OPEN_EXISTING,          /* creation disposition */
!                   0,                      /* file attributes */
!                   NULL);                  /* handle to template file */
!       vim_free(wn);
!     else
        hFile = CreateFile((LPCSTR)name,    /* file name */
                    GENERIC_WRITE,          /* access mode */
*** 3569,3577 ****
                    0,                      /* file attributes */
                    NULL);                  /* handle to template file */
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
-     vim_free(wn);
- #endif
      if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return NODE_NORMAL;
--- 3334,3339 ----
*** 3608,3695 ****
      struct my_acl   *p = NULL;
      DWORD   err;
!     /* This only works on Windows NT and 2000. */
!     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && advapi_lib != NULL)
-       p = (struct my_acl *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(struct my_acl));
-       if (p != NULL)
-       {
  # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!           WCHAR       *wn = NULL;
!           if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
!               wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
!           if (wn != NULL)
!               /* Try to retrieve the entire security descriptor. */
!               err = pGetNamedSecurityInfoW(
!                           wn,                 // Abstract filename
!                           SE_FILE_OBJECT,     // File Object
!                           OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                           &p->pSidOwner,      // Ownership information.
!                           &p->pSidGroup,      // Group membership.
!                           &p->pDacl,          // Discretionary information.
!                           &p->pSacl,          // For auditing purposes.
!                           &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!               if (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ||
!                       err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)
!               {
!                   /* Retrieve only DACL. */
!                   (void)pGetNamedSecurityInfoW(
!                           wn,
!                           SE_FILE_OBJECT,
!                           DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                           NULL,
!                           NULL,
!                           &p->pDacl,
!                           NULL,
!                           &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!               }
!               if (p->pSecurityDescriptor == NULL)
!               {
!                   mch_free_acl((vim_acl_T)p);
!                   p = NULL;
!               }
!               vim_free(wn);
!           else
  # endif
!               /* Try to retrieve the entire security descriptor. */
!               err = pGetNamedSecurityInfo(
!                           (LPSTR)fname,       // Abstract filename
!                           SE_FILE_OBJECT,     // File Object
!                           OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                           SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                           &p->pSidOwner,      // Ownership information.
!                           &p->pSidGroup,      // Group membership.
!                           &p->pDacl,          // Discretionary information.
!                           &p->pSacl,          // For auditing purposes.
!                           &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!               if (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ||
!                       err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)
!               {
!                   /* Retrieve only DACL. */
!                   (void)pGetNamedSecurityInfo(
!                           (LPSTR)fname,
!                           SE_FILE_OBJECT,
!                           DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                           NULL,
!                           NULL,
!                           &p->pDacl,
!                           NULL,
!                           &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!               }
!               if (p->pSecurityDescriptor == NULL)
!               {
!                   mch_free_acl((vim_acl_T)p);
!                   p = NULL;
!               }
--- 3370,3453 ----
      struct my_acl   *p = NULL;
      DWORD   err;
!     p = (struct my_acl *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(struct my_acl));
!     if (p != NULL)
  # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!       WCHAR   *wn = NULL;
!       if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
!           wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
!       if (wn != NULL)
!       {
!           /* Try to retrieve the entire security descriptor. */
!           err = GetNamedSecurityInfoW(
!                   wn,                 // Abstract filename
!                   SE_FILE_OBJECT,     // File Object
!                   OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                   GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                   DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
!                   SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                   &p->pSidOwner,      // Ownership information.
!                   &p->pSidGroup,      // Group membership.
!                   &p->pDacl,          // Discretionary information.
!                   &p->pSacl,          // For auditing purposes.
!                   &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!           if (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ||
!                   err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)
!           {
!               /* Retrieve only DACL. */
!               (void)GetNamedSecurityInfoW(
!                       wn,
!                       SE_FILE_OBJECT,
!                       DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
!                       NULL,
!                       NULL,
!                       &p->pDacl,
!                       NULL,
!                       &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
!           }
!           if (p->pSecurityDescriptor == NULL)
!               mch_free_acl((vim_acl_T)p);
!               p = NULL;
!           vim_free(wn);
!       }
!       else
  # endif
+       {
+           /* Try to retrieve the entire security descriptor. */
+           err = GetNamedSecurityInfo(
+                   (LPSTR)fname,       // Abstract filename
+                   SE_FILE_OBJECT,     // File Object
+                   OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
+                   GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
+                   DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION |
+                   SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
+                   &p->pSidOwner,      // Ownership information.
