Patch 8.0.0107
Problem:    When reading channel output in a timer, messages may go missing.
Solution:   Add the "drop" option.  Write error messages in the channel log.
            Don't have ch_canread() check for the channel being open.
Files:      src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/message.c, src/evalfunc.c,
            src/proto/, runtime/doc/channel.txt

*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/structs.h       2016-11-24 15:09:03.405856662 +0100
--- src/structs.h       2016-12-01 13:04:30.094157140 +0100
*** 1474,1479 ****
--- 1474,1480 ----
      typval_T  *jq_value;
      jsonq_T   *jq_next;
      jsonq_T   *jq_prev;
+     int               jq_no_callback; /* TRUE when no callback was found */
  struct cbq_S
*** 1597,1602 ****
--- 1598,1604 ----
      partial_T *ch_partial;
      char_u    *ch_close_cb;   /* call when channel is closed */
      partial_T *ch_close_partial;
+     int               ch_drop_never;
      job_T     *ch_job;        /* Job that uses this channel; this does not
                                 * count as a reference to avoid a circular
*** 1684,1689 ****
--- 1686,1692 ----
      partial_T *jo_close_partial; /* not referenced! */
      char_u    *jo_exit_cb;    /* not allocated! */
      partial_T *jo_exit_partial; /* not referenced! */
+     int               jo_drop_never;
      int               jo_waittime;
      int               jo_timeout;
      int               jo_out_timeout;
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/channel.c       2016-11-29 21:54:41.116260206 +0100
--- src/channel.c       2016-12-01 15:21:38.504292378 +0100
*** 1195,1200 ****
--- 1195,1201 ----
      if (opt->jo_set & JO_CLOSE_CALLBACK)
        set_callback(&channel->ch_close_cb, &channel->ch_close_partial,
                opt->jo_close_cb, opt->jo_close_partial);
+     channel->ch_drop_never = opt->jo_drop_never;
      if ((opt->jo_set & JO_OUT_IO) && opt->jo_io[PART_OUT] == JIO_BUFFER)
*** 1918,1923 ****
--- 1919,1925 ----
+               item->jq_no_callback = FALSE;
                item->jq_value = alloc_tv();
                if (item->jq_value == NULL)
*** 2050,2060 ****
   * When "id" is positive it must match the first number in the list.
   * When "id" is zero or negative jut get the first message.  But not the one
   * with id ch_block_id.
   * Return OK when found and return the value in "rettv".
   * Return FAIL otherwise.
      static int
! channel_get_json(channel_T *channel, ch_part_T part, int id, typval_T **rettv)
      jsonq_T   *head = &channel->ch_part[part].ch_json_head;
      jsonq_T   *item = head->jq_next;
--- 2052,2068 ----
   * When "id" is positive it must match the first number in the list.
   * When "id" is zero or negative jut get the first message.  But not the one
   * with id ch_block_id.
+  * When "without_callback" is TRUE also get messages that were pushed back.
   * Return OK when found and return the value in "rettv".
   * Return FAIL otherwise.
      static int
! channel_get_json(
!       channel_T   *channel,
!       ch_part_T   part,
!       int         id,
!       int         without_callback,
!       typval_T    **rettv)
      jsonq_T   *head = &channel->ch_part[part].ch_json_head;
      jsonq_T   *item = head->jq_next;
*** 2064,2073 ****
        list_T      *l = item->jq_value->vval.v_list;
        typval_T    *tv = &l->lv_first->li_tv;
!       if ((id > 0 && tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER && tv->vval.v_number == id)
              || (id <= 0 && (tv->v_type != VAR_NUMBER
                 || tv->vval.v_number == 0
!                || tv->vval.v_number != channel->ch_part[part].ch_block_id)))
            *rettv = item->jq_value;
            if (tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
--- 2072,2082 ----
        list_T      *l = item->jq_value->vval.v_list;
        typval_T    *tv = &l->lv_first->li_tv;
!       if ((without_callback || !item->jq_no_callback)
!           && ((id > 0 && tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER && tv->vval.v_number == id)
              || (id <= 0 && (tv->v_type != VAR_NUMBER
                 || tv->vval.v_number == 0
!                || tv->vval.v_number != channel->ch_part[part].ch_block_id))))
            *rettv = item->jq_value;
            if (tv->v_type == VAR_NUMBER)
*** 2080,2085 ****
--- 2089,2153 ----
      return FAIL;
+ /*
+  * Put back "rettv" into the JSON queue, there was no callback for it.
