Vim in Windows Command Prompt only has 16 colors to work with

2024-05-24 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
If I launch vim from the Windows 10 cmd line and then run the command "echo _Co" it only returns 16. Is there any way to get at least 256 colors to display in a regular cmd window, if not full color? -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply

Prevent copying of pasted-over text to register.

2023-08-10 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Using Vim 8.1. I have some text in my register and I want to overwrite some existing text with the contents of the register. So I go into visual mode and highlight the text I want to replace, then I type P and the contents of the register get replaced. OK, but why is the replaced text now in my

Override a plugin setting in ftplugin/ directory?

2020-04-26 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I’m using Vim 7. I downloaded and enabled a plugin that enhances syntax for drupal files. In the ftplugin/drupal.vim file of the plugin, I see the following code: if =~ ‘\’ setl no ignorecase endif I don’t personally care for noignorecase, so I would like to override that particular

How to get directory of current file.

2020-04-17 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am using gVim on Windows. I open a file in C:\tmp called file1.cpp. After looking around in file1.cpp I now want to open file2.cpp which is also in C:\tmp. So I run the command :e .\file2.cpp But this doesn’t work because the “.” is C:\Windows\system32. Is there a different character or

Why must I be the owner of a file I’m editing in order for persistent undo to work?

2020-01-19 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I’m using Vim 7.4. I can’t see my old changes on a file because I’m not the owner of the file. Why does this requirement exist and there a way to work around it? -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.

What determines the very first file that Vim will load on startup?

2020-01-17 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am using Vim 7.4. I have a file /etc/vimrc, but when I vim a file and run the :scriptnames command, the very first file loaded is ~/.vimrc. On another Linux machine I also have Vim 7.4 installed, and when run the vim command and then run :scriptnames, that loads /etc/vimrc. Where is this

how to call vim on files that are the results of a grep -l command in bash?

2019-05-24 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
>From a bash shell I can type "grep -l 'foo' *" and that will output a list of >files that contain 'foo'. I want to vim that list of files. In other words, >assuming the grep command returns file1, file2, ... filen, I want to run the >command: vim file1 file2 file3 ... filen I tried "grep -l

Get highest Vim buffer number

2019-03-21 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I have the following line in my vimrc file. This is for vimdiff: " dp will send middle pane changes to right pane and then immediately " update. nnoremap dp :diffput 3 :diffupdate However, this only works if I'm using vimdiff with three files. If I am diff'ing two files, then calling "diffput

Re: How to keep the cursorline consistent in vim diff?

2019-03-21 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 9:45:21 AM UTC-4, Paul wrote: > On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 09:20:12AM -0700, DwigtArmyOfChampions wrote: > >I’m using vimdiff on a three-way diff. I first open Vim using the command > >“vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt”. I have set cursorline enabl

Re: How to keep the cursorline consistent in vim diff?

2019-03-18 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
On Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 10:20:15 AM UTC-4, Bram Moolenaar wrote: > I cannot reproduce the problem. Please give a step-by-step example. > And what is your Vim version? > Vim 8.1. I was able to fix my issue by adding the following to my .vimrc: " {{{ Vim Diff Options if " Only have

How to keep the cursorline consistent in vim diff?

2019-03-15 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I’m using vimdiff on a three-way diff. I first open Vim using the command “vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt”. I have set cursorline enabled and as I arrow down the cursor stays consistent through each of the three windows. But when I do a diffput on one of the buffers the cursorline is no

Cannot execute git command from within gvim, but works in cmd window

2018-08-02 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am trying to install Vundle in gvim on windows. When I run the :PluginInstall command, each of the plugins fails. When I look at the log it gives the following error message: Plugin gmarik/vundle git clone --recursive ";

Re: how to compile and install gVim with Lua support?

2017-08-25 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Aren't those all Linux commands? I'm using Windows 10. -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You received this message because you are

how to compile and install gVim with Lua support?

2017-08-25 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Where can I find detailed instructions on how to compile gVim with Lua support? -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You received this

My colorscheme is messed-up but only if I edit a perl .pl file. Help!

2017-08-10 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am using Vim 7.4 through a remote PuTTY session. I set my "dracula" colorscheme in my vimrc, and then immediately after that, I remove the background setting for normal text. For Normal text, I personally prefer a solid (empty) black background to the background color that the dracula

CSS syntax in php.vim

2016-05-19 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
When I'm editing a php file and I'm defining a string I can do syntax highlighting if I enclose HTML code in a here-doc and I can do the same with Javascript code and SQL code. Example: $str = <

colors when using tiny vim

2015-09-25 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am using tiny vim, which has no syntax highlighting (according to the output from the :version command). So how are my line numbers in yellow and my list characters (:set list) are in blue? Where is this being set? -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not

automatically insert closing parentheses

2014-10-26 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
How do you make it so that Vim automatically inserts a closing parenthesis when you type an opening parenthesis? Or bracket? Or curly brace? -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information,

Re: automatically insert closing parentheses

2014-10-26 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Thanks! -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups vim_use group. To

Why does set background change my font colors?