+                   &p->pSidGroup,      // Group membership.
+                   &p->pDacl,          // Discretionary information.
+                   &p->pSacl,          // For auditing purposes.
+                   &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
+           if (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ||
+                   err == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)
+           {
+               /* Retrieve only DACL. */
+               (void)GetNamedSecurityInfo(
+                       (LPSTR)fname,
+                       SE_FILE_OBJECT,
+                       DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
+                       NULL,
+                       NULL,
+                       &p->pDacl,
+                       NULL,
+                       &p->pSecurityDescriptor);
+           }
+           if (p->pSecurityDescriptor == NULL)
!               mch_free_acl((vim_acl_T)p);
!               p = NULL;
*** 3733,3739 ****
      struct my_acl   *p = (struct my_acl *)acl;
      SECURITY_INFORMATION    sec_info = 0;
!     if (p != NULL && advapi_lib != NULL)
  # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        WCHAR   *wn = NULL;
--- 3491,3497 ----
      struct my_acl   *p = (struct my_acl *)acl;
      SECURITY_INFORMATION    sec_info = 0;
!     if (p != NULL)
  # ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        WCHAR   *wn = NULL;
*** 3761,3767 ****
            wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
        if (wn != NULL)
!           (void)pSetNamedSecurityInfoW(
                        wn,                     // Abstract filename
                        SE_FILE_OBJECT,         // File Object
--- 3519,3525 ----
            wn = enc_to_utf16(fname, NULL);
        if (wn != NULL)
!           (void)SetNamedSecurityInfoW(
                        wn,                     // Abstract filename
                        SE_FILE_OBJECT,         // File Object
*** 3775,3781 ****
  # endif
!           (void)pSetNamedSecurityInfo(
                        (LPSTR)fname,           // Abstract filename
                        SE_FILE_OBJECT,         // File Object
--- 3533,3539 ----
  # endif
!           (void)SetNamedSecurityInfo(
                        (LPSTR)fname,           // Abstract filename
                        SE_FILE_OBJECT,         // File Object
*** 4076,4082 ****
      STARTUPINFO               *si,
! #  ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        WCHAR   *wcmd = enc_to_utf16((char_u *)cmd, NULL);
--- 3834,3840 ----
      STARTUPINFO               *si,
! #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
        WCHAR   *wcmd = enc_to_utf16((char_u *)cmd, NULL);
*** 4138,4168 ****
      si.lpTitle = NULL;
      si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
!      * It's nicer to run a filter command in a minimized window, but in
!      * Windows 95 this makes the command MUCH slower.  We can't do it under
!      * Win32s either as it stops the synchronous spawn workaround working.
       * Don't activate the window to keep focus on Vim.
!     if ((options & SHELL_DOOUT) && !mch_windows95())
        si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
        si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
      si.cbReserved2 = 0;
      si.lpReserved2 = NULL;
-     /* There is a strange error on Windows 95 when using "c:\".
-      * When the "c:\\" is left out it works OK...? */
-     if (mch_windows95()
-           && (STRNICMP(cmd, "c:/", 14) == 0
-               || STRNICMP(cmd, "c:\\", 14) == 0))
-       cmd += 3;
      /* Now, run the command */
      vim_create_process(cmd, FALSE,
      /* Wait for the command to terminate before continuing */
-     if (g_PlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
        int         delay = 1;
--- 3896,3916 ----
      si.lpTitle = NULL;
      si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
!      * It's nicer to run a filter command in a minimized window.
       * Don't activate the window to keep focus on Vim.
!     if (options & SHELL_DOOUT)
        si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
        si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
      si.cbReserved2 = 0;
      si.lpReserved2 = NULL;
      /* Now, run the command */
      vim_create_process(cmd, FALSE,
      /* Wait for the command to terminate before continuing */
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
        int         delay = 1;
*** 4195,4217 ****
        /* Get the command exit code */
        GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &ret);
-     else
-     {
-       /*
-        * This ugly code is the only quick way of performing
-        * a synchronous spawn under Win32s. Yuk.