+  * Takes over the values in "rettv".
+  */
+     static void
+ channel_push_json(channel_T *channel, ch_part_T part, typval_T *rettv)
+ {
+     jsonq_T   *head = &channel->ch_part[part].ch_json_head;
+     jsonq_T   *item = head->jq_next;
+     jsonq_T   *newitem;
+     if (head->jq_prev != NULL && head->jq_prev->jq_no_callback)
+       /* last item was pushed back, append to the end */
+       item = NULL;
+     else while (item != NULL && item->jq_no_callback)
+       /* append after the last item that was pushed back */
+       item = item->jq_next;
+     newitem = (jsonq_T *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(jsonq_T));
+     if (newitem == NULL)
+       clear_tv(rettv);
+     else
+     {
+       newitem->jq_value = alloc_tv();
+       if (newitem->jq_value == NULL)
+       {
+           vim_free(newitem);
+           clear_tv(rettv);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           newitem->jq_no_callback = FALSE;
+           *newitem->jq_value = *rettv;
+           if (item == NULL)
+           {
+               /* append to the end */
+               newitem->jq_prev = head->jq_prev;
+               head->jq_prev = newitem;
+               newitem->jq_next = NULL;
+               if (newitem->jq_prev == NULL)
+                   head->jq_next = newitem;
+               else
+                   newitem->jq_prev->jq_next = newitem;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               /* append after "item" */
+               newitem->jq_prev = item;
+               newitem->jq_next = item->jq_next;
+               item->jq_next = newitem;
+               if (newitem->jq_next == NULL)
+                   head->jq_prev = newitem;
+               else
+                   newitem->jq_next->jq_prev = newitem;
+           }
+       }
+     }
+ }
  #define CH_JSON_MAX_ARGS 4
*** 2410,2420 ****
        int             argc = 0;
        /* Get any json message in the queue. */
!       if (channel_get_json(channel, part, -1, &listtv) == FAIL)
            /* Parse readahead, return when there is still no message. */
            channel_parse_json(channel, part);
!           if (channel_get_json(channel, part, -1, &listtv) == FAIL)
                return FALSE;
--- 2478,2488 ----
        int             argc = 0;
        /* Get any json message in the queue. */
!       if (channel_get_json(channel, part, -1, FALSE, &listtv) == FAIL)
            /* Parse readahead, return when there is still no message. */
            channel_parse_json(channel, part);
!           if (channel_get_json(channel, part, -1, FALSE, &listtv) == FAIL)
                return FALSE;
*** 2454,2460 ****
            /* If there is a close callback it may use ch_read() to get the
             * messages. */
!           if (channel->ch_close_cb == NULL)
                drop_messages(channel, part);
            return FALSE;
--- 2522,2528 ----
            /* If there is a close callback it may use ch_read() to get the
             * messages. */
!           if (channel->ch_close_cb == NULL && !channel->ch_drop_never)
                drop_messages(channel, part);
            return FALSE;
*** 2531,2537 ****
        int     done = FALSE;
!       /* invoke the one-time callback with the matching nr */
        for (cbitem = cbhead->cq_next; cbitem != NULL; cbitem = cbitem->cq_next)
            if (cbitem->cq_seq_nr == seq_nr)
--- 2599,2605 ----
        int     done = FALSE;
!       /* JSON or JS mode: invoke the one-time callback with the matching nr */
        for (cbitem = cbhead->cq_next; cbitem != NULL; cbitem = cbitem->cq_next)
            if (cbitem->cq_seq_nr == seq_nr)
*** 2540,2546 ****
        if (!done)
!           ch_logn(channel, "Dropping message %d without callback", seq_nr);
      else if (callback != NULL || buffer != NULL)
--- 2608,2624 ----
        if (!done)
!       {
!           if (channel->ch_drop_never)
!           {
!               /* message must be read with ch_read() */
!               channel_push_json(channel, part, listtv);
!               listtv = NULL;
!           }
!           else
!               ch_logn(channel, "Dropping message %d without callback",
!                                                                      seq_nr);
!       }
