On 2018-01-11, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Lines in vimdiff are aligned by virtue of the 'scrollbind' option. To align 
> one
> window in spite of scroll-binding by scrolling it independently of the other
> ones, scroll it by mouse when it is not the current window. See:
>     :help 'scrollbind'
>     :help 'scrollopt'
>     :help scroll-binding
> and especially
>     :help scrollbind-quickadj

That's not what Daniel is asking for.

The diff algorithm tries to find blocks of lines that are common to
both files/buffers and are either unchanged or that differ in some
small way.  It tries to align and compare those lines to show what
actually changed.  Vim does a fairly good job of that, especially
with the EnhancedDiff plugin and the PatienceDiff algorithm.  But
sometimes the algorithm can't correctly identify or align those
blocks and the result is a mess.

It would be nice to be able to be able to help the algorithm by
telling it that some pairs of lines in the two buffers are actually
the same lines but with some differences.


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