-        */
-       num_windows = 0;
-       EnumWindows(win32ssynch_cb, 0);
-       old_num_windows = num_windows;
-       do
-       {
-           Sleep(1000);
-           num_windows = 0;
-           EnumWindows(win32ssynch_cb, 0);
-       } while (num_windows == old_num_windows);
-       ret = 0;
-     }
      /* Close the handles to the subprocess, so that it goes away */
--- 3943,3948 ----
*** 4453,4463 ****
      if ( ! CreatePipe(&g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, &g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, 0)
        /* Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited. */
!        || ! pSetHandleInformation(g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)
        /* Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. */
         || ! CreatePipe(&g_hChildStd_IN_Rd, &g_hChildStd_IN_Wr, &saAttr, 0)
        /* Ensure the write handle to the pipe for STDIN is not inherited. */
!        || ! pSetHandleInformation(g_hChildStd_IN_Wr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) )
--- 4184,4194 ----
      if ( ! CreatePipe(&g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, &g_hChildStd_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, 0)
        /* Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited. */
!        || ! SetHandleInformation(g_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)
        /* Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. */
         || ! CreatePipe(&g_hChildStd_IN_Rd, &g_hChildStd_IN_Wr, &saAttr, 0)
        /* Ensure the write handle to the pipe for STDIN is not inherited. */
!        || ! SetHandleInformation(g_hChildStd_IN_Wr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) )
*** 4707,4713 ****
  mch_system(char *cmd, int options)
      /* if we can pipe and the shelltemp option is off */
!     if (allowPiping && !p_stmp)
        return mch_system_piped(cmd, options);
        return mch_system_classic(cmd, options);
--- 4438,4444 ----
  mch_system(char *cmd, int options)
      /* if we can pipe and the shelltemp option is off */
!     if (!p_stmp)
        return mch_system_piped(cmd, options);
        return mch_system_classic(cmd, options);
*** 4960,4966 ****
            cmdlen = (
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
!               (allowPiping && !p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
                STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10);
--- 4691,4697 ----
            cmdlen = (
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
!               (!p_stmp ? 0 : STRLEN(vimrun_path)) +
                STRLEN(p_sh) + STRLEN(p_shcf) + STRLEN(cmd) + 10);
*** 4978,4984 ****
                    need_vimrun_warning = FALSE;
!               if (!s_dont_use_vimrun && (!allowPiping || p_stmp))
                    /* Use vimrun to execute the command.  It opens a console
                     * window, which can be closed without killing Vim. */
                    vim_snprintf((char *)newcmd, cmdlen, "%s%s%s %s %s",
--- 4709,4715 ----
                    need_vimrun_warning = FALSE;
!               if (!s_dont_use_vimrun && p_stmp)
                    /* Use vimrun to execute the command.  It opens a console
                     * window, which can be closed without killing Vim. */
                    vim_snprintf((char *)newcmd, cmdlen, "%s%s%s %s %s",
*** 5002,5009 ****
      /* Print the return value, unless "vimrun" was used. */
      if (x != 0 && !(options & SHELL_SILENT) && !emsg_silent
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
!               && ((options & SHELL_DOOUT) || s_dont_use_vimrun
!                                                 || (allowPiping && !p_stmp))
--- 4733,4739 ----
      /* Print the return value, unless "vimrun" was used. */
      if (x != 0 && !(options & SHELL_SILENT) && !emsg_silent
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
!               && ((options & SHELL_DOOUT) || s_dont_use_vimrun || !p_stmp)
*** 5051,5064 ****
                       lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition,
                       dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
-             if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
-                           && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
-                 wn = NULL;
      if (wn == NULL)
  # endif
          h = CreateFile((LPCSTR)fname, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode,
                       lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition,
                       dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
--- 4781,4790 ----
*** 5127,5133 ****
      else if (!use_null_for_in &&
            (!CreatePipe(&ifd[0], &ifd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !pSetHandleInformation(ifd[1], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      if (use_file_for_out)
--- 4853,4859 ----
      else if (!use_null_for_in &&
            (!CreatePipe(&ifd[0], &ifd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !SetHandleInformation(ifd[1], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      if (use_file_for_out)
*** 5145,5151 ****
      else if (!use_null_for_out &&
            (!CreatePipe(&ofd[0], &ofd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !pSetHandleInformation(ofd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      if (use_file_for_err)
--- 4871,4877 ----
      else if (!use_null_for_out &&
            (!CreatePipe(&ofd[0], &ofd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !SetHandleInformation(ofd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      if (use_file_for_err)
*** 5163,5169 ****
      else if (!use_out_for_err && !use_null_for_err &&
            (!CreatePipe(&efd[0], &efd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !pSetHandleInformation(efd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
--- 4889,4895 ----
      else if (!use_out_for_err && !use_null_for_err &&
            (!CreatePipe(&efd[0], &efd[1], &saAttr, 0)
!           || !SetHandleInformation(efd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)))
        goto failed;
      si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
*** 6176,6184 ****
            n = DeleteFileW(wn) ? 0 : -1;
!           if (n == 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!               return n;
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
--- 5902,5908 ----
            n = DeleteFileW(wn) ? 0 : -1;
!           return n;
*** 6203,6209 ****
  /* physical RAM to leave for the OS */
  #define WINNT_RESERVE_BYTES     (256*1024*1024)
- #define WIN95_RESERVE_BYTES       (8*1024*1024)
   * How much main memory in KiB that can be used by VIM.