      else if (callback != NULL || buffer != NULL)
*** 2567,2573 ****
!       ch_log(channel, "Dropping message");
      if (listtv != NULL)
--- 2645,2651 ----
!       ch_logn(channel, "Dropping message %d", seq_nr);
      if (listtv != NULL)
*** 2792,2800 ****
!         /* any remaining messages are useless now */
!         for (part = PART_SOCK; part < PART_IN; ++part)
!             drop_messages(channel, part);
      channel->ch_nb_close_cb = NULL;
--- 2870,2879 ----
!         if (!channel->ch_drop_never)
!             /* any remaining messages are useless now */
!             for (part = PART_SOCK; part < PART_IN; ++part)
!                 drop_messages(channel, part);
      channel->ch_nb_close_cb = NULL;
*** 3091,3099 ****
  channel_close_now(channel_T *channel)
      ch_log(channel, "Closing channel because all readable fds are closed");
-     channel_close(channel, TRUE);
      if (channel->ch_nb_close_cb != NULL)
--- 3170,3178 ----
  channel_close_now(channel_T *channel)
      ch_log(channel, "Closing channel because all readable fds are closed");
      if (channel->ch_nb_close_cb != NULL)
+     channel_close(channel, TRUE);
*** 3243,3249 ****
   * When "id" is -1 accept any message;
   * Blocks until the message is received or the timeout is reached.
!     int
        channel_T   *channel,
        ch_part_T   part,
--- 3322,3328 ----
   * When "id" is -1 accept any message;
   * Blocks until the message is received or the timeout is reached.
!     static int
        channel_T   *channel,
        ch_part_T   part,
*** 3264,3270 ****
        more = channel_parse_json(channel, part);
        /* search for message "id" */
!       if (channel_get_json(channel, part, id, rettv) == OK)
            chanpart->ch_block_id = 0;
            return OK;
--- 3343,3349 ----
        more = channel_parse_json(channel, part);
        /* search for message "id" */
!       if (channel_get_json(channel, part, id, TRUE, rettv) == OK)
            chanpart->ch_block_id = 0;
            return OK;
*** 4290,4295 ****
--- 4369,4388 ----
                    return FAIL;
+           else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "drop") == 0)
+           {
+               int never = FALSE;
+               val = get_tv_string(item);
+               if (STRCMP(val, "never") == 0)
+                   never = TRUE;
+               else if (STRCMP(val, "auto") != 0)
+               {
+                   EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), "drop");
+                   return FAIL;
+               }
+               opt->jo_drop_never = never;
+           }
            else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "exit_cb") == 0)
                if (!(supported & JO_EXIT_CB))
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/message.c       2016-11-10 20:01:41.193582919 +0100
--- src/message.c       2016-12-01 13:50:25.124167776 +0100
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,50 ----
  static char_u *confirm_msg = NULL;            /* ":confirm" message */
  static char_u *confirm_msg_tail;              /* tail of confirm_msg */
+ static int emsg_to_channel_log = FALSE;
+ #endif
  struct msg_hist
*** 166,171 ****
--- 169,182 ----
                && STRCMP(s, last_msg_hist->msg)))
        add_msg_hist(s, -1, attr);
+     if (emsg_to_channel_log)
+     {
+       /* Write message in the channel log. */
+       ch_logs(NULL, "ERROR: %s", (char *)s);
+     }
+ #endif
      /* When displaying keep_msg, don't let msg_start() free it, caller must do
       * that. */
      if (s == keep_msg)
*** 556,561 ****
--- 567,573 ----
      int               attr;
      char_u    *p;
+     int               r;
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
      int               ignore = FALSE;
      int               severe;
*** 624,629 ****
--- 636,644 ----
                redir_write(s, -1);
+           ch_logs(NULL, "ERROR: %s", (char *)s);
+ #endif
            return TRUE;
*** 650,655 ****
--- 665,673 ----
                                     * and a redraw is expected because
                                     * msg_scrolled is non-zero */
+     emsg_to_channel_log = TRUE;
+ #endif
       * Display name and line number for the source of the error.
