Re: difference between min/max timestamps

2018-02-23 Thread Ni Va
Le vendredi 23 février 2018 14:23:19 UTC+1, Ni Va a écrit :
> Hi,
> This is a listoftimestamps=['11:02:02.602','11:00:00.402','11:05:00.402'] 
> I would like to calculate difference in second.ticks betwwen min and max?
> I've seen vim's time func but don't think it could help to do this work.
> Thank you

If it can help :

fun! helper#timegetseconds(timestamp) "{{{
  " timestart
  let timestamp = split(a:timestamp,'\.')
  let tick = timestamp[1]/1000.0
  let [h,m,s]=split(timestamp[0],':')
  return (3600*str2float(h) + 60*str2float(m) + str2float(s)) + tick
endfunction "}}}
fun! helper#timediff(timestart,timeend) "{{{
endfunction "}}}

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difference between min/max timestamps

2018-02-23 Thread Ni Va

This is a listoftimestamps=['11:02:02.602','11:00:00.402','11:05:00.402'] 

I would like to calculate difference in second.ticks betwwen min and max?

I've seen vim's time func but don't think it could help to do this work.

Thank you

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