--- 5927,5932 ----
*** 6212,6265 ****
  mch_total_mem(int special)
!     PlatformId();
! #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (WINVER > 0x0400)) || defined(MEMORYSTATUSEX)
!     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!     {
!       /* Need to use GlobalMemoryStatusEx() when there is more memory than
!        * what fits in 32 bits. But it's not always available. */
!       ms.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
!       GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms);
!       if (ms.ullAvailVirtual < ms.ullTotalPhys)
!       {
!           /* Process address space fits in physical RAM, use all of it. */
!           return (long_u)(ms.ullAvailVirtual / 1024);
!       }
!       if (ms.ullTotalPhys <= WINNT_RESERVE_BYTES)
!       {
!           /* Catch old NT box or perverse hardware setup. */
!           return (long_u)((ms.ullTotalPhys / 2) / 1024);
!       }
!       /* Use physical RAM less reserve for OS + data. */
!       return (long_u)((ms.ullTotalPhys - WINNT_RESERVE_BYTES) / 1024);
!     else
! #endif
!       /* Pre-XP or 95 OS handling. */
!       MEMORYSTATUS    ms;
!       long_u          os_reserve_bytes;
!       ms.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS);
!       GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms);
!       if (ms.dwAvailVirtual < ms.dwTotalPhys)
!       {
!           /* Process address space fits in physical RAM, use all of it. */
!           return (long_u)(ms.dwAvailVirtual / 1024);
!       }
!       os_reserve_bytes = (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!           : WIN95_RESERVE_BYTES;
!       if (ms.dwTotalPhys <= os_reserve_bytes)
!       {
!           /* Catch old boxes or perverse hardware setup. */
!           return (long_u)((ms.dwTotalPhys / 2) / 1024);
!       }
!       /* Use physical RAM less reserve for OS + data. */
!       return (long_u)((ms.dwTotalPhys - os_reserve_bytes) / 1024);
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
--- 5935,5959 ----
  mch_total_mem(int special)
!     PlatformId();
!     /* Need to use GlobalMemoryStatusEx() when there is more memory than
!      * what fits in 32 bits. But it's not always available. */
!     ms.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
!     GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms);
!     if (ms.ullAvailVirtual < ms.ullTotalPhys)
!     {
!       /* Process address space fits in physical RAM, use all of it. */
!       return (long_u)(ms.ullAvailVirtual / 1024);
!     if (ms.ullTotalPhys <= WINNT_RESERVE_BYTES)
!       /* Catch old NT box or perverse hardware setup. */
!       return (long_u)((ms.ullTotalPhys / 2) / 1024);
+     /* Use physical RAM less reserve for OS + data. */
+     return (long_u)((ms.ullTotalPhys - WINNT_RESERVE_BYTES) / 1024);
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
*** 6276,6291 ****
      WCHAR     szNewPath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
      HANDLE    hf;
!     if (!mch_windows95())
!     {
!       p = wold;
!       for (i = 0; wold[i] != NUL; ++i)
!           if ((wold[i] == '/' || wold[i] == '\\' || wold[i] == ':')
!                   && wold[i + 1] != 0)
!               p = wold + i + 1;
!       if ((int)(wold + i - p) < 8 || p[6] != '~')
!           return (MoveFileW(wold, wnew) == 0);
!     }
      if (GetFullPathNameW(wnew, _MAX_PATH, szNewPath, &p) == 0 || p == NULL)
        return -1;
--- 5970,5982 ----
      WCHAR     szNewPath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
      HANDLE    hf;
!     p = wold;
!     for (i = 0; wold[i] != NUL; ++i)
!       if ((wold[i] == '/' || wold[i] == '\\' || wold[i] == ':')
!               && wold[i + 1] != 0)
!           p = wold + i + 1;
!     if ((int)(wold + i - p) < 8 || p[6] != '~')
!       return (MoveFileW(wold, wnew) == 0);
      if (GetFullPathNameW(wnew, _MAX_PATH, szNewPath, &p) == 0 || p == NULL)
        return -1;
*** 6363,6384 ****
            retval = mch_wrename(wold, wnew);
!       if (retval == 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!           return retval;
!       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!      * No need to play tricks if not running Windows 95, unless the file name
!      * contains a "~" as the seventh character.