*** 659,665 ****
       * Display the error message itself.
      msg_nowait = FALSE;                       /* wait for this msg */
!     return msg_attr(s, attr);
--- 677,688 ----
       * Display the error message itself.
      msg_nowait = FALSE;                       /* wait for this msg */
!     r = msg_attr(s, attr);
!     emsg_to_channel_log = FALSE;
! #endif
!     return r;
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/evalfunc.c      2016-11-29 21:54:41.116260206 +0100
--- src/evalfunc.c      2016-12-01 15:17:06.322073618 +0100
*** 1786,1792 ****
      static void
  f_ch_canread(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
!     channel_T *channel = get_channel_arg(&argvars[0], TRUE, TRUE, 0);
      rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
      if (channel != NULL)
--- 1786,1792 ----
      static void
  f_ch_canread(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
!     channel_T *channel = get_channel_arg(&argvars[0], FALSE, FALSE, 0);
      rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
      if (channel != NULL)
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/proto/       2016-11-29 21:54:41.116260206 
--- src/proto/       2016-12-01 12:47:07.212955490 +0100
*** 33,39 ****
  void channel_clear(channel_T *channel);
  void channel_free_all(void);
  char_u *channel_read_block(channel_T *channel, ch_part_T part, int timeout);
- int channel_read_json_block(channel_T *channel, ch_part_T part, int 
timeout_arg, int id, typval_T **rettv);
  void common_channel_read(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int raw);
  channel_T *channel_fd2channel(sock_T fd, ch_part_T *partp);
  void channel_handle_events(void);
--- 33,38 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/runtime/doc/channel.txt     2016-11-29 21:54:41.120260177 
--- runtime/doc/channel.txt     2016-12-01 12:20:43.087290042 +0100
*** 155,161 ****
        func MyCloseHandler(channel)
  <             Vim will invoke callbacks that handle data before invoking
                close_cb, thus when this function is called no more data will
!               be received.
  "waittime"    The time to wait for the connection to be made in
                milliseconds.  A negative number waits forever.
--- 155,167 ----
        func MyCloseHandler(channel)
  <             Vim will invoke callbacks that handle data before invoking
                close_cb, thus when this function is called no more data will
!               be passed to the callbacks.
!                                                       *channel-drop*
! "drop"                Specifies when to drop messages:
!                   "auto"      When there is no callback to handle a message.
!                               The "close_cb" is also considered for this.
!                   "never"     All messages will be kept.
  "waittime"    The time to wait for the connection to be made in
                milliseconds.  A negative number waits forever.
*** 600,610 ****
  "close_cb": handler   Callback for when the channel is closed.  Same as
                        "close_cb" on |ch_open()|, see |close_cb|.
  "exit_cb": handler    Callback for when the job ends.  The arguments are the
                        job and the exit status.
!                       Vim checks about every 10 seconds for jobs that ended.
!                       The check also be triggered by calling |job_status()|,
!                       which may then invoke the exit_cb handler.
                        Note that data can be buffered, callbacks may still be
                        called after the process ends.
--- 606,621 ----
  "close_cb": handler   Callback for when the channel is closed.  Same as
                        "close_cb" on |ch_open()|, see |close_cb|.
+ "drop"                        Specifies when to drop messages.  Same as 
"drop" on
+                       |ch_open()|, see |channel-drop|.  For "auto" the
+                       exit_cb is not considered.
  "exit_cb": handler    Callback for when the job ends.  The arguments are the
                        job and the exit status.
!                       Vim checks up to 10 times per second for jobs that
!                       ended.  The check can also be triggered by calling
!                       |job_status()|, which may then invoke the exit_cb
!                       handler.
                        Note that data can be buffered, callbacks may still be
                        called after the process ends.
*** ../vim-8.0.0106/src/version.c       2016-11-29 22:10:44.221151470 +0100
--- src/version.c       2016-12-01 12:21:52.086839902 +0100
*** 766,767 ****
--- 766,769 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     107,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
62. If your doorbell rings, you think that new mail has arrived.  And then
    you're disappointed that it's only someone at the door.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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