2014-10-26 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I understand that set background=dark does not change the background color. Setting this option does not change the background color, it tells Vim what the background color looks like. Okay, so why does that change the font colors that I've explicitly set in my colorscheme? And where can I

shortcuts for long filenames

2014-10-23 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Oftentimes I'm opening really long filenames in command mode, for example: :e /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/jqueryui_theme/jqueryui_theme.module Is there a way to create aliases for this file? Or if not the whole file, how about part of the path, like everything up to and including modules?

Re: shortcuts for long filenames

2014-10-23 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Thanks! These are great! Second question: Is there an easy way to delete a word after pasting that text? Suppose I want to delete modules/. Is there a quick way to do that without deleting each character through backspace? -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not

test if string in list

2014-10-22 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
let g:pathogen_disabled = ['ack.vim', 'bufexplorer', 'ctrip.vim'] how do I check later on if 'ctrip.vim' is in the g:pathogen_disabled list? -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information,

Re: test if string in list

2014-10-22 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Oh. I tried :h index but that only took me to the front page of vim help. I forgot the parentheses. -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit ---

Make gVim open in a larger window

2014-06-24 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I guess this is more of a Windows 7 question than a Vim question, but when I double-click on a file in Windows Explorer and it opens in gVim, the window is very small and I always have to enlarge it. How do I make the window appear larger? I know you can set it to Run Maximized in gVIm

use vim to properly formal HTML source code

2014-06-22 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I want to be able to use Vim to properly format HTML source code. Often when working with WYSIWYG HTML editors, automatically formatted HTML code will have unnecessary space, empty HTML tags, and way too many newlines. I want to use Vim to be able to quickly format this sloppy HTML code into

Cannot set runtimepath correctly

2014-06-04 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I am trying to install The Ultimate Vim Configuration on my Windows PC (from ), and I can't get the runtimepath to work. I have a folder inside my home folder called vim_runtime and inside that folder are all the folders containing all the plugins and settings and

Re: Cannot set runtimepath correctly

2014-06-04 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Never mind. I fixed it. I had to change the directory path that pathogen was calling infect() on from .vim_runtime to vim_runtime. -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit

Keep consistent vim environments across different platforms

2014-06-02 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I have Vim installed on my work PC on a remote Linux server, and I have gVim installed on Windows on my work PC, and I have gVim installed on my home PC, and I have macvim on my laptop. I want all of these different instances of Vim to use the same environment and plugins and vimrc's. I want to

RE: Macros in Vim

2013-12-26 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Fantastic work, everybody. Thanks. -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Macros in Vim

2013-12-25 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
So many tutorials tell me how to record a macro and how to run it. But nowhere does it say what I'm supposed to do with them. I don't understand what kinds of commands usually get recorded in macros? What are some examples of really good, efficient, time-saving macros? -- -- You received

Re: Insert lines in vim based on parsing a comma-separated line of code

2013-10-17 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
That worked perfectly, you're a genius, thank you very much. -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You received this message because you

Insert lines in vim based on parsing a comma-separated line of code

2013-10-16 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
Suppose I have the following Perl code: defined or $_ = for my ($alabama, $alaska, $arizona, $arkansas, $california, $colorado, $connecticut, $delaware, $florida, $georgia, $hawaii, $idaho, $illinois, $indiana, $iowa, $kansas, $kentucky, $louisiana, $maine, $maryland, $massachusetts,

Where can I find the original source code for vi as developed by Bill Joy in 1976?

2013-10-14 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I want to see exactly what vi was like when Bill Joy invented it in 1976. I am a purist. -- -- You received this message from the vim_use maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information, visit --- You

Access recent searches when in command mode

2013-10-09 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I do a lot of pattern-matching searches using the / search command. Then when I've settled on the correct regular expression that grabs just the right group of characters I want, I go :s/ to start a substitution command. Now I'm in the middle of the substitution command and I have to re-enter

why is vim autoindenting even if set noautoindent is on?

2013-10-04 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I type set noai to disable auto-indents, but when I have, for example, a piece of code like the following: int main() { } If I put my cursor on the end of the line on the first curly brace, type i to go into Insert mode, and then hit return, it still indents with a tab character. Why is this

Need a vim hard mode tutorial.

2013-05-12 Thread DwigtArmyOfChampions
I've been struggling along with Vim's hard mode plugin that's supposed to train you to use the good habits instead of the bad habits that eventually will make you program better and faster. OK, I know what the bad habits are, since they've been disabled (hjkl, backspace, and a few other