!     if (!mch_windows95())
!     {
!       pszFilePart = (char *)gettail((char_u *)pszOldFile);
!       if (STRLEN(pszFilePart) < 8 || pszFilePart[6] != '~')
!           return rename(pszOldFile, pszNewFile);
!     }
      /* Get base path of new file name.  Undocumented feature: If pszNewFile is
       * a directory, no error is returned and pszFilePart will be NULL. */
--- 6054,6070 ----
            retval = mch_wrename(wold, wnew);
!       return retval;
!      * No need to play tricks unless the file name contains a "~" as the
!      * seventh character.
!     pszFilePart = (char *)gettail((char_u *)pszOldFile);
!     if (STRLEN(pszFilePart) < 8 || pszFilePart[6] != '~')
!       return rename(pszOldFile, pszNewFile);
      /* Get base path of new file name.  Undocumented feature: If pszNewFile is
       * a directory, no error is returned and pszFilePart will be NULL. */
*** 6441,6456 ****
      char *
-     char* psz = NULL;
!     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)                /* Windows NT */
!       psz = "cmd.exe";
!     else if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) /* Windows 95 */
!       psz = "";
!     return psz;
--- 6127,6135 ----
      char *
!     return "cmd.exe";
*** 6496,6513 ****
                hFile = FindFirstFileW(TempNameW, &d);
                if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
!               {
!                   if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!                       goto getout;
!                   /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!                   vim_free(wn);
!                   wn = NULL;
!               }
!           if (wn == NULL)
                char                *pch;
--- 6175,6185 ----
                hFile = FindFirstFileW(TempNameW, &d);
                if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
!                   goto getout;
!           else
                char                *pch;
*** 6537,6554 ****
            if (wn != NULL)
                if (!GetTempFileNameW(wn, L"VIM", 0, TempNameW))
!               {
!                   if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!                       goto getout;
!                   /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!                   vim_free(wn);
!                   wn = NULL;
!               }
!           if (wn == NULL)
                if (!GetTempFileName(n, "VIM", 0, TempName))
--- 6209,6219 ----
            if (wn != NULL)
                if (!GetTempFileNameW(wn, L"VIM", 0, TempNameW))
!                   goto getout;
!           else
                if (!GetTempFileName(n, "VIM", 0, TempName))
*** 6565,6581 ****
                | ((p & R_OK) ? GENERIC_READ : 0);
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        if (wn != NULL)
-       {
            hFile = CreateFileW(wn, am, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
!           if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
!                             && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
!           {
!               /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
!               vim_free(wn);
!               wn = NULL;
!           }
!       }
!       if (wn == NULL)
            hFile = CreateFile(n, am, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
        if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
--- 6230,6237 ----
                | ((p & R_OK) ? GENERIC_READ : 0);
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
        if (wn != NULL)
            hFile = CreateFileW(wn, am, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
!       else
            hFile = CreateFile(n, am, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
        if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
*** 6610,6620 ****
            f = _wopen(wn, flags, mode);
!           if (f >= 0 || g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!               return f;
!           /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). Can't use
!            * GetLastError() here and it's unclear what errno gets set to if
!            * the _wopen() fails for missing wide functions. */
  # endif
--- 6266,6272 ----
            f = _wopen(wn, flags, mode);
!           return f;
  # endif
*** 6638,6649 ****
      WCHAR     *wn, *wm;
      FILE      *f = NULL;
!     if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage
! # ifdef __BORLANDC__
!           /* Wide functions of Borland C 5.5 do not work on Windows 98. */
!           && g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
! # endif
!        )
  # if defined(DEBUG) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
        /* Work around an annoying assertion in the Microsoft debug CRT
--- 6290,6296 ----
      WCHAR     *wn, *wm;
      FILE      *f = NULL;
!     if (enc_codepage >= 0 && (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
  # if defined(DEBUG) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
        /* Work around an annoying assertion in the Microsoft debug CRT
*** 6667,6678 ****
  # if defined(DEBUG) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
  # endif
!       if (f != NULL || g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!           return f;
!       /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). Can't use
!        * GetLastError() here and it's unclear what errno gets set to if
!        * the _wfopen() fails for missing wide functions. */
      /* fopen() can open a file which name is longer than _MAX_PATH bytes
--- 6314,6320 ----
  # if defined(DEBUG) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
  # endif
!       return f;
      /* fopen() can open a file which name is longer than _MAX_PATH bytes
*** 6843,6850 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      /* File streams only work on Windows NT and later. */
!     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
!       copy_infostreams(from, to);
      return 0;
--- 6485,6491 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      /* File streams only work on Windows NT and later. */
!     copy_infostreams(from, to);
      return 0;
*** 6856,6862 ****
  /* These magic numbers are from the MS header files */
- #define MIN_STACK_WIN9X 17
  #define MIN_STACK_WINNT 2
--- 6497,6502 ----
*** 6876,6885 ****
      DWORD     nPageSize;
      DWORD     dummy;
-     /* This code will not work on win32s. */
-     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
-       return 0;
      /* We need to know the system page size. */
--- 6516,6522 ----
*** 6895,6923 ****
      /* ...and the page thats min_stack_req pages away from stack base; this is
       * the lowest page we could use. */
!     pLowestPossiblePage = pStackBase + ((g_PlatformId == 
!                            ? MIN_STACK_WINNT : MIN_STACK_WIN9X) * nPageSize;
-     /* On Win95, we want the next page down from the end of the stack. */
-     if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS)
!       /* Find the page that's only 1 page down from the page that the stack
!        * ptr is in. */
!       pGuardPage = (BYTE*)((DWORD)nPageSize * (((DWORD)pStackPtr
!                                                   / (DWORD)nPageSize) - 1));
!       if (pGuardPage < pLowestPossiblePage)
!           return 0;
!       /* Apply the noaccess attribute to the page -- there's no guard
!        * attribute in win95-type OSes. */
!       if (!VirtualProtect(pGuardPage, nPageSize, PAGE_NOACCESS, &dummy))
!           return 0;
!     }
!     else
!     {
!       /* On NT, however, we want the first committed page in the stack Start
!        * at the stack base and move forward through memory until we find a
!        * committed block. */
        BYTE *pBlock = pStackBase;
        for (;;)
--- 6532,6543 ----
      /* ...and the page thats min_stack_req pages away from stack base; this is
       * the lowest page we could use. */
!     pLowestPossiblePage = pStackBase + MIN_STACK_WINNT * nPageSize;
!       /* We want the first committed page in the stack Start at the stack
!        * base and move forward through memory until we find a committed block.
!        */
        BYTE *pBlock = pStackBase;
        for (;;)
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/os_win32.h      2016-08-29 22:42:20.000000000 +0200
--- src/os_win32.h      2016-10-12 14:00:10.242811549 +0200
*** 210,229 ****
  # define vim_mkdir(x, y) mch_mkdir(x)
- #ifndef PROTO
  /* Enable common dialogs input unicode from IME if possible. */
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
!     /* The variables are defined in os_win32.c. */
! extern LRESULT (WINAPI *pDispatchMessage)(CONST MSG *);
! extern BOOL (WINAPI *pGetMessage)(LPMSG, HWND, UINT, UINT);
! extern BOOL (WINAPI *pIsDialogMessage)(HWND, LPMSG);
! extern BOOL (WINAPI *pPeekMessage)(LPMSG, HWND, UINT, UINT, UINT);
  # define pDispatchMessage DispatchMessage
  # define pGetMessage GetMessage
  # define pIsDialogMessage IsDialogMessage
  # define pPeekMessage PeekMessage
- #endif /* PROTO */
--- 210,224 ----
  # define vim_mkdir(x, y) mch_mkdir(x)
  /* Enable common dialogs input unicode from IME if possible. */
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
! # define pDispatchMessage DispatchMessageW
! # define pGetMessage GetMessageW
! # define pIsDialogMessage IsDialogMessageW
! # define pPeekMessage PeekMessageW
  # define pDispatchMessage DispatchMessage
  # define pGetMessage GetMessage
  # define pIsDialogMessage IsDialogMessage
  # define pPeekMessage PeekMessage
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/proto/      2016-09-12 13:04:30.000000000 
--- src/proto/      2016-10-12 14:00:10.242811549 +0200
*** 19,25 ****
  int mch_has_exp_wildcard(char_u *p);
  int mch_has_wildcard(char_u *p);
  int mch_chdir(char *path);
- int can_end_termcap_mode(int give_msg);
  int mch_screenmode(char_u *arg);
  int mch_icon_load(HANDLE *iconp);
  int mch_libcall(char_u *libname, char_u *funcname, char_u *argstring, int 
argint, char_u **string_result, int *number_result);
--- 19,24 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/proto/      2016-09-29 15:18:51.359768012 
--- src/proto/      2016-10-12 14:00:10.242811549 +0200
*** 3,9 ****
  int dyn_libintl_init(void);
  void dyn_libintl_end(void);
  void PlatformId(void);
- int mch_windows95(void);
  void mch_setmouse(int on);
  void mch_update_cursor(void);
  int mch_char_avail(void);
--- 3,8 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/version.c       2016-10-12 12:13:30.488344697 +0200
--- src/version.c       2016-10-12 14:02:29.605820741 +0200
*** 962,976 ****
  #ifdef WIN3264
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
! #  if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1010)
!     /* Only MS VC 4.1 and earlier can do Win32s */
!     MSG_PUTS(_("\nMS-Windows 16/32-bit GUI version"));
! #  else
! #   ifdef _WIN64
      MSG_PUTS(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit GUI version"));
! #   else
      MSG_PUTS(_("\nMS-Windows 32-bit GUI version"));
- #   endif
  #  endif
  # ifdef FEAT_OLE
      MSG_PUTS(_(" with OLE support"));
--- 964,973 ----
  #ifdef WIN3264
  # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
! #  ifdef _WIN64
      MSG_PUTS(_("\nMS-Windows 64-bit GUI version"));
! #  else
      MSG_PUTS(_("\nMS-Windows 32-bit GUI version"));
  #  endif
  # ifdef FEAT_OLE
      MSG_PUTS(_(" with OLE support"));
*** 1332,1341 ****
      blanklines = (int)Rows - ((sizeof(lines) / sizeof(char *)) - 1);
      if (!p_cp)
        blanklines += 4;  /* add 4 for not showing "Vi compatible" message */
- #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
-     if (mch_windows95())
-       blanklines -= 3;  /* subtract 3 for showing "Windows 95" message */
- #endif
      /* Don't overwrite a statusline.  Depends on 'cmdheight'. */
--- 1329,1334 ----
*** 1384,1400 ****
                do_intro_line(row, (char_u *)_(p), i == 2, 0);
- #if defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
-       if (mch_windows95())
-       {
-           do_intro_line(++row,
-                   (char_u *)_("WARNING: Windows 95/98/ME detected"),
-                                                       FALSE, hl_attr(HLF_E));
-           do_intro_line(++row,
-               (char_u *)_("type  :help windows95<Enter>  for info on this"),
-                                                                   FALSE, 0);
-       }
- #endif
      /* Make the wait-return message appear just below the text. */
--- 1377,1382 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0028/src/version.c       2016-10-12 12:13:30.488344697 +0200
--- src/version.c       2016-10-12 14:02:29.605820741 +0200
*** 766,767 ****
--- 766,769 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     29,

Lose weight, NEVER Diet again with
                  The "Invisible Weight Loss Patch"
                                                (spam e-mail)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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